The Muscular System Learning Objectives • List the 3 types of muscles and describe the characteristics of each. • Describe the structure and function of tendons, aponeuroses, and ligaments. • Differentiate between prime mover, antagonist, synergist, and fixator muscles. • List the locations and actions of the muscles of the head and neck, abdomen, thoracic limb, pelvic limb, and the muscles of respiration. Muscle • One of the four basic tissues of the body • Made up of cells that can shorten or contract • • Three different types of muscle skeletal muscle – moves the bones of the skeleton Voluntary striated muscle cardiac muscle smooth muscle –eyes, air passageways in lungs, stomach, intestines, urinary bladder, blood vessels, reproductive tract Striated means stripes (light and dark colored bands) Skeletal Muscle Skeletal muscle- multiple nuclei Smooth muscle cells Cardiac muscle cells (intercalated discs) Questions • What is muscle? • What are the three types of muscle and some characteristics of each? Muscle Attachments : • Are well defined groups of skeletal muscle cells surrounded by a layer of fibrous (collagen)connective tissue called fascia • Surrounds, binds together • Sliding and gliding • Are attached to bones by tendons (fibrous connective tissue) • • Are attached to bones or other muscles by broad sheets of fibrous connective tissue called aponeuroses • Linea Alba-abdominal muscles come together at the linea alba • Common surgical incision site abdominally (ventral midline) • Aponeurosis (in human) Muscle fascia Muscle Attachment sites • Origin: the more stable of a muscle's attachment sites ▫ The bone does not move much when the muscle contracts • Insertion: site that undergoes most of the movement when a muscle contracts ▫ Undergoes most movement when a muscle contracts • Belly of a muscle- the bulging central part of a muscle. (Pretty much between tendon and tendon) • Important to know for intramuscular injections purpose of depositing drug Questions • What is the difference between a tendon, fascia and an aponeurosis? • What is the origin of a muscle? • What is the insertion of a muscle? Muscle Actions • Muscles contract/ relax…they do not push or stretch by their own • Prime mover (agonist): a muscle or muscle group that directly produces a desired movement • Antagonist: a muscle or muscle group that directly opposes the action of a prime mover Muscle Actions • Synergist: a muscle that contracts at the same time as a prime mover and assists it in carrying out its action • Fixator: muscles that stabilize joints to allow other movements to take place example • Bicep Curl movement ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ Prime mover is the biceps Antagonist is triceps Fixator is deltoid Synergist is brachialis Muscle-Naming Conventions • Action: flexor muscles; extensor muscles levatator, depressor, rotator, supinator, pronator • Shape: deltoid means “triangular shaped” • • • • • Quadratus Rhomboideus Scalenus Serratus Teres • Location: • • • • • • • • • Biceps brachii muscle is located in the brachial region Pectoral = chest Epaxial = above pelvic axis Intercostal=between ribs Infraspinatus=beneath spine of scapula Supraspinatus=above spine of scapula Inferior=below, medius=middle, superior=above Externus=outer, internus=inner Orbicularis=surrounding another structure • Direction of fibers: ▫ rectus means “straight” ▫ Oblique means slanted (outward away from midline ▫ Transverse means crosswise (to midline) Muscle-Naming Conventions • Number of heads or divisions: -cep means “head”; ▫ biceps brachii muscle has two heads • Attachment sites: ▫ origin of the sternocephalicus muscle is the sternum and insertion is the back of the head Cutaneous Muscles • Thin, broad, superficial muscles • Found in the fascia just beneath the skin • Little or no attachment to bones • Serve to twitch the skin Cutaneous Muscles • Cutaneous Trunci • Platysma Head and Neck Muscles Functions • • • • • Control facial expressions Enable mastication Move structures such as eyes and ears Support the head Allow the head and neck to flex, extend, and move laterally Head and Neck Muscles • Masseter muscle - closes the jaw • Splenius and Trapezius muscles - extend the head and neck • Brachiocephalicus muscle - extends the head and neck; also pulls the front leg forward • Sternocephalicus muscle - flexes (LOWER) the head and neck Head muscles • Masseter O=zygomatic arch I=mandible A= elevates mandible to close mouth • Temporal O=temporal fossa I=coronoid process (of the mandible) A=elevate mandible, moves lower jaw backward FYI: Digastric Muscle opens the mouth Muscles of the Head and Neck • These muscles move the head and neck Sternocephalicus Origin - manubrium (sternum) Insertion – 2 points of insertion mastoid nuchal crest of occipital bone Action –depresses the head and neck, draws the head and neck to side Sternocephalicus head and neck • The sternocephalicus, runs along side the braciocepalicus (thoracic limb muscle) • Forms the jugular groove Brachiocephalicus is a complex muscle! • Dorsal part of Neck : • Mastoid Process: Cleidomastoidus – from clavicle remnant to mastoid process Cleidocervicalis – from clavicle remnant to dorsal part of neck Brachiocephalicus Cleidocervicalis – from clavicle remnant to dorsal part of neck • From clavicle remnant to distal end of humerus: Cleidobrachialis Human Clavicle Brachiocephalicus Origin Cleidocervicalis – clavicle remnant Cleidomastoid –clavicle remnant Cleidobrachialis-clavicle remnant Insertion Cleidocervicalis – dorsal neck Cleidomastoid – mastoid process (behind external acoustic meatus) Cleidobrachialis-humerus Action – Pulls leg forward, neck and head down, neck and head side to side. Brachiocephalicus Trapezius • Origin – Dorsal aspect of neck • Insertion – scapula spine • Action – elevates and abducts forelimb • (Holds shoulder against body) Trapezius Rhomboideus This muscle lies beneath the Trapezius and has three parts Origin – Nuchal Crest of Occipital bone Dorsal neck T1- T7 Insertion – dorsal border of the scapula Action - pulls top of shoulder up forwards and towards the body. Elevates forelimb When shoulder is still it can lift the neck. Rhomboideus Thoracic Limb Muscles • Superficial muscles of the shoulder region ▫ Latissimus dorsi muscle - flexes the shoulder ▫ Pectoral muscles - one superficial and one deep; adduct the front leg ▫ Deltoid muscle - abducts and flexes the shoulder joint Thoracic Limb Muscles • Brachial muscles ▫ Biceps brachii muscle - flexes the elbow joint ▫ Triceps brachii muscle - extends the elbow joint • Carpal and digital muscles ▫ Extensor carpi radialis muscle - extends the carpus ▫ Deep digital flexor muscle - flexes the digit Supraspinatus • Origin – supraspinatus fossa Insertion - greater tubericle of humerus Action - Extends and stabilizes shoulder joint Supraspinatus Infraspinatus • Origin – infraspinous fossa. Insertion - greater tubericle of the humerus. Action – flexes the shoulder joint, abducts the limb at the shoulder stabilize the shoulder joint. Infraspinatus Serratus Ventralis Origin – 2 points of origin Neck – transverse process of C3-C7 Chest –Ribs 1 - 7 Insertion – scapula Action –supports the trunk, depresses the scapula Serratus Ventralis Latissimus Dorsi Origin - On the top of the spines, muscles starting at the top of the shoulder to the tips of the lumbar vertebrae as well as from the last two or three ribs. Spinous process of the lumbar and thoracic vertebrae (T7 / T8) including ribs Insertion – tuberosity of the humerus Action - pulls leg backwards, flexes shoulder joint Latissimus Dorsi Deltoid Origin – Acromial- Acromion at the bottom end of the spine of the scapula Spinal – spine of the scapula Insertion - humerus Action – flexes shoulder joint, pulls the foreleg away from the dog’s body Deltoid Biceps Brachii • Origin – supraglenoid tubercle (distal scapula) Insertion – proximal medial radius/ ulna Action - Flexes elbow joint and extends shoulder joint Bicep Tricep • Origin – caudal border scapula, proximal humerus • Insetion – olecranon tubercle • Action • Long head– Flexes the shoulder joint and extends the elbow joint Lateral Head – only extends the elbow joint Tricep Extensor Muscles of the radius, ulna, carpus, metacarpus, digits • Origin-lateral epicondyle of humerus • Insertion- carpals, metacarpals, digits • Action- extend carpus, digits Flexor muscles of radius, ulna, carpus, metacarpus, digits • Origin- medial epicondyle of humerus • Insertion-palmer and medial aspects of the carpus, metacarpus, digits • Action- flexes carpus, and/ or digits, abducts digits Flexor and Extensor muscles of the thoracic limb Abdominal Muscles Functions • Support the abdominal organs • Help flex the back • Participate in various functions that involve straining ▫ Defacation, urination, parturition, vomiting,regurgitation • Play a role in respiration Abdominal Muscles • Arranged in layers ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ External abdominal oblique muscle Internal abdominal oblique muscle Rectus abdominis muscle Transversus abdominis muscle • Left and right parts of each muscle come together on the ventral midline at the linea alba External Abdominal Oblique • O=last rib • I=Linea Alba • Action= flexes vertebral column, compresses abdominal cavity Pelvic Limb Muscles • Gluteal muscles - extensor muscles of the hip • “Hamstring" muscle group - extend the hip joint; main flexors of the stifle joint ▫ Biceps femoris muscle ▫ Semimembranosus muscle ▫ Semitendinosus muscle Pelvic Limb Muscles • Quadriceps femoris muscle ▫ - main extensor muscle of the stifle joint • Gastrocnemius muscle ▫ - extensor muscle of the hock Superficial Gluteal Muscle • Origin-sacrum/ coccygeal vertebrae • Insertion-greater trochanter of femur • Action-abducts the limb/ extends the hip Superficial Gluteal Muscle Gluteus Medius • Origin-lateral ilium • Insertion-greater trochanter of femur • Action-abducts the limb/ extends the hip Gluteus Medius Muscle (Deep) Quadriceps Femoris Muscle: Vastus Lateralis, Vastus Medius, Deep Vastus Intermedius, Rectus Femoris Quadriceps Femoris Origin – Vastus medialis – Proximal femur (inside) Vastus lateralis – Proximal femur (outside) Deep vastus intermedius – Proximal femur (inside) Rectus Femoris – ilium Insertion - All of the vastus muscles insert into their own areas of the rectus femoris then they all insert together into the patella and so also the tibial tuberosity. Action - extend stifle and flex hip Quadriceps Rectus Femoris and Vastus Lateralis Patella (remember the patella is embedded in a tendon that passes through the trochlea of the distal end of the femur) Biceps femoris • This muscle spans 3 joints: The hip (coxofemoral joint), stifle, and tarsus • Origin- ischiatic tuberosity of pelvis • Insertion-patella, proximal tibia • Action: extends hip joint, flexes stifle, extends tarsal joints Biceps Femoris (Hamstring) Semitendinosus (part of the hamstring group) • Origin- ischiatic tuberosity • Insertion- tibia and tuber calcanei • Action-extends the hip, flexes the stifle Semitendinosus (Hamstring) Semimembranosus (part of the hamstring group) Origin – ischiatic tuberosity of pelvis Insertion – femur and tibia Action - Pulls the limb towards the middle of the body, extends hip joint Semimembranous Sartorius • O=Crest of ilium • I=Patella (cranial portion) Tibia (caudal portion) • Action= flexes hip, cranial portion of muscle extends stifle, caudal portion flexes stifle Sartorius Gastrocnemius and Achilles tendon Origin- medial and lateral supracondylar tuberosities of femur (distal end of femur) Insertion-proximal calcaneal tuber Action- extends the tarsus, flexes the stifle Muscles of respiration Function • Increase and decrease the size of the thoracic cavity ▫ Inspiratory muscles Diaphragm External intercostal muscles ▫ Expiratory muscles Internal intercostal muscles Abdominal muscles Subcutaneous Intramuscular, SQ, Intradermal Intramuscular injections • Locations of Injection sites • Cat and Dog ▫ Pelvic limb Gluteal Muscles Quadriceps Femoris Gastrocnemius semimembranosus, semitendinosus Thoracic Limb Triceps Brachii Epaxial muscles-why? IM injection sites Semitendinosis Quadriceps Skeletal Muscle Cells • Very large • Multinucleate • Numerous myofibrils composed of actin and myosin • Network of sarcoplasmic reticulum • T tubules Skeletal Muscle Cells • A bands: thick myosin filaments • I bands: thin actin filaments ▫ Dark line in the center of the I band is the Z line ▫ Disk that is the attachment site for the actin filaments Skeletal Muscle Cells • Sarcomere - basic contracting unit of skeletal muscle • Area from one Z line to the next Z line • Each myofibril is made up of many sarcomeres lined up end to end. Neuromuscular Junction • Nerves and muscles separated by the synaptic space • Synaptic vesicles sacs at the end of a nerve fiber; contain acetylcholine ▫ Acetylcholinesterase enzyme in the synaptic space that removes acetylcholine Motor Unit • One nerve fiber and all the muscle fibers it innervates • Muscles that make small, delicate movements have only a few muscle fibers per nerve fiber in each motor unit • Large, powerful muscles may have a hundred or more muscle fibers per motor unit Connective Tissue Layers • Hold components of the muscle together • Contain the blood vessels and nerve fibers that supply the muscle fibers • Continuous with tendons or aponeuroses that connect muscle to bones or other muscles Connective Tissue Layers • Endomysium - composed of fine, reticular fibers; surrounds each muscle fiber • Fascicles - groups of skeletal muscle fibers • Perimysium - composed of reticular fibers and thick collagen fibers; surrounds fascicles • Epimysium - fibrous layer composed of tough collagen fibers; surrounds groups of muscle fascicles Initiation of Muscle Contraction & Relaxation • Nerve impulse reaches the end bulb of the motor nerve fiber • Acetylcholine is released into the synaptic space • Acetylcholine molecules bind to receptors on the surface of the sarcolemma • Impulse travels along the sarcolemma and through the T tubules to the interior of the cell Initiation of Muscle Contraction & Relaxation • Impulse reaches the sarcoplasmic reticulum • Calcium ions (Ca++) are released into the sarcoplasm • Ca++ diffuses into the myofibrils and starts the contraction process Initiation of Muscle Contraction & Relaxation • Sarcoplasmic reticulum begins pumping Ca++ back in again • Ca++ is pulled out of the myofibrils • Contraction stops, muscle returns to its original length Mechanics of Muscle Contraction • Relaxed muscle fibers have actin and myosin filaments that slightly overlap • When stimulated to contract, crossbridges on myosin filaments slide back and forth Mechanics of Muscle Contraction • Actin filaments on both sides are pulled toward the center of the myosin filaments. • This shortens the sarcomere. • Shortening of all the end-to-end sarcomeres in a muscle fiber results in a muscle contraction. Characteristics of Muscle Contraction All-or-nothing principle • When stimulated, an individual muscle fiber either contracts completely or not at all. • Nervous system controls the number of muscle fibers it stimulates for a particular movement ▫ Small, fine movements require only a few muscle fibers to contract. ▫ Larger, more powerful movements require contraction of many muscle fibers. Muscle Contraction Three phases: 1. Latent phase - time between nerve stimulus and beginning of contraction (about 10 ms) 2. Contracting phase - lasts about 40 ms 3. Relaxation phase - lasts about 50 ms Muscle Contraction • Maximum contraction efficiency occurs if nerve impulses arrive about 0.1 second apart. • Results in a series of complete muscle fiber twitches • Careful timing of the nerve impulses to motor units of the muscle is needed to make muscle contract smoothly. Chemistry of Muscle Contraction • ATP provides energy to allow the sliding of the actin and myosin filaments • Creatine phosphate converts ADP back to ATP • Glucose and Oxygen - help produce ATP & CP ▫ Glucose stored in muscle as glycogen ▫ Oxygen stored as myoglobin Chemistry of Muscle Contraction • Anaerobic metabolism - used if oxygen need exceeds oxygen supply ▫ Results in lactic acid formation ▫ Lactic acid accumulation causes discomfort Heat Production • Muscle activity generates heat • Panting or sweating - mechanisms to eliminate excess heat • Shivering - spasmodic muscle contractions that increase heat production Cardiac Muscle • Small cells with single nucleus • Intercalated disks: attachments between cardiac muscle cells ▫ Allow transmission of impulses from cell to cell for coordinated contraction of large groups of cells Physiology of Cardiac Muscle • Cardiac cells contract without any external stimulation • Groups of cardiac muscle cells contract at the rate of the most rapid cell in the group • Contractions are rapid and wavelike Physiology of Cardiac Muscle Cardiac Conduction System • Sinoatrial (SA) node ▫ Generates the impulse that starts each heartbeat ▫ Located in the wall of the right atrium • Impulse follows a controlled path through the conduction system of the heart • Structures in the system transmit, delay, and redirect Nerve Supply • Heart is innervated by nerves from both the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems • Sympathetic fibers stimulate the heart to beat harder and faster as part of the "fight or flight response” • Parasympathetic fibers inhibit cardiac function, causing the heart to beat more slowly and with less force Smooth Muscle Gross Anatomy Two main forms • Visceral smooth muscle ▫ Large sheets of cells in the walls of some hollow organs • Multiunit smooth muscle ▫ Small, discrete groups of cells Smooth Muscle Cells • Small, spindle-shaped; single nucleus • Actin and myosin filaments arranged as small contractile units that crisscross the cell ▫ Attached at both ends to "dense bodies" that correspond to the Z lines of skeletal muscle Visceral Muscle • Found in the walls of many internal organs (e.g., stomach, intestines, uterus, urinary bladder) • Contracts in large, rhythmic waves • Contracts without external stimulation ▫ Reacts to stretching by contracting more strongly ▫ Innervated by nerves from both the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems ▫ Sympathetic stimulation decreases activity; parasympathetic stimulation increases activity Multi-Unit Smooth Muscle • Individual smooth muscle cells or small groups of cells • Found where small, delicate contractions are needed (e.g., iris, walls of small blood vessels) • Contraction requires autonomic nervous system impulse Splenius Origin - Nuchal ligament and spinous process of C3, C4, C5 Insertion - 5 points 1. Back of the skull (middle and top to mastoid process) 2. C1 3. C3 4. C4 5. C5 Action - move neck up and head forward One muscle moves neck to one side.