Ch 6 & 7 Study Guide

Name: _____________________________________________ Date: _________________________
Chapter 6 & 7 Study Guide
1. Describe an ionic bond, then list two elements that would make this type of bond:
2. Describe a covalent bond, then list two elements that would make this type of bond:
3. Label each picture as either an ionic bond or a covalent bond.
4. Atoms join other atoms because they want a _____________ outer shell.
5. Are metals good conductors of electricity? Why?
6. Cations [ give / take ] electrons to other elements, and are found on the [ left / right ] side of the
periodic table.
7. Anions [ give / take ] electrons to other elements, and are found on the [ left / right ] side of the
periodic table.
8. If a molecule does not share electrons equally, it is ___________________________
9. Summarize how to name an ionic compound
10. Summarize how to name a covalent compound
11. When naming ionic compounds, what always comes first in the name? _____________________
12. What must the overall charge of a compound be? _______________________
13. What is the difference between Iron (I) and Iron (II)?
14. Complete the table below.
Ionic or Covalent Bond
15. Write the formulas for the following compounds
Lithium oxide
Carbon monoxide
Carbon tetrachloride
Nitrogen trifluoride
Calcium chloride
Ionic or Covalent Bond
Indicate whether each description is a metallic, ionic, or covalent bond
16. _________________________ Formed by atoms in metals packing electrons close together
17. _________________________ Positive and negative ions are formed
18. _________________________ Usually occurs between nonmetals
19. _________________________ Allows copper to bend and conduct electricity
20. _________________________ Creates compounds with very high boiling points
21. _________________________ Creates compounds with low boiling points
22. What type of bonds hold atoms and ions together? ________________________
23. In a chemical formula, the charges of the cation and anion must equal out to ________________
24. Explain the difference between bond angle and bond length.
Are the following equations balanced? If not, try to balance them.
25. CH4 + 2O2  CO2 + 2H2O
yes / no
26. 3Fe + 6H2O  Fe3O4 + 8H2
yes / no
27. 2Zn + 2HCl  ZnCl2 + H2
yes / no
28. 2NaHCO3 + H2SO4  Na2SO4 + 2H2O + 2CO2
yes / no
29. When determining the formula for ionic compounds that contain transition metals (groups 3-12),
what does the Roman numeral represent?
30. Identify if the following characteristics describe an ionic compound or a covalent compound
_____ brittle
_____ low melting point
_____ high melting point
_____ soluble
_____ crystal arrangement
_____ conduct electricity
_____ polarity
_____ gas/liquid at room temp
_____ electromagnetic force
31. List signs that show a chemical reaction has taken place
1. The reactants are placed on the [left / right] side of the arrow, and
the _____________________ on the right
_________________  ____________________
32. How do you know if a chemical equation is balanced?
33. When balancing an equation, can you change the subscript of the atom? Why or why not?
34. In order to balance an equation, ________________________________ must be added in front of
one or more of the _______________________________
35. The way a compound bonds determines many of its ______________________________
36. Atoms bond when their ________________________ ______________________ interact.
37. List the prefixes used in naming covalent compounds:
# of Atoms