1615/1/2 Exodus

Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:
Name the author of the book of Exodus.
Identify to whom the book of Exodus was written.
State the purpose for the book of Exodus.
Write the Key Verse of the book of Exodus from memory.
State the Life and Ministry Principle for the book of Exodus.
TO WHOM: Israel
PURPOSE: To record the deliverance of Israel from slavery and
document their purpose for existence as a nation.
KEY VERSE: 12:13
through the blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus.
MAIN CHARACTERS: Moses, Aaron, Pharaoh, Miriam, Jethro
Chapter 1
1. Approximately how many of the descendants of Jacob of Israel went to Egypt? (5)
2. What can be said regarding the growth of the children of Israel in Egypt? (7)
3. What did the new king of Egypt fear? (8-10)
4. What two cities in Egypt did the Israelites build? (11)
5. How did the Egyptians make the Israelites suffer? (11-14)
6. What did the king of Egypt tell the Hebrew midwives to do? (15-16)
7. Why didn’t the Hebrew midwives obey Pharaoh? (17,21)
8. After the midwives refused to kill the boy babies, what did Pharaoh command? (22)
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Chapter 2
1. Who gave Moses his name? (10)
2. Of what tribe was Moses? (1)
3. How was baby Moses spared from being killed? (2-6)
4. Who was paid to nurse Moses? (7-9)
5. What caused Moses to flee from Pharaoh to the land of Midian? (11-15)
6. With whom did Moses live in Midian? (16-22)
7. What did the children of Israel do after the king of Egypt died? (23-25)
Chapter 3
1. How did God catch Moses’ attention? (2-3)
2. What did God say to Moses? (4-9)
3. What did God ask Moses to do? (10)
4. How was Moses to reply when the children of Israel asked what was the name of
God? (13-15)
5. What was Moses to tell the elders of Israel? (16-17)
6. What were they to ask of the king of Egypt? (18)
7. What showed the foreknowledge of God? (19-20)
8. How were the Israelites to leave Egypt? (21-22)
Chapter 4
1. What three signs would Moses perform in the sight of the elders in case they would
not believe him? (1-9)
2. What other excuse did Moses offer? (10)
3. Who did God offer to Moses as a spokesman? (14-16)
4. Why did the Lord seek to kill Moses on the way to Egypt? (24-26)
5. Who did the Lord send to the wilderness to meet Moses? (27)
6. What was the reaction of the elders of Israel to the words which the Lord had spoken
to Moses? (29-31)
Chapter 5
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1. How did Pharaoh react when Moses first requested him to let Israel go? (1-5)
2. What did Pharaoh command the taskmasters? (6-9)
3. What did the officers of the children of Israel say to Moses after being beaten? (1921)
4. What did Moses say to God? (22-23)
Chapter 6
1. What did the Lord say to Moses? (1-5)
2. What did the Lord tell Moses to say to the children of Israel? (6-8)
3. What did the Lord tell Moses to tell Pharaoh? (10-11)
4. Of which son of Levi was Moses a descendant? (16-20)
5. What relation was Korah to Moses? (18-21)
6. What were the names of Aaron’s sons? (23)
Chapter 7
1. What would the Egyptians know when the Lord sent judgments on Egypt? (4-5, 17,
8:22, 9:14)
2. How old were Moses and Aaron when they spoke to Pharaoh? (7)
3. What did Pharaoh’s magicians do when Aaron’s rod became a serpent? (10-12)
4. What did Aaron’s rod do to the rods of Pharaoh’s magicians? (12)
5. What was the first plague that was put on the Egyptians? (20-21)
6. What was Pharaoh’s reaction when his magicians imitated this plague? (22-23)
Chapter 8
1. To what extent did frogs invade Egypt? (2-6)
2. When did Pharaoh want the frogs to depart? (9-10)
3. What did Pharaoh do when he saw that there was relief from the frogs? (15)
4. What was the first plague that Pharaoh’s magicians could not duplicate? (18)
5. What did they have to admit? (19)
6. After what plague did Pharaoh offer his first compromise? (24-25)
7. How did God make a difference between the Israelites and the Egyptians? (21-23,
9:4, 26, 10:23, 11:7)
8. What was Pharaoh’s first compromise? (25)
9. What was Pharaoh’s second compromise? (28)
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Chapter 9
1. What was the fifth plague? (3,6)
2. What was the sixth plague? (8-10)
3. What was the seventh plague? (18,22-25)
4. How could the Egyptians be spared from this seventh plague? (20)
Chapter 10
1. What would future generations of Israelites know as a result of these plagues? (2)
2. What was Pharaoh’s third compromise and how did Moses refuse? (7-11)
3. What was the eighth plague? (12-15)
4. What was the ninth plague? (21-23)
5. What was Pharaoh’s fourth compromise and how did Moses refuse? (24-26)
6. What did Pharaoh say Moses would never see again? (28-29)
Chapter 11
1. What were the Israelites to borrow from their neighbors? (2)
2. What would happen to the Egyptians during the tenth plague? (5-6)
Chapter 12
1. What were the Israelites to do on the tenth day of the month? (3-5)
2. What were the Israelites to do on the fourteenth day of the month? (6-10)
3. How were the Israelites to be dressed when they ate the Passover lamb? (11)
4. What would God do when He saw the blood on the doorpost? (13, 23)
5. What would that day be throughout all generations? (14, 24-27)
6. Approximately how many Israelites left Egypt? (37)
7. How long did the children of Israel live in Egypt? (40)
8. What was required of a stranger in order for them to keep the Passover? (48)
Chapter 13
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1. What was the purpose of the Feast of Unleavened Bread? (7-10)
2. What was to be set apart to the Lord? (12-16)
3. Why didn’t God lead the Israelites by way of the land of the Philistines? (17)
4. What did Moses take with him when he left Egypt? (19)
5. How did God lead the Israelites? (21)
Chapter 14
1. What did Pharaoh do when he realized he had let Israel go from serving Egypt? (5-9)
2. How did the children of Israel react when they saw the Egyptians marching after
them? (10-12)
3. What did Moses say to the people? (13-14)
4. What did God tell Moses to say to the people? (15)
5. What did God put between the children of Israel and the Egyptians? (19-20)
6. By what means did God cause the sea to go back? (21)
7. How did Israel cross the sea? (22)
8. What difficulty did the Egyptians have crossing? (23-25)
9. What did God tell Moses to do so the waters would come back? (26-27)
10. What happened to Pharaoh’s army? (28-30)
11. What was the reaction of Israel when they saw what God had done? (31)
Chapter 15
1. What was the subject of the song the children of Israel sang? (3-6)
2. Who else sang a song? (20-21)
3. What problem did they encounter at Marah? (22-24)
4. How was the problem solved? (24-25)
5. What did God promise that He would not put on the children of Israel if they obeyed
the voice of the Lord? (26)
6. What was at Elim? (27)
Chapter 16
1. How did God promise to answer the complaints regarding hunger? (4,12)
2. What happened to the bread that was left over until the next day? (19-20)
3. What were they to do differently on the sixth day? (22,29)
4. What did the children of Israel call the food that God provided? (31)
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5. How long did the children of Israel eat this food? (35)
Chapter 17
1. How did God solve the thirst problem? (5-6)
2. Who came and fought against Israel? (8)
3. Who held up Moses’ hands? (10-12)
4. What did Moses call the altar which he built? (15)
Chapter 18
1. Who was Moses’ father-in-law? (1)
2. What advice did he give to Moses? (17-23)
Chapter 19
1. What did God want Israel to be? (5-6)
2. What would happen to the people who touched the mountain at Sinai? (12)
3. What visible and audible manifestations occurred when the Lord descended on
Mount Sinai? (16-19)
4. Who did the Lord call to the top of the mountain? (20)
Chapter 20
1. List the Ten Commandments. (2-17)
2. What physical phenomena accompanied the giving of the Ten Commandments? (18)
3. What instructions were given regarding an altar of stone? (25)
Chapter 21
1. After how many years would a Hebrew servant be freed? (2)
2. What happened if a servant loved his master and did not wish to go out free? (5-6)
3. For what acts of violence were laws given? (12-27)
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4. What happened to the owner of an animal that killed a person if that owner had
knowledge that the animal previously had a record of violence? (29)
Chapter 22
1. What was to be done to a man who killed a thief that was breaking in? (2)
2. What was required of a man who let his animal graze in another man’s field? (5)
3. What was required of a man who enticed a virgin who was not betrothed? (16-17)
4. What was to be done to a person who lay with an animal? (19)
5. What was to be done to a person who sacrificed to any god, except the Lord only?
6. Who was not to be mistreated? (21-22)
Chapter 23
1. What should you not circulate? (1)
2. What should you do if you see your enemy’s animal going astray? (4)
3. Why shouldn’t you take a bribe? (8)
4. What was the Sabbath for? (12)
5. What were the three annual feasts? (14-17)
6. What was the angel sent to do? (20)
7. What were the Israelites to do to the inhabitants of the promise land? (24)
8. What, besides the Angel, did God send before the Israelites? (28)
9. Why didn’t God drive out the inhabitants of the land all at once? (29-30)
Chapter 24
1. How did the Israelites reply when Moses told them the words of the Lord? (3, 7)
2. What did the Lord say He would give Moses on the mountain? (12)
3. How long was Moses on the mountain? (18)
Chapter 25
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1. With what attitude were the children of Israel to give an offering? (2)
2. What helped Moses in the building of the tabernacle? (9, 40, 26:30)
3. What pieces of furniture were overlaid with pure gold? (10-30)
4. What was set on top of the ark? (21)
5. What was to be placed in the ark? (21)
6. From what material was the lampstand made? (31)
7. How many lamps were in the lampstand? (37)
Chapter 26
1. What four materials covered the tabernacle? (1,7,14)
2. What divided the holy place and the Most Holy? (33)
3. What was put in the Most Holy? (34)
4. What was put in the Holy Place? (35)
Chapter 27
1. What was the altar for burnt offerings overlaid with? (2)
2. What were the dimensions of the court of the tabernacle? (9-13)
3. How often was the lamp in the tabernacle to burn? (20)
Chapter 28
1. Who was selected for the priesthood? (1)
2. What garments were to be made for the priests? (4)
3. What was engraved on the stones for the shoulders of the ephod? (9-12)
4. What was engraved on the stones for the breastplate? (21,29)
5. What was put at the hem of the priest’s robe? (33-34)
Chapter 29
1. What different offerings were made when consecrating priests? (14, 18, 24, 28)
2. How many lambs were offered each day? (38-39)
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Chapter 30
1. Where was the altar of incense placed? (6)
2. How often did Aaron make atonement? (10)
3. How did the ransom offering of the rich compare to the offering of the poor? (15)
4. Where was the laver for washing placed? (18)
5. What would happen to a priest if he made an offering without washing? (20-21)
6. Who was anointed with the holy anointing oil? (30)
Chapter 31
1. Who did the Lord call and appoint to make the items for the tabernacle and the
priesthood? (2,6)
2. What would happen to someone who profaned the Sabbath? (14)
3. Who wrote on the tablets of stone that were given to Moses? (18)
Chapter 32
1. What did the people request of Aaron while Moses was on Mount Sinai? (1)
2. Who made the gold calf? (4)
3. What reasoning did Moses use in his intercession with God to spare Israel? (11-13)
4. How did Moses react when he saw the calf and the dancing? (19-20)
5. How did Aaron lie when confronted by Moses? (24)
6. How many Israelites were killed that day? (28)
7. What was Moses willing to allow to happen if God did not forgive their sin? (32)
Chapter 33
1. How did the Lord speak to Moses? (11)
2. What didn’t Moses want to happen if the Lord’s presence was not with them? (15)
3. How did the Lord respond when Moses desired to see God’s glory? (18-23)
Chapter 34
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1. Who cut the second set of tablets of stone? (1-4)
2. Why were the Israelites not to make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land of
Canaan? (12-17)
3. How long did Moses neither eat bread nor drink water? (28)
4. Why were Aaron and the children of Israel afraid to come near Moses? (29-30)
5. What did Moses put on his face? (33-35)
Chapter 35
1. With what attitude were people to bring their offerings for the tabernacle? (5, 21-22,
2. Who made the various items for the tabernacle? (10, 25-26, 30-35)
Chapter 36
1. How much did the people bring as offerings? (5-7)
Chapter 37
1. What items did Bezaleel make that are described in this chapter? (1, 10, 17, 25, 29)
Chapter 38
1. What items did Bezaleel make that are described in this chapter? (1,8, 9)
2. How much gold was used in the holy place? (24)
3. How much silver was used? (25)
4. How much bronze was used? (29)
Chapter 39
1. What priestly garments were made? (2, 8, 22, 27-29)
2. What words were inscribed on the crown? (30)
3. When the work of the tabernacle was finished and Moses saw it, what did he do? (3243)
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Chapter 40
1. What happened when Moses finished erecting the tabernacle? (34-35)
2. How did Israel know when to move? (36-37)
3. What was above the tabernacle at night? (38)
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