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March Week 12 Discussion Questions
March 21 - 26
Numbers 9 - 21
1. Moses invoked God’s name in special ways whenever the ark of the covenant “set” or
when “it rested” (Numbers 10:35–36). Why is this so, and what is the significance of
Moses’ words?
2. Numbers 12–14 relates a series of events that were typical of the Israelites’ journey
through the wilderness. What were those events and what was typical? What event—
and what people—stood out in contrast to the rest? What can we learn from these
3. How do Joshua and Caleb manifest a different spirit (see 13:30 and 14:6)? Why is their
faith in the Gospel despised and even a threat to others (14:10)? Does this happen in
the Christian Church?
4. Of what did the offerings for unintentional sins (Number 15:22–31) remind the people?
See Psalm 19:21. What can we learn from this?
5. Read chapter 17. God has twelve staffs, one for each of the twelve tribes (with tribal
names being inscribed on the rods), collected and placed overnight in the tabernacle.
The rod that blossomed by morning would indicate the one God had chosen as His
servant (v. 5). Is it ever right to “try” or “test” God (see Malachi 3:10)?
6. To what did the sacrifice of the red heifer point forward? (See Numbers 19:1–9.)
Compare with Hebrews 9:11–14.
7. Where in Numbers 21 do you see a continuation of Israel’s earlier faithlessness? What
great type of Christ does Numbers 21 contain? (See John 3:13–16.)