
Disease Prevention
The Facts:
• About 400 million new cases of curable sexually transmitted
diseases (STDs) occur each year among young adults around
the world.
• One in five sexually active people in the United States has an
STD ages 16-24.
• One in four people will have an STD at some point during his
or her life.
• One in 10 teenagers knows someone who is HIV-positive.
• Fifty-six percent of teenagers 12 to 17 years of age think STDs
are a big problem for people their age.
Bacterial vs. Viral STD’s
• Bacterial infections such as Chlamydia and
Gonorrhea can be cleared with antibiotics, but have
very annoying and painful symptoms. And if left
untreated can cause reproductive problems.
• Viral infections such as HIV, Genital Herpes, HPV
(genital warts), and Hepatitis CANNOT be cured, only
treatments used to suppress the symptoms.
• STD’s occur when people engage in heavy
kissing, oral, vaginal, or anal sex. Anyone can
get an STD.
• Yes, condoms can reduce the risk of
transmitting an STD, but are not 100%
• Abstinence is the only 100% effective method
to prevent STD’s.
• Some STD’s will be asymptomatic, which means that
there will NEVER be any symptoms.
• You can be infected with an STD for several years
and not even know it!!!
• 80% of people are unaware that they have an STD
because they are asymptomatic.
• Each STD has different types of symptoms and
different time lengths for signs of symptoms.
• Some general symptoms of STD’s include: burning or
itching, painful urination, discolored urination, flu
like symptoms, and bumps or blisters, bleeding is
NOT a common symptom.
 Bacterial infection which is the fastest spreading
infection among teens.
 In 2006 there were 84 cases of this in Wright County,
and over 4000 in Hennepin County
 Will infect up to 4 million men and woman each year.
 Untreated will lead to pelvic inflammatory disease
(PID), which = sterility.
 Symptoms include painful urination, yellowish
discharge from penis or vagina.
 Symptom appear with in 2 weeks after exposure
Pelvic Inflammatory
Disease leads to fertility
• Chlamydia’s Twin!!
• Bacterial infection that affects one million
people each year.
• Signs and symptoms are similar to Chlamydia:
burning urination, yellowish discharge from
penis or vagina.
• Symptoms usually show in 2-5 days (sooner
than Chlamydia).
• Treated with antibiotics
• If not treated, sterility and reproductive
problems will occur!
Genital Herpes
 Genital Herpes is a viral infection that can be treated,
but not cured.
 About 2/3’s of people that have herpes don’t know that
they have it because they will not have any symptoms.
 40 million Americans have herpes
 Herpes symptoms usually happen in “outbreaks”.
During these outbreaks a person will have flu like
symptoms and may have many painful blisters that are
in the genital area.
 Outbreaks usual will last for 8-10 days and the
occurrence of these outbreaks depend on the person.
 Antivirals will suppress outbreaks, but remember there
is no cure.
Genital Herpes……
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
 HPV will affect more than 1 million people a
 70% of sexually active people carry some strain
of HPV, many will show no symptoms
 Is a VIRAL infection
 There are over 400 known strains of HPV.
 Most strains of HPV do not have any symptoms
 Some types of HVP cause cervical cancer, that
is why it is extremely important for females to
get pap smears (test done to prevent cervical
 Some strains cause genital warts…..
NEW vaccine found in 2005
-3700 women will die each year from cervical cancer
-Gardasil is a vaccine against the HPV or Human
Papillomavirus. The Gardasil vaccine protects recipients
against 4 types of HPV, including the two types that cause most
cervical cancers and the two types that cause the most genital
-Gardasil ONLY prevents 4 of the several types of HPV that
causes cervical cancer, all the others have no vaccine or cure
-Gardasil is given to females ages 9-26, and in most cases, is
only given to females that have NOT been sexually active.
HPV (genital warts)
known strains of HPV will cause genital warts.
Symptoms include tiny clusters of warts around anus,
vagina, scrotum, and penis.
is passed from skin to skin contact and there
does not need to be any warts visible to contract it
does not have a cure, but can be treated with
antivirals and removal of the warts by burning or
freezing them off, they may reappear in only a few
only reduce the risk of infection by 40%,
because genital warts can be on the “genital area”,
not just the shaft of the penis
Genital Warts……
Untreated Genital
• This is an STD caused by a microscopic
bacteria that results in infections in the
vagina, urethra, and bladder. (bacterial)
• 7.4 million new cases each year
• Females will have no symptoms, and is
received by males (who also have no
• There is no way to detect this STD
• This disease will result in Vaginitis……..
• Vaginitis is a disease that is the result of
untreated trichomoniasis
• It is the inflammation (swelling) of the
vagina characterized by discharge,
odor, irritation, and itching.
• Males will show no symptoms
• Vaginitis is cured by antibiotics
Inflamed Labia of the Female and
 This is a 4 staged STD that usually affects about
120,000 people each year.
 The first stage shows up 10 days to 3 weeks after
transmission, it will appear as a red sore (chancre) on
the genitals or inside the vagina.
 The second stage is a rash and flu like symptoms, this
shows up 8-10 weeks after affected.
 The third state is latent. Symptoms may go away, but
that does not mean that it is gone.
 If not treated, the fourth stage will appear which is
mental illness, blindness, heart disease and death.
 Syphilis is cured with antibiotics in the first 3 stages.
State 4 is deadly and cannot be cured.
Rash on bottom of feet
and hands-Second Stage
Chancre-First Stage
Pubic Lice
• Pubic Lice are bacterial insects that live in the
genital area
• They are spread through sexual contact, bed
sheets, and towels (they thrive in warm
environments and then lay eggs)
• The main symptoms are itching and a rash
from the itching
• Pubic Lice can be treated with medicated
Pubic Lice……
Hepatitis C
• Hepatitis C is a blood borne infection that is
transmitted through the contact of bodily fluids.
• Is spread through blood contact. (mainly from
sharing needles)
• Usually asymptomatic, blood tests given to detect
• There are antiviral drugs, but no cure
• Long term damage if left untreated are liver
damage and liver disease.
Hepatitis C
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
 HIV is a fatal viral infection that has no cure.
 HIV is passed from sexual intercourse, sharing needles, or mother
to baby
 HIV will enter the bodies immune system and replicate cells of the
immune system to disguise that it is really HIV. During the
process, HIV eventually kill white blood cells (cells known for
fighting infection).
 It is estimated that 600,000-900,000 people in the U.S. has HIV.
 Most HIV patients will die from opportunistic infections
(pneumonia), due to the fact that their white blood cell count is
so low.
 HIV will eventually lead to AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency
of symptoms appearing will vary (6 monthsyears). Symptoms will be: easily sick, weight loss,
tired/fatigue, flu like symptoms
will eventually lead to AIDS (acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome), this is when a persons
white blood cell count reaches below 200, a healthy
person has 8,000-10,000
this time, a person with a low WBC count will have a
very weak immune system and will not be able to fight
off infections, and will possibly die from them (note:
opportunistic infections)
are very expensive medicines for people with HIV
that are usually NOT covered by insurance, but these
medicines only prolong life and do not CURE it.
This virus attacks the antibodies in a person's
immune system, thereby disabling that
HIV works in an unusual way because it uses
the immune system to its advantage.
Viruses cannot live unless they are inside of a
living cell, called a host.
The viruses use the host cell to reproduce
themselves, causing the cell to die in the
The new viruses are then set free.
The HIV virus attacks T4 lymphocytes, which
are a special type of white blood cell. These
cells are the body's method of defense.
Without them, humans are susceptible to
disease and infection.
•No STD’s
•No unwanted
•No emotional pain
or guilt
Pictures and information was
retrieved at:
• www.std-gov.org/stds
• www.cdc.gov
• Glencoe Health-copyright 2007 (Student
Health Book)