STD and HIV/AIDS Review

STD and HIV/AIDS Review
(58 points)
Directions: Use the information on STDs and HIV/AIDS from Chapters 20
and 21 to answer the following questions.
1. Identify the term that means “showing no signs of illness or disease, even though an
infection is present.” (1 point)
2. State two serious problems that sexually transmitted diseases can cause. (2 points)
3. Identify the ratio of sexually active teens that have an STD. (1 point)
a. 1 in 2
b. 1 in 5
c. 1 in 10
d. 1 in 20
4. Name three reasons why teens are particularly at risk for being infected with STDs.
(3 points)
5. Can someone transmit a sexually transmitted disease to another person without realizing
it? Explain your answer. (2 points)
6. Identify the bacterial STD that causes ulcers or chancres. (1 point)
7. Classify each of the following STDs as bacterial or viral. (4 points)
a. Gonorrhea –
b. HPV –
c. chlamydia –
d. syphilis –
8. Identify the possible symptom caused by HPV. (1 point)
a. fever
b. genital warts
c. jaundice
d. blisters
9. List three ways in which sexually transmitted diseases can be spread. (3 points)
10. State the symptoms of each of the following STDs. (8 points)
a. chlamydia –
b. gonorrhea –
c. HPV –
d. scabies –
11. State the treatment of each of the following STDs. (8 points)
a. HIV –
b. genital herpes –
c. trichomoniasis –
d. syphilis –
12. List three things you should do if you suspect you have been exposed to an STD.
(3 points)
15. Can a person have more than one STD at one time? Explain your answer. (2 points)
16. Identify the term for “the virus that causes AIDS.” (1 point)
17. Define the term acquired immune deficiency syndrome. (1 point)
18. Identify the term for “the white blood cell that activates the immune response and is the
primary target cell of HIV infection.” (1 point)
19. Define the term opportunistic infection. (1 point)
20. Classify each of the following symptoms or illnesses as part of Phase I, Phase II, or Phase
III or HIV infection: (4 points)
a. AIDS –
b. mental changes –
c. opportunistic infections –
d. flu-like symptoms –
21. Name the body fluids of an HIV-infected person that can spread HIV to another person.
(4 points)
22. Identify which behavior does not put a teen at risk for HIV. (1 point)
a. sexual activity
b. oral sex
c. holding hands
d. sharing needles
23. Identify the term for “describes a person who tests positive for two different HIV tests.”
(1 point)
24. List four things a person can do to prevent STD/HIV infection and AIDS. (4 points)
25. Propose which of the following responses a person should have if he or she may have
been exposed to HIV but tested negative for HIV. He or she should (1 point)
a. take the test again 6 to 12 months later.
b. repeat the test next week.
c. take an at-home HIV test.
d. None of the above.