STD Notes
8th Grade
Choosing the Best
bacterial STD, infecting 3 million
• Chlamydia is a common __________
people in the US each year, including ____million
young people
aged 15-24.
• 75% of women and 50% of men have ____symptoms
Chlamydia. If symptoms are present they may include abnormal
discharges or a burning sensation when urinating.
• Chlamydia can be transmitted to either partner through vaginal,
anal, or ________
oral sex and is diagnosed by lab tests.
• While the disease can by __________
with antibiotics, if left
untreated, it can have serious consequences, particularly for
• Up to 40% of women with untreated Chlamydia develop
inflammatory disease) and one in five of those
women will become _________.
• If you are a woman with Chlamydia and are exposed to HIV, your
3 to 5
risk of becoming infected with HIV is ________times
650,000 each
• Gonorrhea is another bacterial STD, infecting _________
year in the U.S.
no symptoms at all, symptoms in
• Although many may have ____
men and women may include a burning sensation when
urinating or abnormal discharges. In women, symptoms may
be mild and mistaken for a vaginal infection.
• Gonorrhea can be transmitted to either partner through
oral sex and is diagnosed by lab tests.
vaginal, anal, or _______
• Gonorrhea can be cured with antibiotics, but remains a major
cause of _____and
subsequent infertility and tubal
pregnancies (outside the uterus).
• Gonorrhea is very contagious. In a single act of unprotected
sex with and infected partner, a teenage female has a
chance of getting gonorrhea.
• Gonorrhea can also facilitate ____transmission.
• Syphilis is another __________STD,
infecting 70,000
each year in the US.
• Syphilis is passed via ______contact
from a syphilis
sore, called a chancre.
• Syphilis can be transmitted to either partner through
vaginal, anal, or ____sex.
• The primary stage of syphilis is usually marked by the
appearance of a _______,
which soon goes away.
• Syphilis can be treated
_______ with antibiotics.
• Untreated syphilis can cause serious problems later in
life, including heart trouble, mental problems, birth
defects in babies and _____.
• Trichomoniasis is a very common STD caused by a
microscopic __________,
parasite infecting five million
people in the US each year.
• Most men have ____
no symptoms. Some women
may have a vaginal discharge and experience
discomfort during intercourse or urination.
• Trichomoniasis can be diagnosed through a
physical exam with a lab test, and can be
cured with a prescription drug.
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
• HPV is a very common _____STD,
infecting 5.5 million people each
year in the US, including 4.6 million people aged 15-24. At least ___%
of sexually active men and women acquire genital HPV at some point
in their lives. One study showed that _____of
college women
evaluated contracted HPV at some point over a three year period.
• There are 30 types of HPV that can affect the _______area.
“low-risk” types cause genital warts, which can be treated and cured.
Other “high-risk” types can cause cervical, penile and anal _______.
• There is ____medical
cure for HPV. Most mild infections can be
destroyed by the body’s immune system over time. If a “high-risk”
HPV infection is not cleared by the immune system, it can remain
present for many years and turn abnormal cells into cancer over time.
• Over 90% of all cervical cancers are caused by _____infection.
year, about 12,000 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer and
die from the disease in the US.
almost 4,000 women ____
HPV continued…
• Most women are diagnosed with HPV on the basis of
abnormal _____tests.
Regular Pap tests, performed by a
doctor, are important for detecting cervical cancer early,
when it can be treated most effectively. No HPV tests are
available for men.
• HPV can be transmitted to either partner through vaginal,
oral sex.
anal, or _____
• A new vaccine against HPV is currently available for females
and protects against the strains of HPV that are the most
common causes of cervical cancer and genital warts. While
the vaccine is expected to reduce rates of cervical cancer, it
does not provide complete protection. Sexually active
females are still at risk. Students should talk with their
parents and doctors about this vaccine.
Genital Herpes
• Genital herpes is a common ________STD
and infects 1 million people
each year in the US including 650,000 people aged 15-24. It is the
most widespread STD in the US today, with over _____million
currently infected.
• Over ____%
90 of people who tested positive for genital herpes did not
know they had it.
• There is no cure for genital herpes. Once infected, you have genital
herpes for _____.
• Some people with genital herpes have symptoms, but most don’t.
Typical symptoms of genital herpes are painful, recurring __________
or sores on or around the genitals or rectum. Most people with a first
episode can expect to have 4 to 5 outbreaks within a year.
Medications can help with outbreaks.
• With or without symptoms, genital herpes can be transmitted by
skin-to-skin contact between sex partners.
visual inspection if blisters or
• Genital herpes can be diagnosed by ________
sores are present. It can be difficult to detect otherwise; blood tests
are helpful, but the results are _____always
STD’s- An Epidemic
25 STD’s.
• There are more than ____
• Every year more than ____million
Americans contract a
new STD. More than ___
65 million people in the US
currently have an incurable STD.
4 million teens contract a
• Every year approximately ___
10,959 each day, _____
457 each hour
new STD…that’s ________
and 1 every ___seconds.
• Why are teens especially vulnerable to spreading and
contracting STD’s?
no symptoms, so either partner could
– Many STDs have _____
have the STD and not know it.
– Sexually active teenagers and young adults are more likely
multiple sex partners.
than other age groups to have ___________
cervix of adolescent females is more at risk for infection
– The ______
from some STDs than the cervix of older females.