Sex Ed Final Exam- Study Guide
Answer the following questions. Use this to help you study. You do not have to turn in, but
those that complete do VERY well on the exam.
1. Draw the FEMALE reproductive system and label. What are the functions of each part?
2. Draw the MALE reproductive system and label. What are the functions of each part?
3. What are the four FLUIDS that can transmit STD’s including HIV?
4. What are WAYS in which STD’s can be transmitted?
5. What are the three stages of childbirth?
6. What happens in each stage of childbirth? EXPLAIN
7. What’s the difference between natural childbirth and a cesarean section?
8. What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?
9. What does HIV stand for? What does AIDS stand for?
10. What are the three stages of the HIV/AIDS infection? SYMPTOMS at each stage?
11. Define abstinence. Describe WHY someone would make that choice?
12. What are some examples of bacterial STD’S? How can they be treated?
13. What are some examples of viral STD’S? How can they be treated?
14. What are some examples of parasitic STD’S? How can they be treated?
15. What is contraception?
16. What are the differences in barrier methods vs. hormonal methods. What do hormonal
methods PREVENT from happening inside the body?
17. What the different forms of birth control? How are they similar? How are they different?
How do often do you need to apply, or use them?
18. What is the % of effectiveness for each option?
19. What is ovulation?
20. What do hormonal methods PREVENT?
21. What are the options for a pregnant teen? Explain each.
22. Teen Dating Violence: What is it? Characteristics? Where to go for help?
23. Describe.Understand and know the cycle of violence:
1. Honeymoon phase: everything is lovely, compliments, promises
2. Tension-Building phase: threats, accusations, arguments
3. Violent-episode: physical violence, verbal assault, sexual assault