
Unit 4: the Judicial Branch Review Guide
(Chapter 18, Chapter 19 section 1-2)
Test: Wed, Sept 30 (8) and Thu, Oct 1 (2,4,6)
Terms/People to Know: (Multiple Choice/Matching):
Trial Court
District Court
State Court
Amicus Curiae
Chief Justice
Stare decisis
Free Exercise
Appellate jurisdiction
Original Jurisdiction
Supreme Court
Concurrent Opinion
Establishment Clause
Solicitor General
John Marshall
Free Establishment
Concurrent jurisdiction
Exclusive jurisdiction
Writ of Certiorari
Dissenting opinion
Free Exercise Clause
Judicial Review
John Roberts
Concepts to know: (Short Answer/Multiple Choice/Essay)
How does a case reach the Supreme Court?
How does the Legislative Branch limit the Supreme Court?
How does the Executive Branch limit the Supreme Court?
Who can be a justice on the Supreme Court? How do they get there?
What makes a case cert worthy? [be able to use the rules to apply to scenarios]
Different judicial philosophies (loose constructionist, strict constructionist)
Know the importance of the following cases: [be able to apply ruling to fictitious scenarios]
– Reynolds v. United States (1879)
– Wisconsin v. Yoder (1972)
– Minersville School District v. Gobitis (1940) & W. Virginia State Board of
Educators v. Barnette (1943)
-- Lemon v Kurtzman (1979)
Be able to explain the facts, arguments, decision and impact of the following
-- Marbury v. Madison (1804) – need to explain thoroughly!
-- Rodriguez v US (2015) – need to explain thoroughly
General Information on the following current cases:
- Oberegefell v Hodges (2014)
- Miller v AL (2002)
- Snyder v Phelps (2011)
- Kyllo v US (2001)
Standards/Benchmarks (2014):
1. History
b. I can describe and understand landmark Supreme Court rulings including their modern impact.
3. Civics
b. I can show how the concept of federalism is present in each branch of US Government and within the
g. I can demonstrate a deep level of understanding of the judicial branch – with the strong emphasis on
the SCOTUS and appellate system.
6. Skills
c. I can clearly communicate a political belief based on accurate facts.
Enduring Understandings:
 The Judicial Branch interprets the laws providing the final check in the US government structure.
 Laws limit and provide the greatest protection of individual freedoms.
Essential Questions:
How should a government be part of determining what is just under the law?
How do governments balance the rights of the individual with the common good?
How does the Judicial branch maintain the delicate check and balances within US Government?
Daily Unit Guiding Questions
What are the powers and limitations of the Supreme Court?
How does the Supreme Court process a case (from trial court to ruling)?