1st Semester Review - Geary County Schools USD 475

1st Semester Review
Gold, Glory, God
 What are the main reasons for European voyages of
 When were the first Africans brought to the
American colonies?
Mayflower Compact
 What was the first democratic document in
American History?
City Upon a Hill
 What did John Winthrop say the Puritan community
would be?
Anne Hutchinson
 Who was banished from Massachusetts for
preaching antinomianism?
 Where were Catholics allowed to settle in Colonial
Headright System
 What incentive was given to those who paid
another's passage to the English Colonies?
2nd Great Awakening
 What was the major religious revival of the 1820-
Jonathan Edwards
 Who wrote Sinners at the Hands of an Angry God?
James Oglethorpe
 Who was the founder of Georgia?
 What was the economic policy of European
Leisler’s Rebellion
 What was the Dutch New Yorkers reaction to the
Glorious Revolution in England?
Bacon’s Rebellion, Regulator War, Paxton
Boy’s Uprising
 What were examples of the colonial conflict between
the east coast (tidewater) region and the western
frontier (piedmont) ?
John Peter Zenger
 What colonial newspaper publisher was tried for
Proclamation of 1763
 What British law closed the colonial frontier west of
the Appalachian Mountains to settlement?
Salutary Neglect
 What phrase best describes the British enforcement
of colonial policies before 1763?
James Otis
 Who fought against the Writs of Assistance?
Samuel Adams & John Hancock
 Who led the rebellion in Massachusetts prior to the
American Revolution?
John Dickenson
 Which member of the 2nd Continental Congress did
not sign the Declaration of Indpendence?
Common Sense
 What writing by Thomas Paine convinced American
colonists to support independence?
George Rogers Clark
 What individual was most responsible for the U.S.
acquisition of the land between the Appalachian
Mountains and the Mississippi River?
Connecticut Compromise
 How did the founding fathers settle the dispute over
congressional representation in the Constitutional
Hamilton, Madison, Jay
 Who wrote the Federalists Papers?
Jefferson & Hamilton
 Which members of Washington’s cabinet founded
the first Political Parties?
Whiskey Tax
 What caused Pennsylvania farmers to rebel during
Washington’s presidency?
Federalist President
 Who was John Adams?
Hardford Convention & The Alien and
Sedition Acts
 What caused the downfall of the Federalist Party?
Coercive Acts
 How did Great Britain punish Boston for their Tea
Shay’s Rebellion
 What rebellion convinced the founding fathers to
trade the Articles of Confederation for a stronger
Elections of 1800 & 1824
 What elections were settled by Congressional vote?
Marbury v. Madison
 What court ruling by John Marshall established
Judicial Review?
Embargo Act
 How did Jefferson try to avoid war with England or
Lowell, Massachusetts
 Where did the factory system begin in the U.S.?
Erie Canal
 What was the major transportation route to the
Northwest territory?
American System
 What was Henry Clay’s plan to build internal
John C. Calhoun
 Which member of the Great Triumvirate defended
Tariff of Abominations
 What caused rebellion in South Carolina in 1828?
Trail of Tears
 What was a major effect of the Indian Removal Act?
Nicholas Biddle
 Who did Andrew Jackson feud against during the
Bank War?
Specie Circular
 What policy by Andrew Jackson led to the Panic of
 What party was created in opposition to Andrew
Dorothea Dix
 Who was the reformer to tried to improve the
treatment of the mentally ill?
Hudson River School
 What was the Romantic art movement in
Antebellum America?
George Catlin
 What artist lived among the Plains Indians recording
in art their lifestyle?
Seneca Falls
 Where did the Women’s Rights movement begin?
 What group opposed immigration & Catholics?
John L. Sullivan
 Who coined the phrase Manifest Destiny?
Webster Ashburton Treaty
 What agreement settled the Maine border dispute?
540 40’ or Fight
 What did expansionists want do over Oregon?
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
 What agreement ended the Mexican War?
Harriet Beecher Stowe
 Who wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin?
Birth of the Republican Party
 What was the political impact of the Kansas
Nebraska Act?
Lecompton Constitution
 What document tried to create a pro-slavery
government in Kansas?
Jefferson Davis
 Who was the president of the Confederacy?
Henry David Thoreau
 Who went to jail for refusing to pay his taxes in a
nonviolent protest of the Mexican War?
Lincoln Douglas Debates
 What event propelled Lincoln into National Politics?
Walt Whitman
 Who wrote the Leaves of Grass?
Andrew Johnson
 What President was impeached over feuding with
Congress on Reconstruction?
Thaddeus Stevens & Charles Sumner
 Who were the leaders of the radical republicans?
Fourteen Amendment
 How did African Americans become citizens?