End of year Answer key

AP US History
Directions: Match the terms with the appropriate definitions.
1. banned settlement west of the Appalachians
__4__Act of Toleration
2. brought about in part by The Jungle
__61__Adams-Onis Treaty
3. resulted from the Chesapeake Affair
__86__Andrew Jackson elected
4. provided a degree of religious freedom in Maryland
__38__Annexation of Texas
5. gave control of a canal to rightful owner
__119__Army McCarthy Hearings
6. gave U.S. southwestern quarter of today’s country
__39__Bacon’s Rebellion
7. provided the way by which territories become states
__11__Battles of Lexington/Concord
8. radical abolitionist newspaper
__33__Bay of Pigs
9. enunciated Wilson’s goal of peace without victory
__37__Boston Massacre
10. caused by the fall of Fort Sumter
__69__Brown v Board of education
11. where the “shot heard ‘round the world” was fired
__27__Burke-Wadsworth Act/
Selective Service Act
12. John Smith helped it survive hard times
__70__Camp David Accords
13. opened up trade between North American countries
__75__Century of Dishonor
14. ultimately settled by maintaining 38th parallel
__110__Civil Rights Act/
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
15. largely did away with the Dawes Act
__10__Civil War begins
16. reflective of squabbles in Massachusetts town
__82__Coercive/Intolerable Acts
17. Maine enters as a free state as part of this deal
__95__Completion of Transcontinental
__94__Cuba goes communist
18. turned many Americans from hawks to doves
19. established as a “city on a hill”
__64__Dawes Act/ICC
20. divided old northwest into townships and sections
21. showed Soviet technological superiority over U.S.
__118__Declaration of Independence
__72__Dominion of New England
22. it’s suppression showed the gov’t would enforce
its laws
23. early South Carolina slave uprising
__62__Dred Scott case
24. granted “equal protection under the law”
__74__Eighteenth amendment/Red Scare
25. fundamentalism v scientific modernism
__34__Emancipation Proclamation
26. atomic bomb brought it about
27. first peacetime draft in U.S. history
__100__End of Reconstruction/
Munn v Illinois
__103__Fair Labor Standards Act
28. discover by Salk and Sabine
29. catalyst for the War on Terror
__47__Federal Trade Commission Act 30. regulation of interstate commerce is an exclusive
federal right
__92__Fifteenth amendment
31. designed to send Indians to the Great American
__63__First Open Door Notes
32. Civil Service Act
__12__Founding of Jamestown
33. failed attempt to overthrow Castro
__9__Fourteen Points
34. altered the North’s moral cause in the Civil War
__24__Fourteenth amendment
35. overcoming yellow fever helped complete it
__113__French Alliance/
Battle of Saratoga
36. this splendid little war
__114__French and Indian War/
Albany Plan
37. deaths led to useful colonial propaganda
__46__Fundamental Orders
38. brought into the U.S. by joint resolution
__71__George H.W. Bush/Persian
Gulf War
39. increased fear of freed indentured servants in
__81__Great Awakening
40. “John Marshall has made his decision……”
__57__Halfway Covenant
41. Republicans replace Federalists, peacefully
__52__Hamilton’s Economic Plan/
Bill of Rights
42. directly brought about by Lincoln’s election
__83__Hartford Convention
43. established the principle of judicial review
__66__Highway Act
44. “Star Wars”
__97__Homestead Act/
Pacific Railway Act
45. War of 1812
__50__House of Burgesses
46.first colonial constitution
__31__Indian Removal Act
47. Wilson regulatory agency of big business
__15__Indian Reorganization Act
48. scandal over dirty tricks, among other things
__79__Iran-Contra Hearings
49. major Indian uprising in colonial New England
__109__Iranian Hostage Crisis
50. first representative assembly in the colonies
__89__Jay/Pinckney Treaties
51. Polk promised all of it or none
__84__Kansas-Nebraska Act
52. designed to strengthen the power of the nat’l gov’t
__78__Kennedy assassination
53. occasion of the “house divided” speech
__49__King Philip’s War
54. led to the formation of the Sons of Liberty
__14__Korean War
55. part of the Compromise of 1850
__20__Land Ordinance
56. gave U.S. land west to the Mississippi
__106__Lend Lease/
U.S. entry into WW II
57. resulted from a decline in visible saints
__73__Lewis and Clark Expedition
58. opposed by anti-Federalists
__8__Liberator/Nat Turner’s Rebellion 59. early 20th century sign of unsafe working conditions
__53__Lincoln-Douglas debates
60. established the principle of majority rule
__101__Major Panics and Protests
61. gave the U.S. Florida for $5 million
__43__Marbury v Madison/
Louisiana Purchase
62. said congress could not regulate slavery in the
__19__Massachusetts Bay
63. largely bluff, they improved U.S. position in China
__60__Mayflower Compact
64. attempt to break down tribal loyalty
__6__Mexican Cession
65. brought about by the NAWSA and the
congressional Union
__85__Midnight appointments
66. created an interstate system for defense purposes
__17__Missouri Compromise
67. Operation Overlord
__90__Monroe Doctrine
68. allowed the Federal gov’t to register blacks
__45__Mr. Madison’s War
69. “separate facilities are inherently unequal”
70. established peace between Egypt and Israel
__112__National Defense Education Act 71. occurred when Iraq invaded Kuwait
72. early attempt by Great Britain to end salutary
__77__New Deal begins
73. explored the American far west in 19th century
__65__Nineteenth amendment
74. the “noble experiment”
__107__Nixon resignation
75. chronicled gov’t violations of treaties with Native
__91__Northern Securities case decided 76. caused by “overt act” and unrestricted submarine
__7__Northwest Ordinance
77. the CCC, TVA, and AAA were part of it
__40__Nullification Crisis/
Worcester v Georgia
78. led to Lyndon Johnson becoming president
__51__Oregon/Mexican-American War 79. resulted from major Reagan scandal
__35__Panama Canal begun by U.S.
80. Federalist restriction of civil liberties
__5__Panama Canal Treaty
81. Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield were part
of it
__32__Pendleton Act
82. British over-reaction to the Boston Tea party
__28__Polio Vaccine
83. led to the death of the Federalist party
__1__Proclamation Act
84. allowed popular sovereignty to determine slavery
__2__Pure Food and Drug Act
85. Adams’ attempt to keep Federalists in power
__116__Ratification of Articles
of Confederation
86. begins the “Age of Old Hickory”
__58__Ratification of the Constitution
87. established a precedent of non-involvement in
foreign wars
__41__Revolution of 1800
88. designed to encourage work rather than dole from
__16__Salem Witch Trials
89. British troops out of NW/right of deposit
__105__SALT I
90. Western Hemisphere closed to European
__25__Scopes Trial
91. indication that Roosevelt would become a trust
92. granted black males suffrage
__115__Shays’ Rebellion
93. signaled the beginning of the Great Depression
__96__Sherman Anti-Trust Act
94. Fidel Castro overthrows Batista
95. golden spike at Promontory Point, Utah
__42__South Carolina Secession
96. used more frequently against labor unions that big
__36__Spanish-American War
97. granted settlers 160 acres of land free
98. post-WW I attempt at disarmament
__54__Stamp Act
99. made slavery unconstitutional
__93__Stock Market crash
100. Compromise of 1877
__23__Stono Rebellion
101. Homestead and Pullman strikes reflect its impact
__117__Tea Act/Boston Tea Party
102. income tax and direct election
__18__Tet Offensive
103. established minimum wage, maximum hours
__99__Thirteenth amendment
104. mutual defense alliance component of
__55__Tougher Fugitive Slave Law/
CA free state
105. Nixon era disarmament agreement
__56__Treaty of Paris (Am. Rev.)
106. designed to make the U.S. the great arsenal of
__59__Triangle Shirtwaist fire
107. caused by Supreme Court ruling that tapes must
be turned over
__108__Truman Doctrine
108. attempt to contain communism in Greece and
__76__U.S. Entry into WW I
109. helped Reagan win the election of 1980
__26__VE/VJ Day
110. incident used to escalate the war in Vietnam
__68__Voting Rights Act
111. cornerstone pieces of Second New Deal
__30__Wabash Case
112. enacted because of fear caused by Sputnik
__111__Wagner Act/Social Security Act 113. turning point of the American Revolution
__98__Washington Naval Conference
114. early colonial attempt at colonial unity
__87__Washington’s Neutrality
115. fear from it led to constitutional convention
__48__Watergate Crisis
116. required that states give up western land claims
__88__Welfare Reform Act
117. designed to lower the cost of British East India
Company tea
__22__Whiskey Rebellion
118. ”we hold these truths to be self-evident…”
__80__XYZ Affair/
Alien and Sedition Acts
119. communist witch hunt