AP US History Terms Unit # 1 The New World & British Colonization

A P U S H istory Term s U nit # 1
The N ew W orld & B ritish Colonization (1400-1775)
New World Beginnings
1. Explorers of North America (do as one term w/ a brief description of where they are from, when and
where they explored)
a. Francisco Pizarro
b. Juan Ponce de Leon
c. Hernando de Soto
d. Christopher Columbus
e. Hernan Cortes
f. Francisco Coronado
2. Columbian Exchange
3. Tidewater & Piedmont
4. Mercantilism
5. Treaty of Tordesillas
6. Pueblo Indians Revolt
The Planting of English American 1500-1733:
7. John Smith & John Rolfe
8. Lord Baltimore, James Oglethorpe
9. Sir Walter Raleigh & Joint-stock companies
10. Enclosure Movement
11. Indentured Servitude/Headright System
12. Iroquois Confederacy
Settling the Northern Colonies 1619-1700:
13. Anne Hutchinson
14. Roger Williams
15. William Bradford, Thomas Hooker & John Cotton
16. John Winthrop
17. King Philip’s War
18. the “elect” & Predestination
19. Pilgrims, Puritans & (non) Separatists
20. Dominion of New England
21. Navigation Laws/Acts
22. Mayflower Compact
23. William Penn & Quakers
24. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
American Life in the Seventeenth Century 1607-1692:
25. William Berkeley & Nathaniel Bacon/Rebellion
26. Slave Codes, “Middle Passage,” “Breaker Islands,” & Triangular Trade
27. Leisler’s Rebellion
28. Half-Way Covenant
29. Salem Mass (witch hunt)
30. The Pequot War
Colonial Society on the Eve of Revolution 1700-1775:
31. Enlightened PhilosophersJohn Lock, Voltaire, Rousseau & Montesquieu
32. Treaty of Paris (1763)
33. Proclamation Line of 1763
34. Albany Plan of Union
35. Writs of Assistance
36. Great Awakening, Jonathan Edwards & George Whitefield
37. John Peter Zenger & Trial
38. Paxton Boys
39. Regulator movement
The Road to Revolution, 1763-1775:
40. Prime Ministers (PM) Lord North & George Grenville
41. “internal/external taxation”
42. Sons of Liberty, Committees of Correspondences & Samuel Adams
43. Quebec Act
44. (PM Charles) Townshend Duties
45. First Continental Congress
46. Sugar Act
47. Stamp Act & Congress
48. Boston Massacre
49. Boston Tea Party
50. Intolerable (Coercive) Acts (know ALL 4)
51. Richard Henry Lee
52. George Mason
BOLD terms will be those that MIGHT appear on the Terms Quizzes!!!