Bill of Rights Assignment Caldwell As a class, you will be working on a project on the Bill of Rights. The class must produce the final product, but the format(s) of that product and process with which you reach it are up to all of you. You can divide/assign the work as you choose, but everyone in the class must have a role and participate in creating the final project. You will be graded as a class based on what you produce and as an individual based on your role in this assignment. In order to be successful, you must include: Outline/define the key aspects for all 10 amendments of the Bill of Rights (in your own words) Determine and outline the 7 MOST IMPORTANT amendments from the rest of the constitution (11th -27th Amendments). This should include o The amendment # o The date it was passed o Key aspects of each amendment o Explanation of why each amendment was significant and what situations existed before the passing of it – What was it like before this amendment was passed? / Why was it necessary? 7 news stories that address 7 DIFFERENT amendments o Explain the story, how it relates to the amendments, and what specific amendment it is connected to. 10 examples of art that represent/symbolize at least 5 different amendments o Art can include music, paintings, cartoons, sculptures, murals, literature, poems, drawings, etc. o You should use at least 5 different forms of art A bibliography for all sources including: o News articles o All artwork Category Focus on the task Sources Mechanics 4 Consistently stays focused on the task and what needs to be done. Very self-directed. 3 Focuses on the task and what needs to be done most of the time. Other group members can count on this person. 2 Focuses on the task and what needs to be done some of the time. Other group members must sometimes nag, prod, and remind to keep this person on-task. All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented, but many are not in the desired format. 1 Rarely focuses on the task and what needs to be done. Lets others do the work. All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented in the desired format. All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented, but a few are not in the desired format. No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Almost no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors A few grammatical spelling, or punctuation errors. Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Project contains all of the required elements of news stories. Articles are a good representation of the importance of Constitutional Amendments Project is missing a few required elements. News articles relate to the amendments but are not the most significant. Project contains all of the required elements of news stories. The art is a good representation of the importance of Constitutional Amendments Project is missing a few required elements. The art relates to the amendments but are not the most significant. Project is missing multiple requirements and news articles do not relate well to the constitutional amendments. Project is missing multiple requirements. Art does not relate well to the constitutional amendments. All amendment requirements are met. Description of each amendment is clear and includes all key elements. The most important amendments are clearly indicated and have significant evidence to support their importance. All amendment requirements are met. Description of each amendment is clear and includes all key elements. The most important amendments are clearly indicated and have some evidence to support their importance. Most amendment requirements are met. Description of each amendment is clear and includes most key elements. The most important amendments are clearly indicated and have some evidence to support their importance. All Bill of Rights requirements are met. Description of each amendment is clear and includes all key elements. All Bill of Rights requirements are met. Description of each amendment is clear and includes all key elements. The most important amendments are clearly indicated and have some evidence to support their importance. Most amendment requirements are met. Description of each amendment is clear and includes most key elements. The most important amendments are clearly indicated and have some evidence to support their importance. Project contains all of the required elements of news stories. Articles are News Articles excellent representation of the importance of Constitutional Amendments Project contains all of the required art elements. The art is excellent representation of the Art amendments Amendments Bill of Rights Some sources are not accurately documented. Some amendment requirements are met. There is a description of each amendment and it includes most of the key elements. The amendments chosen are not necessarily the most important or have little evidence to support their importance. Some amendment requirements are met. There is a description of each amendment and it includes most of the key elements. The amendments chosen are not necessarily the most important or have little evidence to support their importance.