The application of marketing concepts such as branding to places has increased worldwide over the years (Gertner, 2011). This trend is not new, for example within the tourism literature, studies on destination image have been carried out since the 1970s; and destination branding is a topic that has attracted the interest of a growing number of scholars since the end of 1990s. However, most recently, scholars stressed the need to study not only destination brands, but more broadly place brands that are not just aimed at promoting a destination to tourists, but at a broader audience such as investors, citizens, prospective students and workers (Papadopoulos, 2004). Although these two types of brands are usually distinguished with regards to the audiences to which they are aimed at, the challenges that destination managers and place managers face are similar. For instance, in both cases branding a place is a very complex task due to 1) the fragmentation existent since different businesses are offering different services to a diverse range of audiences; 2) the lack of resources (human and financial) that are available in order to develop and manage a destination / place brand; and 3) the fact that destination / place managers do not own all the resources and businesses existent within a definite area.
Due to these similarities among the two brands it is possible to suggest that research carried out on destination brands, which for some topics has been carried out for a longer time compared to that on place brands, is taken into account while developing research on place brands.
For example, in the destination branding literature the demand perspective has been studied for longer time than the supply perspective. With regards to the former, the concept of destination image, its measurement, its formation and its impact on tourist behavior have been researched (e.g. Baloglu & McCleary, 1999). More recently, not only destination image, but also destination brand awareness (Stepchenkova & Li, 2014) and the stream of research on customer-based brand equity has gained momentum (e.g. Boo, Busser, & Baloglu, 2009;
Konecnik & Gartner, 2007).
Notwithstanding the predominance of research that focused on the demand perspective of destination branding, in recent years also the supply perspective has attracted attention of a growing number of scholars who, for example, analysed the destination brand identity which should take into account the place identity (Govers, 2011; Zenker, 2011; Cai, 2002).
However, developing a destination brand cannot be separated from the governance of the destination. For instance, it is necessary that relationships among the destination stakeholders and the brand are developed (Hankinson, 2004). Furthermore, the brand must be supported by stakeholders and they should be committed to it (Ooi, 2004; Hankinson, 2001). Leadership from the DMO and from the leaders within a destination must be in place so that networks within the destination can be created and a shared agenda among participants is set, thus overcoming the myopic view of businesses that tend to focus on their own individual objectives without considering those of the destination (Hanna & Rowley, 2011; Hankinson,
2010; 2007). On this aspect, in addition, it has been stressed the role of coordination of stakeholders which is necessary so that stakeholders contribute to the promotion of a unique destination brand (Bregoli, 2013). Finally, the issue of power exerted by stakeholders in the destination branding process (Marzano & Scott, 2009) and the role of entrepreneurial reputation in networks within destinations (Strobl & Peters, 2013) have been researched more recently.
Although these topics have been studied, further research is still needed to deepen the role of governance in the development of destination brands and on the elements that are necessary in order to develop a successful brand.
In order to advance understanding of these topics, conceptual, empirical, case study and practitioner papers are welcome. Potential topics that would be suitable for the Colloquium include, but are not limited to:
The management, marketing and branding of destinations (Nations / regions / cities / towns and other types of places)
Demand perspective of destination branding: brand awareness and image
Supply perspective of destination branding: destination brand identity
Integration between the demand and supply perspectives of branding
Destination governance
Networks and branding
Coordination of stakeholders and its impact on destination branding
Power in destination branding
The impact of destination governance on branding
Factors for successful destination branding
Abstract deadline: July31 st 2015
The role of local communities in the branding process
Leadership in destinations
Case studies in destination marketing and branding.
This interdisciplinary colloquium welcomes academic papers from researchers in any field of place brand management, destination marketing and tourism studies, and also related areas of the humanities, geography and social sciences. Doctoral students are particularly welcome.
The colloquium organisers also extend an invitation for collaborative papers between academics, practitioners and policy makers.
Submission guidelines
Abstracts of 1000 words (with up to six keywords) will be subjected to a double-blind peer review process and published in the Colloquium proceedings. Prospective contributors with queries concerning the potential suitability of topics or other matters concerning contributions are invited to contact the Founder and Chair, Professor T.C. Melewar via
Abstracts should be submitted to in the following format:
Microsoft Word document, Times New Roman 12 font, double-spaced, justified
Margins: 1 inch top, bottom, and sides.
Author(s) name and affiliation should be included on a separate page (i.e. cover page)
Any references should use the Harvard referencing style
Full paper deadline: 31 st
December 2015
Outstanding papers will be published in a Special Issue of the Journal of Place Management and Development and The Marketing Review. All Special Issue papers will be subjected to a blind peer review process and will be submitted after the colloquium, by 31 st
December 2015.
Founder and Chair (ICPBM):
Professor T C Melewar (Middlesex University London, UK)
Directors (ICPBM):
Professor Charles Dennis (Middlesex University London, UK)
Professor Chiara Mauri (University of the Valle d’Aosta, Italy) (2015 Colloquium Director)
Associate Director (ICPBM):
Dr Ilenia Bregoli (University of Lincoln, UK)
Baloglu, S. & McCleary, K. W. (1999). A model of destination image formation. Annals of
Tourism Research , 26(4), 868-897.
Bregoli, I. (2013). Effects of DMO coordination on destination brand identity. A mixedmethod study on the city of Edinburgh. Journal of Travel Research , 52(2), 212-224.
Cai, L. A. (2002). Cooperative branding for rural destinations. Annals of Tourism Research ,
29(3), 720-742.
Gertner, D. (2011). Unfolding and configuring two decades of research and publications on place marketing and place branding. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy , 7(2), 91-106.
Govers, R. (2011). From place marketing to place branding and back. Place Branding and
Public Diplomacy , 7(4), 227-231.
Hankinson, G. (2001). Location branding: A study of the branding practices of 12 English cities. Journal of Brand Management , 9(2), 127-142.
Hankinson, G. (2004). Relational network brands: Towards a conceptual model of place brands. Journal of Vacation Marketing , 10(2), 109-121.
Hankinson, G. (2007). The management of destination brands: Five guiding principles based on recent developments in corporate branding strategy. Journal of Brand Management ,
14(3), 240-254.
Hankinson, G. (2010). Place Branding Research: A Cross-disciplinary Agenda and the Views of Practitioners. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy , 6(4), 300-315.
Hanna, S. & Rowley, J. (2011). Towards a strategic place brand-management model. Journal of Marketing Management , 27(5-6), 458-476.
Konecnik, M. & Gartner, W. C. (2007). Customer-based brand equity for a destination.
Annals of Tourism Research , 34(2), 400-421.
Marzano, G. & Scott N. (2009). Power in destination branding. Annals of Tourism Research ,
36(2), 247-267.
Papadopoulos, N. (2004). Place branding: Evolution, meaning and implications. Place
Branding and Public Diplomacy , 1(1), 36-49.
Stepchenkova, S. & Xiang, L. (2014). Destination image: Do top-of-mind associations say it all?. Annals of Tourism Research , 45(March), 46-62.
Strobl, A. & Peters, M. (2013). Entrepreneurial reputation in destination networks. Annals of
Tourism Research , 40(January), 59-82.
Zenker, S. (2011). How to catch a city? The concept and measurement of place brands.
Journal of Place Management and Development , 4(1), 40-52.