Bough Bikes - IP EUTA 2014 | Home

Bough Bikes
International Communication Project
Project members:
Jeffrey Bruin
Jeremy Metselaar
Sanne Wiering
Willem Wiering
David de Zoeten
M. Coerts
Bough Bikes
International Communication Project
Bruin; Jeffrey (539051)
Metselaar; Jeremy (541313)
Wiering; Sanne (537271)
Wiering; Willem (540827)
Zoeten, de; David (537456)
4 February 2014
Teacher: M. Coerts
Study Commercial Economie, division Marketing, Tourism and Leisure Management
Intern publication Hogeschool Inholland Alkmaar
International Project
19 maart 2016
This market research is conducted to find out how Bough Bikes can create more brand awareness.
The research answers the following key question: How will Bough Bikes create brand awareness for
consumers? To answer this question, there is a qualitative research and quantitative research
conducted in the form of: desk research and field research through surveys and focus groups.
Bough Bikes want to focus on consumers. The current customer will be someone who is
environmentally conscious or someone who loves sustainable products. The bike can best be sold
through the Internet or in a bike shop. The needs of the consumer are: transport to their work, for
private transport, spare time or recreation. The Bough Bike is suited to these needs and is also a
durable and attractive bike.
Bough Bikes exists one year. The company was founded in 2013. The Bough Bike is a wooden bike
with the advantages and technologic of the usual bike. The advanced computer-controlled milling
machine makes it possible that Bough Bikes is the first company in the world who is able to produce
wooden bikes in larger quantities.
Dutch are real bikers. In the Netherlands, there are 16.8 million people. Often there is more than one
bicycle per person. The Netherlands has 19 million bicycles. This is the highest bicycle density of the
whole world. Currently the bike shop industry is the main sales channel for bicycles.
Bough Bikes focuses on the sustainability of the bike. Research has shown that sustainability of the
bike has little influence on buying a bike. Moreover, the price is important. The majority of the
respondents found the bike too expensive and would therefore not buy it. However, they would be
willing to pay more for a bike, if there is guarantee that the quality will be good. When the pricequality ratio is good and Bough Bikes explains why it is important the product is durable, consumers
will be positive about Bough Bike. Brand awareness will increase.
International Project
19 maart 2016
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 General .......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Definition of the problem .............................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Research methods ......................................................................................................................... 4
What is the current marketing position of Bough Bikes? ............................................................... 5
2.1 What means positioning? .............................................................................................................. 5
2.2 How does Bough Bikes distinguish itself? ..................................................................................... 5
2.3 Consumers ..................................................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Website.......................................................................................................................................... 5
Which target groups should Bough Bikes focus on? ....................................................................... 6
3.1 Customer profile............................................................................................................................ 6
What is the current particular bicycle market?............................................................................... 7
4.1 The Netherlands has a long tradition of riding bicycles. ............................................................... 7
4.2 Outside of the Netherlands additional trends emerge in city transportation .............................. 7
4.3 Even more variations on the transportation theme ..................................................................... 8
4.4 Bough Bikes for fun, as an ornament ............................................................................................ 9
Who are the competitors of Bough Bikes? ................................................................................... 10
The competitors of Bough Bikes............................................................................................ 10
The main competitors ........................................................................................................... 12
What kind of promotion methods does Bough Bikes and their competitors use? ....................... 13
6.1 The promotion methods that Bough Bikes use ........................................................................... 13
6.2 The promotion methods that the competitors of Bough Bikes use ............................................ 13
Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 15
Reference list ......................................................................................................................................... 16
Books ................................................................................................................................................. 16
Sites ................................................................................................................................................... 16
Appendices ............................................................................................................................................ 17
Results Primary Research .................................................................................................................. 17
Survey ............................................................................................................................................ 17
Focus group ................................................................................................................................... 24
International Project
19 maart 2016
1. Introduction
1.1 General
Bough Bike is the bicycle, Bough Bikes is the company. The company, which makes wooden bikes,
was founded in 2013. The Bough Bike is a wooden bike with the advantages and technologic of the
usual bike. But, there is something more, exclusive with the Bough Bike. The advanced computercontrolled milling machine makes it possible that Bough Bikes is the first company in the world who
is able to produce wooden bikes in larger quantities. That’s why they can make an affordable product
of consistent high quality. The Bough Bike is a product that is sustainable and beautiful and is
produced with care and love. A Bough Bike offers a different experience and a new perspective on
biking. Bough bikes now focus on companies. The product does not catch on with consumers, but
they will now ensure that it does.
1.2 Definition of the problem
This research will answer the following main question:
 How will Bough Bikes create brand awareness for consumers?
To answer the main question we have to answer a number of sub-questions. By doing research, we
find answers to these questions. The conclusion will answer the main question. The sub-questions
- What is the current marketing position of Bough Bikes?
- Which target groups should Bough Bikes focus on?
- What is the current particular bicycle market?
- Who are the competitors of Bough Bikes?
- What kind of promotion methods does Bough Bikes and their competitors use?
1.3 Research methods
1. What is the current marketing
position of Bough Bikes?
2. Which target groups should Bough
Bikes focus on?
3. What is the current particular
bicycle market?
4. Who are the competitors of Bough
Type of research
5. What kind of promotion methods
does Bough Bikes and their
competitors use?
International Project
19 maart 2016
2. What is the current marketing position of Bough Bikes?
2.1 What means positioning?
Positioning shows a company the view of the consumer to the product or service. It also says how
the company can distinguish itself from the concurrence.
2.2 How does Bough Bikes distinguish itself?
A Bough Bike is a unique product. It is a bike carefully made with quality and with products which
don’t weak the environment. Bough Bikes produces special bikes, where the concurrence produces
bikes for mass productions. A Bough Bike costs €1500,-, which is very expensive.
2.3 Consumers
Fielresearch shows that the brand Bough Bike is not very known by consumers. This is a weakness for
the company, so marketing activity must create more awareness. Most people use a bike just for
transport, which mean that an expensive bike is not a must-have. It is logic that people with a low
income wouldn’t buy this bike, because of the high price. The product is more likely a luxury product
and is ‘more than just a bike for transportation’. Consumers with high income have to be reached for
the promotion.
2.4 Website
On the website, people can see how
unique the bike is and that it is a
quality product. It’s said on the website
that the bike can give more luck: ‘’Die
rust en de warmte van het hout geven
je een ontspannen en bijzonder goed
gevoel. Wij noemen dat geluk!‘’. This
means literally: ‘’The peace and
warmth of the wood gives you a very
good feeling. We call it luck!’’ This is
the message the company wants to
communicate to the consumers.
The bikes can only be bought by using the webshop. Consumers can have a try-out in the city
Hoofddorp. Almost all the consumers wants to have a try-out with a bike, research showed. It is very
frustrating for the consumers to have a try-out in Hoofddorp. This is also positioning, because people
don’t wants to go all the way to Hoofddorp for only a try-out. This can be a cause of losing potential
International Project
19 maart 2016
3. Which target groups should Bough Bikes focus on?
3.1 Customer profile
The typical person who fits in the target group of Bough Bikes is somebody who can easily afford
€1500,- for a bicycle. the customer is someone who is environmentally conscious or someone
who love sustainable products. Beside that the customer is someone with love for cycling or
beautiful technology.
3.2 Customer analyse
To figure out who buys the product, the following questions must be answered:
- Who are the current and potential customers?
- What are the current and potential customers actually using the product or service for?
- Where do the current and potential customers buy the product or service?
- Why people buy from Bough Bikes?
- Why people buy don't buy from Bough Bikes?
Who are the current and potential customers?
The current customer is someone who is environmentally conscious or someone who love
sustainable products. Beside that the customer is someone with love for cycling or beautiful
technology and is able to effort €1500 for a bicycle.
What are the current and potential customers actually using the product or service for?
The current customers are using the bike for transport to their work or for private transport, for
example to birthdays or family. Besides that, the customer also uses the bike for spare time or
Where do the current and potential customers buy the product or service?
The customers buy their bicycles on the internet. They can buy it on specific websites or websites
as; or for example.
Customers also can buy their bicycle from a bicycle dealer.
Why people buy from Bough Bike?
People buy from Bough Bikes because they are environmentally conscious or love sustainable
products. Besides that, people love the appearance of the bicycle.
Why people buy don't buy from Bough Bike?
The main reason why people don't buy from Bough Bike is simple. The most people are unknown
by Bough Bikes.
Another reason is that Bough Bikes are very expensive. Further reasons are that people don't like
the appearance of the Bough Bike, or they simply just don't like the bike at all and prefer the
usual bicycles.
International Project
19 maart 2016
4. What is the current particular bicycle market?
4.1 The Netherlands has a long tradition of riding bicycles.
Often there is more than one bicycle per
person. Most important is the city bike as
pictured above. This is used for simple
commuting. Besides that the average person
owns a recreational bike like a racing bike
and/or mountain bike. Traditionally there
was the goods transportation bike ‘bakfiets’,
the baker used such a bike to distribute its
bread around the town. A modern version is
used to transport ones children around
There is also the school bike that is built for comfort with thick
tires and has a crate in front to hold the school bag.
Bicycles have remained very important in the Netherlands even
while we have enough money that could be spent on a luxury car
or other motorized transport. A trend emerges to much more
variation in bicycles, many different but dedicated designs where
‘form’ clearly follows ‘function’ ( Wikipedia, ‘form follows
With the (sometimes disputed) trend towards living in large
cities is on the rise (ref 1), owning an automobile is on the
decline (ref 2). Many young people do not bother to get their
driving license let alone to own a car. Also motorcycle sales is
constantly declining and mostly serving an ageing population (ref 3). This decline in individual
motorized transport will probably come to the benefit of the bicycle.
4.2 Outside of the Netherlands additional trends emerge in city
The Netherlands being a largely flat country clearly
is privileged for human powered transport. In the
1970’s efforts were made to share bikes through
the ‘witte fietsen plan’, white bikes, to be shared
for all. This turned out in an economic disaster.
Recent developments in large cities as London,
New York, Washington, Paris and more prove that
the white bike movement was almost half a
century ahead of its time.
International Project
19 maart 2016
The need to fight off pollution and parking prices will have an important role in the current success of
city bikes.
Relatively new are the electrical bicycles (e-bike). Probably coming from the nr 1, bicycle country
China, since the many (maybe all) of the electric motors and controllers come from China.
Interestingly the e-bike is becoming both popular
among youth and the 50+ generation (ref 4).
Other bicycle types that lead to multiple ownership are
the folding bikes. The Strida folding bike is an elegant
example (see picture). A few years ago it ran a large
publicity campaign in all Dutch train stations.
Brompton is a renewed Dutch brand of folding bikes
though its design is very classically and its price does
not reflect the low quality of the parts from which it is
4.3 Even more variations on the transportation theme
Flevobike is a high tech recumbent bike. Probably it is
not practical and social enough to please the masses.
Unless we get a serious energy crisis this type will not
become a trend.
Also the Segway, the two wheeled electrical self balancing vehicle has been around for some time.
Why has it not become a trend? Possibly because of its high price, despite of its good quality.
Possibly because one feels awkward standing out above the crowd.
International Project
19 maart 2016
Worth mentioning is the Solowheel, a
minimalistic, and also a more or less selfbalancing transportation means. It could
very well be an interesting successor of the
Segway. It is far more modest and being
small and light makes it a lot more
Being practical for its task and not necessary multifunctional might be the strongest trend to consider
in bicycles. Form follows function and not too many functions at a time.
4.4 Bough Bikes for fun, as an ornament
Until now successful bikes in the Netherlands were of the type where form follows functionality.
Wood is the main characteristic of the Bough bicycle and wood in itself is not functionality. Making
an ecological statement with by using a wooden bike is not a strong statement since any bicycle is
already much more ecological
than any petrol powered
transport means.
The question might be with the
Bough bike whether ‘fun’ in itself
could be the new function….. ?
International Project
19 maart 2016
5. Who are the competitors of Bough Bikes?
The competitors of Bough Bikes
Alpina is a Dutch company which makes child bikes. Alpina got retailers within the Netherlands,
Belgium and Germany. They sell six types of bicycles and the customer can choose the own wheel
BABBOE is a Dutch company founded by a group of Dutch parents who wanted to have a quality
cargo bike for theirs families for a reasonable price. And that is exactly what they stand for, top
quality for an affordable price. BABBOE sells eight types of bikes and offers free test rides with them.
They also sell accessories. BABBOE got retailers in the Netherlands and in the United Kingdom.
Batavus is a Dutch bicycle manufacturer, owned by the Accell Group European Cycle conglomerate,
founded in 1904. Batavus got retailers in the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark and Germany. They sell
electric bikes, city bikes, sportive bikes and child bikes. Batavus is environment friendly, supports
different charities and sponsors sport teams.
BSP is a Dutch manufacturer of bikes, founded in 1986. They design good looking quality bikes. They
sell bikes for grandma & pa, lifestyle and urban and kids. Besides that they sell different accessories.
The price are around €199,Cortina
Cortina is a Dutch company and is active on the bicycle market for over 70 years. They offer a good
price/quality ratio. Cortina is a company which follows trends in the bicycle market and is capable of
making trendy lifestyle bicycles.
Dahon is an American company founded in 1982. Dahon is the world’s largest manufacturer of
folding bicycles, whit a two-third market share in 2006.
International Project
19 maart 2016
Gazelle is a Dutch company. Gazelle makes good quality bikes for over 120 years. Gazelle produces
around 300.000 bicycles a year. Gazelle is market leader in the Netherlands and also works hard at
growing the organisation outside the country. Gazelle sells bicycles in the Netherlands, Austria,
Romania, UK, Germany, Australia, Switzerland, USA, Belgium, Denmark, Poland, Ireland and France.
Giant is founded in 1972 with one goal: Create a better cycling experience for people around the
world. At first the innovations and the own creating of the bicycle are unique selling points from
Giant. Giant sells bikes for a low price. Giant has grown to the biggest bikes and accessories brand,
with more than 12.000 partners global, tries Giant to reach the casual cyclist and the sportive cyclist.
Johnny Loco
Johnny Loco is a Dutch company founded in 2005. Johnny Loco is one of the largest Dutch beach
cruiser brands and is known for the unique designs and for showing off. The bicycle also stands for
quality. The bicycle is exclusive and costs between the €400 and €1800.
Montego is a Dutch company that stands for a good price/quality ratio. The bikes stand for good
handling and for the design. Montego keeps innovating and following the trends. Montego got over
600 retailers in the Netherlands.
Popal is a Dutch company founded in 1999 and focuses on cheap bikes. They keep on innovating, but
the price stays central.
Puch is making bicycles for over 100 years. Puch is a part of Cycleeurope industries and they are one
of the European market leaders in the bicycle industry. They sold over 1.5 million bicycles in the last
year. Puch sells sportive hybrid bicycles, casual bicycles and electric bicycles.
Raleigh is a Dutch company with 125 years of history. Releigh sells race, electric, hybrid tour and city
bicycles. The city bikes cost around the €450 - €600,-. Releigh is global and sells in the UK, Canada,
Germany, Ireland, Denmark, USA, South Africa, Japan and Australia.
International Project
19 maart 2016
Sparta is a Dutch company founded in 1917 and is always trying to be outstanding and unique; their
payoff is “something special”. Sparta is known for good quality bikes and good service. They sell
electric, normal, child and special bikes. The special bikes are tandems, bikes for tall people and bikes
with a low step. Their prices are around €499 - €799,-.
Union is a Dutch company and is making bicycles for over 100 years. The focus of the assortment is
reliability. The brand got favourable warranty and is a real consumer brand with a lot of traditional
models. Union chooses their parts carefully and make sure the quality of the bike is good. They sell
city, hybrid and electric bicycles. The bicycles cost around €900 - €1.000,-.
The main competitors
Batavus, because they are environment friendly.
Gazelle, because they are market leader in the Netherlands and they are also working hard at
growing the organisation outside the country
Johnny Loco, because they sell unique lifestyle bicycles at a high price.
Puch, because they are one of the European market leaders in the bicycle industry and
because they are selling casual bicycles.
Sparta, because their unique selling point is being special. Also because they make quality
Union, because they are one of the market leaders and they are around the same price as
Bough Bikes.
International Project
19 maart 2016
6. What kind of promotion methods does Bough Bikes and their
competitors use?
6.1 The promotion methods that Bough Bikes use
Social media:
o Facebook: 1.549 people like Bough Bikes
o Twitter: 518 followers
Sponsoring: They auctioned a bicycle for 3FM serious request; it is a charity which gains a lot
of attention each year. They sponsored a cyclist in the Alpe d’HuZes and if you supported
him, you had a chance to win a Bough Bike
Special offers: Discount on the Alkmaar Shopping Night
Newsletters: To gain publicity
Television: They got filmed by Euromax
Events: They organised a Bough Bikes event in Amsterdam
Fairs: They went to the Milan Design Week to gain awareness of the Bough Bikes.
6.2 The promotion methods that the competitors of Bough Bikes use
For the competitors of Bough Bikes, there will only be looked after the main competitors.
 Batavus:
o Social media:
 Facebook: 4.347 people like Batavus
 Twitter: 1.146 followers
o Fairs: “de wandel en fietsbeurs” they got a stand there with chance to win a bicycle
o Win chance promotions
o The Batavus tour club
o Sponsoring: They also auctioned a bicycle for 3FM serious request. They also
sponsored bicycles in the movie “Mees Kees op kamp”.
o Social media:
 Facebook: 10.922 people like Gazelle
 Twitter: 2.305 followers
o Fairs: “de wandel en fietsbeurs” they got a stand
o Sponsoring: They sponsored the Olympics 2014 in Soschi. They also auctioned a
bicycle for 3FM serious request.
o Win chance promotions
Johnny Loco
o Social media:
 Facebook: 1.227 people like Johnny Loco
 Twitter: 123 followers
International Project
19 maart 2016
Social media:
 Facebook: 7.694 people like Puch
Fairs: “de wandel en fietsbeurs” they got a stand
Win chance promotions.
o Social media:
 Facebook: 2.171 people like Sparta
 Twitter: 1.237 followers
o Fairs: “de wandel en fietsbeurs” they got a stand
o They give the opportunity to try out the bicycles.
o Social media:
 Facebook: 363 people like Sparta
 Twitter: 915 followers
International Project
19 maart 2016
7. Conclusion
- What is the current marketing position of Bough Bikes?
Fielresearch shows that the brand Bough Bike is not very known by consumers. This is a weakness for
the company, so marketing activity must create more awareness. Most people use a bike just for
transport, which mean that an expensive bike is not a must-have. It is logic that people with a low
income wouldn’t buy this bike, because of the high price. The product is more likely a luxury product
and is ‘more than just a bike for transportation’.
- Which target groups should Bough Bikes focus on?
The consumer where they have to focus on is someone who is environmentally conscious or
someone who loves sustainable products. The reason why people don’t buy a Bough Bike is because
they think the product is too expensive. They have to make clear why the product is the price worth
it or they should reduce the price. Another reason is that people think the bike is too unusual. Bough
Bike can show the consumers why it’s nice to have an unusual bike.
- What is the current particular bicycle market?
Often there is more than one bicycle per person. Most important is the city bike. The average person
owns a recreational bike like a racing bike and/or mountain bike. Traditionally there was the goods
transportation bike ‘bakfiets’. A modern version is used to transport ones children around town.
There is also the school bike that is built for comfort .A trend emerges to much more variation in
bicycles, many different but dedicated designs where ‘form’ clearly follows ‘function’.
- Who are the competitors of Bough Bikes?
Bough Bikes have a lot of competitors. The biggest competitors are Batavus, Gazelle, Johnny Loco,
Puch, Sparta and Union. They are the biggest competitors, because their Unique Selling Point is also
being special, they have the same price or they are one of the market leaders.
- What kind of promotion methods does Bough Bikes and their competitors use?
Bough Bikes use a lot of promotion. They use more promotion then their competitors. They still do
not have enough brand awareness for consumers. Bough Bikes will create brand awareness when
they use their Unique Selling Point. It is their strength in this huge Bike market.
- How will Bough Bikes create brand awareness for consumers?
This information can be used for a new promotion. The best promotion will be a presentation or an
advertisement. Consumers think that this kind of promotion will be the best for Bough Bikes. The
best presentation will be in a bike store. This is the place where people buy their bicycle. In the
presentation they will show what the Bough Bike does, why it is a durable product and it is possible
to adapt the Bough Bike to the requirements of the consumers. The presentation will be aimed at
employees and students, because respondents feel that this would be the target group. The
advertisement is best placed via the internet or social media. These media are most commonly used
by consumers. Bough Bike will create more brand awareness.
International Project
19 maart 2016
Reference list
Stad en Land CPB H de Groot, G Marlet, C Teulings, W Vermeulen, ISBN 978-90-5833-478-7, 2010,
Sites (27-02-2014) (28-02-2014) (04-03-2014) (01-03-2014)
ken_%28Automotive%29&p=4 (28-02-2014) (01-03-2014)
International Project
19 maart 2016
Results Primary Research
1. What brand of bike do you have right now?
Bough Bike
2. For what purposes do you use this bike?
3. What did you pay for your current bike?
International Project
19 maart 2016
4. Where did you buy this bike?
Bike shop
5. Do you know Bough Bike?
6. Would you buy the product?
International Project
19 maart 2016
7. Does the durable material influence your choice of bike?
No influence
Little influence
No opinion
Not such a big influence
Big influence
8. For which target group do you think the Bough Bike is the most suitable?
Business people
9. What do you think of the price € 1500, -?
Too expensive
Fairly expensive
No opinion
Reasonable price
Good price
International Project
19 maart 2016
10. Where would you like to buy the bike?
Bike shop
11. What promotion do you think would be most suitable for the Bough Bike?
Internet campaign
Promotion on street
Promotion in a bike
Word of mouth
12. Which media do you use mostly?
Social Media
International Project
19 maart 2016
13. What is your gender?
14. What age range do you fall into?
15. What is your net income per month?
Under €1000
International Project
19 maart 2016
16. What is your living situation?
Family with 2
Family with 3
17. What do you do in everyday life?
18. What are your hobbies?
creative activities
Technical activities
International Project
19 maart 2016
19. How often do you cycle per week?
Less than 1 hour
1-3 hours
3-5 hours
5-7 hours
7+ hours
International Project
19 maart 2016
Focus group
Focus group organised by Willem
Personal information
1. M. Wiering
2. F. Wiering
3. P. Wiering
What is your reaction to this bike? (appearance, procurement, security)
What do you think of the idea that the bike is sustainable?
Respondent 1: I do not think the bike looks nicely. I see in the picture no lights on the front of the
Respondent 2: I noticed that I cannot take luggage with me. I think that's an obstacle. You need to be
a certain type of man to buy it.
Respondent 3: It looks like a children's bike. I find it very childish. The bike is not very attractive. I
see myself not riding on this bike. I think the durability exaggerated, because the bike is already
Target group
What target group will buy this bike?
Respondent 1: Young people.
Respondent 2: Especially young people. Certain types of people will buy this bike, I am thinking of
environmentally conscious people.
Respondent 3: Especially the environmentally conscious people will buy it. I think this bike will be
quickly stolen , or that there are people who will cut through the bike. The bike will not be suitable
for students, given the quality and the price that must be paid.
What do you think of the price € 1500, Would you Bough Bike buy for that price? Why or why not?
Respondent 1: Way too expensive.
Respondent 2: I estimate the bike €3000. So I think it is not that bad. I think it's a quality bike, as it is
made and the materials are durable.
Respondent 3: I estimate the bike €150. €1500 I think is way too much. I would not buy it too,
because I am a student and does not wish to spend my money.
International Project
19 maart 2016
Bough bikes are a small company. Do you think that it can withstand competition from major brands
such as Batavus?
Respondent 1: Batavus has good brand bikes. I certainly do not think Bough Batavus bikes out to
Respondent 2: No, because Batavus is much bigger and more famous. I think if the brand Batavus
will stand on the bike, the bike will sell better.
Respondent 3: Batavus has many different kinds of bikes on offer. They provide to each segment a
product. Bough Bikes offers only to a specific group of people.
Where would you buy Bough Bikes?
Respondent 1: I would prefer to buy a bike at a local bike company, so I can try the bike. I will
definitely not buy over the internet because I do not trust it. On Texel I would buy it at bike shop
called Zegel.
Respondent 2: The local bike shop.
Respondent 3: I also want to try the bike first. I would buy it in a small bicycle shop.
How would you promote Bough Bikes?
Respondent 1: I would like to try it firts.
Respondent 2: Also, I would give the bike a color, so it is not clear that the bike is durable. I would
tell that there bike is durable, so durability is well promoted. This is a fun event.
Respondent 3: I would go cycling through the village or town on this bike, so the bike is promoted. I
want to experience the bike. No advertising via a banner on the Internet, because you have to
experience to sit on the bike. You could also use a celebrity who bicycles on it, for example, a cyclist
or someone who has a status of sustainability.
Do you have any explanations on this topic?
There were no specific answers. It became clear that respondent 2 are wondering whether it is so
durable is:'' In the production of the materials to be moved. When a consumer comes to the bike
shop, the person should move and that fuel costs, to the detriment of the environment. So in the end
it is not fully sustainable, because it is always at the expense of the environment. I question the
Respondent 3 highlights the high cost of the bike. '' The bike is very good quality and therefore very
popular with people who want fietsenjatters or evil. Perhaps they saw in a drunken stupor or by bike.
I also think that every bike is durable because it is always better for the environment than the car.''
International Project
19 maart 2016
Focus group organised by Sanne
Personal information
1. M. Wiering
2. E. Wiering
3. J.C. Wiering
Current situation
1. Do you have a bike? If so what kind?
1 Yes, I have a Reflection. It's a city bike. It is a small size and since I am big, it is actually too small.
The bike is light and that is an advantage. The bike ride nice and after a few years, it is still not
broken. The bike is black and that makes the bike stand. The comfort is good.
2 Yes, I have a Basia. It's a city bike. It's a lovely bike, because he is good and he is high. So I can look
good on the road. The bike is black, but I think this is a dull color. I prefer a nicer color.
3 Yes, I have a Batavus. It is a men's bike. It is a light bike and long lasting. I go for years with every
day to work, so that's very important. The product is comfortable. The saddle is good and it kicks
easy. The bike is gray and I think this is a great color.
2. Why did you choose this bike?
1 It was on sale and a city bike is an easy bike. The bike is simple and I think that is important.
2 Because he rode nice and was affordable. It was comfortable. Normally these products are simple,
but there were also gears with.
3 The many gears appealed to me. This makes it easier to ride against wind, hills and bridges.
3. What did you pay for it?
1 € 100.00 and this is a good price for a bike. I would not pay more for this bike because it is so
2 €330,00. And I think that's a nice price. It's an affordable price. It probably helped that the bike has
a good quality.
3 €400,00. I thought that was an acceptable amount. It probably helped that the bike has a good
4. Where did you buy this bike?
1 I bought it at Karwei. It was in the offer and there was a new bike needed because my current bike
went to Delft.
International Project
19 maart 2016
2 It was purchased by Edwin Green. almost all of our bikes come from there. You can trade your old
bike and then you get a discount on the price.
3 In a bike shop in Alkmaar, I just do not know the name. I bought it there because before this bike, I
bought a bike there and there I was satisfied. I got a discount on the price when I traded in my old
5. What kind of bike you had before?
1 For this I also had a city bike. I do not remember the brand. This was a nice bike and that is why I
have chosen for my current bike. This bike was black and blue.
2 That was Sparta. This was a normal city bike. I chose it because it could easily lead a child and I
could extend the bike well with panniers.
3 It was a men's bike. . I do not remember the brand. It was a well-known brand. This was dark green.
6. Were you satisfied with this bike? Why?
1 Yes, I was satisfied. The bike was not easily broken and that I liked.
2 Yes. He did well and he was not quickly broken.
3 I was pretty happy. He did it for a reasonable time, but eventually went on all sides broken.
7. What is your opinion about a wooden bicycle?
1 I do not like the color and it seems like you're hammering boards together and call it a bike. This
ensures that it looks cheap. The saddle does not look good and this is important to me. My current
bike is better.
2 It is an ugly product. It's not a comfortable bike. I think it's a stupid thing.
3 The idea of a wooden bike is good, but it does not seem to be a comfortable bike.
8. What do you think of the idea that the bike is sustainable?
1 This only makes a difference if a lot of people on a bicycle bicycles. It's a sales pitch. I do not think it
makes a difference in the world.
2 I think it's a waste of trees and therefore not sustainable. There is enough deforestation.
3 I do not think the bike will last, because wood still responds quickly to again and quickly decay.
9. Would you buy it? Why?
1 No, because he is ugly and he does not seem comfortable.
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19 maart 2016
2 No, because I think the bike is ugly and I think it is important that a bike look beautiful. He does not
seem comfortable.
3 No, I need a bike that will last and that it is comfortable. I do not think that it contains capabilities
with this bike.
10. For which target group do you think the Bough Bike is suitable?
1 People who care about the environment. Because it is made of durable material, and I think other
people do not like the product otherwise.
2 I also think that for people who think the environment is important, but do not have knowledge of
the environment.
3 I think the rich are interested in this product, because it is a gadget, and they are sensitive for
11. What do you think of the price €1500, -?
1 Much too high for the bike that you were getting. The price does not match the product.
2 I also think it is way too much. I want quality for that price and I do not think that this bike offers.
3 It is expensive. The bike is for rich people.
12. Would you Bough Bike buy for that price? Why?
1 No, I cannot afford and would not pay for that bike.
2 No, the bike offers not enough quality for that price.
3 No, I think this is really a lot of money for the quality offered by this bike.
13. Which brand competes the Bough Bikes according to you?
1 Batavus and Gazelle, because they the biggest and best bicycles. They are also in this price range.
2 I think the special Dutch bicycles are the biggest competitor. Because I think these bikes are bought
by Dutch.
3 Other suppliers would be the largest competitor.
14. Where would you like to buy the Bough Bikes?
1 I think a bike shop is the best place because we have to try this bike and many people still buy their
bike in the bike shop.
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19 maart 2016
2 I think over the internet, and then you can put it together yourself. It is suitable as a kit.
3 I also think the Internet, because it is easy to buy and people still go for convenience.
15. How would you promote Bough Bikes? (Fair, advertising, sponsorships, promotions, PR)
1 Through TV advertising because you reach the largest audience.
2 Through a scholarship or promotion in a store, then you can try out the bike and this will ensure
that you will buy this bike faster. I would then promote through a health food store, because people
who care about the environment come into these stores. IKEA is also an option, because they buy
wood products and a great company.
3 Sponsor of the cycling. This is a great example only and it would like to compare to the large
athletes. This will increase the image of the product.
16. Through which media you would promote the Bough Bike? (internet, radio, television,
newspapers, magazines, billboards, flyers)
1 TV and Internet because many young people watch TV and use the internet and young people are
more environmentally conscious.
2 I think a newspaper, because many people read newspapers.
3 The radio, because many people still listen radio in the car and at home.
International Project
19 maart 2016
Focus group organised by David
Personal information
1. S. Wiering
2. J. Bruin
3. W. Wiering
4. D. de Zoeten
5. O. Wiebadie
6. J. Metselaar
What is your reaction to this bike? (appearance, procurement, security)
What do you think of the idea that the bike is sustainable?
Respondent 1: Quite an interesting bike, which looks good. An interesting design, though I wouldn’t
purchase it myself. I think it’s too expensive, too distinctive and I’m afraid it would be stolen too
quickly. I do think it’s a safe bike, but not more than others.
Respondent 2: I think it’s a really nice bike, and I like the idea of adding accessories and changing the
appearance. I would not purchase it basically because it’s far too expensive, and it’s not worth the
price of 1500 euros. If it were 100 euros I would. I do like the facts it’s made out of woot though.
Respondent 3: A new, nice bike with an ugly steering wheel. It think it’s weird it’s made out of woot,
but it does make it a strong bike. It’s also safe because of the thick wheels. I wouldn’t purchase it
myself because it’s too expensive and I don’t think a bike could ever be worth that price. It could be
stolen quickly, and it might even be sawed perhaps as it’s made out of woot.
Respondent 4: An interesting bike, which looks good. An interesting design, though I wouldn’t
purchase it myself. I think it’s too expensive, too distinctive and I’m afraid it would be stolen too
quickly. I do think it’s a safe bike, but not more than others.
Respondent 5: I think it’s a nice bike, and I do like the fact that it’s so distinctive. The idea is nice but
it could be easily stolen. Sustainability sounds nice, but I don’t think it’ll be that much better than
other bikes. I wouldn’t purchase it because of its price.
Respondent 6: It’s a distinctive bike, I don’t see it like that very often. I like the idea of making it your
own, and I like the material. But still, I would not purchase it especially because of its high price.
Target group
Which target group, do you think, would by this bike?
Respondent 1: Rich students that live in the city and probably have to much money.
Respondent 2: Environmentally conscious people that bike a lot. Probably people that live in the
Respondent 3: The target group of Bough Bikes consists of people with a higher salary that like to
cycle. People that don’t value a bike like this, wouldn’t purchase it. Probably, it’s especially nice for
mountain bikers and cyclists.
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19 maart 2016
Respondent 4: Designers, People that like to show off with distinctive products and are willing to pay
more for that.
Respondent 5: Business people, bank directors with too much money.
Respondent 6: People with quite a high income, that like biking and are environmentally conscious.
What do you think of the price of €1500, -?
Would you buy a bough bike for that price, and why (not)?
Respondent 1: I think the price is ridiculous. There won’t be many people willing to pay it. I wouldn’t
purchase it because of the price, especially because bikes aren’t worth such a price.
Respondent 2: I think it’s far too expensive, for that price you could buy a car.
Respondent 3: I do think the price is quite high, but I think it’s reasonable for this product. It is tailormade, and you can customize it by yourself. The product is a bit exclusive also because of the fact
that it’s more sustainable. A high price fits with that. I still wouldn’t purchase it myself as it doesn’t fit
in my budget for bikes.
Respondent 4: I think it’s too expensive and not worth it’s price. I could think of better things for this
amount of money.
Respondent 5: I also think it’s too expensive and that it’s not worth its price.
Respondent 6: I think it’s too expensive. For €1500 you could buy an other nice bike and buy some
other nice things with what’s left.
Bough bikes is a small company. Do you think it can compete with big brands like ‘Batavus’ for
Respondent 1: I do think they can easily compete with them, as those who are willing to buy such a
product would do it anyway. But they surely won’t become as big as Batavus as their target group is
far smaller.
Respondent 2: No, because Batavus is a whole other company with a different price category. It’s
also better known and worldwide.
Respondent 3: I think it could be really a good thing when Bough Bikes can better distinguish itself
from the others. People need to choose for a Bough Bike because of the benefits. If it doesn’t have
those they would go for a Batavus or something like that. Having said that, Bough Bikes needs to
work on its name as other companies will of course fight back.
Respondent 4: In this very small target group, it surely can compete with Batavus as their product is
far different from others. But because of the product and it’s price, this target group is very small,
and I don’t think it’ll become much bigger. Therefore, It will not be as big as brands like Batavus.
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19 maart 2016
Respondent 5: No, I think its sales will never be big enough to become a big company.
Respondent 6: I think the target group of Bough Bikes isn’t big enough to compete with bigger
companies. For that the price is too high, which is why many people would buy a bike of an other
If you’d buy a Bough Bike, where would it be?
Respondent 1: In a bike shop. Not in a specific one but in a general one as they would probably
attract more people.
Respondent 2: I would buy it from a dealer. Not on the Internet as it’s too big of an investment to
buy it without trying it out.
Respondent 3: I would buy it from a local reseller, mainly so that I can come by when something
isn’t working properly. As that could easily be the case every 2 years it needs to be local.
Respondent 4: I’d buy it from a dealer. Probably a more specific one that attracts people that are
more into design, in a good neighbourhood.
Respondent 5: I’d buy it from the Internet so that I could buy it for a better price. Also, in this way
the target group could be bigger.
Respondent 6: I would buy it from a dealer, which could help me more personally. Also, this way I
can go to him when it needs to be repaired.
How would you promote the Bough Bike?
Respondent 1: A promotion within a bike shop could be handy as those people have already saves
an X amount of money for a new bike. Also, It could directly be tried out.
Respondent 2: Mainly online, to bring people into action by the possibility to try it out. Especially
social media could be quite handy. Guerrilla Marketing is, I think, quite effective and relatively easy.
Respondent 3: Bough Bikes needs to be an exclusive product. They need to promote with the
sustainability and of course its design. They could advertise with something like ‘Buy a bicycle, or buy
a Bough Bike’. It needs to be clear that Bough Bikes are better, and different from other bicycles.
Respondent 4: Online can surely come out as effective, just like social media.
Respondent 5: On the TV, as a lot of people watch it you can easily show off the bicycle.
Respondent 6: I would mainly promote it on TV and on the Internet. This way you can easily show off
the product to give the potential owner a good idea of what it is and what you could do with it.
International Project
19 maart 2016
Do you have any further explanations or other things to say about the subject?
R1: The combination of the product and the price isn’t correct. It should either be a better product ,
or it should have a smaller price.
R2: No
R3: No
R4: As a reaction on R1, I think it should be both. The product isn’t good and special enough for this
price, but even if it were, it’s far too expensive.
R5: No
R6: It simply too expensive.
International Project
19 maart 2016