The Nervous System


The Nervous System

Vocabulary Review

Peripheral nervous system

 Cranial and spinal nerves outside the central nervous system

Central nervous system

 Consists of the brain and spinal cord


 A nerve cell

Nerve impulse

 Electrochemical process that communicates within the nervous system


 Part of the neuron that receives input from other neurons


 Carries nerve impulses away from the cell body of a neuron


 Bundle of axons or nerve cell fibers

Sensory receptor

 Specialized structure associated with the peripheral end of a sensory neuron specific to detecting a particular sensation and triggering a nerve impulse in response

Somatic nervous system

 Motor pathways of the PNS that lead to skin and skeletal muscle

Autonomic nervous system

 Portion of the PNS that controls organs (viscera), smooth, and cardiac muscle


 Fatty covering that protects and insulates an axon

Sensory neurons

 Nerve composed of sensory nerve fibers


 Link motor and sensory neurons in the CNS

Motor neurons

 Transmits impulses from the CNS to effector muscles or glands

Nerve pathway

 Route a nerve impulse travels


 Functional connection between an axon and a dendrite; wireless connection between neurons


 Chemical secreted at the end of an axon on to another neuron or effector muscle or gland

Reflex arc

 Nerve pathway that forms the structural and functional basis for a reflex


 An automatic response to a stimulus


 3 membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord

Spinal nerves

 Nerves that branch from the spinal cord; part of the PNS


 Larger portion of the brain that provides higher level mental functions


 Region of the brain containing the thalamus and hypothalamus; acts as a relay station for sensory input, as well as to maintain homeostasis

Brain stem

 Includes the medulla oblongata, the pons, and the midbrain; connects brain to spinal cord


 Coordinates skeletal muscle movements
