Ch. 37 crossword - The Nervous System

Chapter 37 crossword - The Nervous System
3. the functional unit of the nervous system
6. a substance released at the synaptic cleft which carry the signal
7. neurons take nerve impulses from receptors on skin (or other organs) and send them to the CNS
10. convey nerve impulses between sensory and motor neurons within the CNS
13. a terminal in which the signal is transmitted between nerve cells
14. gap between two neighboring neurons
15. substance used to insulate nerve fibers to increase conduction speed
16. rapid change in the polarity across the portion of the axonal membrane
17. an interconnected network of neurons found in basic organisms (contract and expand body)
18. consists of the nerves extending from the brain and spinal cord
1. a cluster of nerve cell bodies
2. branches processes that receives signals from neurons or nerve receptors
4. when a neuron is NOT conducting an impulse
5. neurons that take nerve impulses into glands and muscles
8. when the inside of a neuron becomes positive because of the sudden influx of Na+ ions
9. consists of brain and spinal cord
11. minus change in polarity needed to generate an action potential
12. the sudden movement of K+ ions to the outside of the neuron