Targets Chapter 7/Nervous System 1. List the three functions of the nervous system. 2. Explain the structural and functional classification of the nervous system. 3. Define central nervous system. 4. Define peripheral nervous system. 5. State the function of neurons and neuroglia. 6. Define gray and white matter. 7. Describe the general structure of a neuron, and name its important anatomical regions. 8. List two major properties of neurons. 9. Classify neurons according to structure and function. 10. List the types of sensory receptors. 11. Describe the events that lead to generation of a nerve impulse. 12. Define reflex, arc, and list its elements. 13. Identify the major regions of the cerebral hemisphere, diencephalons, brain stem, and cerebellum on a human brain diagram. 14. Name three meningeal layers and state their function. 15. Compare the signs of a CVA with those of Alzheimer’s disease. 16. Define EEG, and explain how it evaluates neural functioning. 17. List two important functions of the spinal cord. 18. Describe the spinal cord structure. 19. Describe the general structure of a nerve. 20. Identify the major cranial nerve and their functions. 21. Describe t he origin and fiber composition of a)ventral and dorsal roots, b) the spinal nerves proper, c) and the ventral and dorsal rami. 22. Discuss the distribution of the dorsal and ventral rami of spinal nerves 23. Name the four major nerve plexuses. 24. Explain the function of the sympathetic and parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. 25. Contrast the effect of the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions on the following organs: heart, lungs, digestive system, and blood vessels. 26. List several factors that may have harmful effects on brain development. 27. Define spina bifida. 28. Define anencephaly. 29. Define cerebral palsy. 30. Explain the decline in brain size and weight that occurs with aging. 31. Define senility, and list some possible causes.