Realignment Supervision Trends ACJR Conference October 2013 Kevin O’Connell Chief Probation Officers of California California Counties supervise ~410,000 people after realignment -3% 350,000 County 300,000 State 250,000 -50% +0% 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 Felony Probation Misd Probation Sep-11 PRCS Mar-13 Mandatory Supervision Parole Trends in county level sentencing have stayed fairly flat Local Prison- Jail Only Local Prison- Splits Probation Mar-13 Feb-13 Jan-13 Dec-12 Nov-12 Oct-12 Sep-12 Aug-12 Jul-12 Jun-12 May-12 Apr-12 Mar-12 Feb-12 Jan-12 Dec-11 Nov-11 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Oct-11 # of people sentenced County Sentencing During Realignment Local prison terms average 2500 a month, with split sentencing increasing slightly 2500 Local Prison Sentences by Type 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Local Prison- Jail Only Local Prison- Splits Diversity in sentencing practices has resulted in varying levels of split sentences 26% State rate 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 58 counties split sentence %, through March 2013 100% 40,000 offenders being supervised under realignment between PRCS and Mandatory Supervision by probation Supervised Realigned Population as of March 2013 Active PRCS Population Active Mandatory Supervision Population Mar-13 Feb-13 Jan-13 Dec-12 Nov-12 Oct-12 Sep-12 Aug-12 Jul-12 Jun-12 May-12 Apr-12 Mar-12 Feb-12 Jan-12 Dec-11 Nov-11 Oct-11 45000 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 Per 100,000 people, where are realigned people going? Darker colors have more realigned people on PRCS or MS than others Early data collection points to more areas for study and research Effectiveness of service and treatment referrals based on risk responsivity Use and efficacy of graduated sanctions such as flash incarceration Types of recidivism and time to new criminal event A natural experiment between those given straight time and split sentences Implementation Implementation Implementation Where to go for data