The Periodic Table Chapter 5 Notes Mendeleev ●Designed first periodic table (1869) ●Arranged mostly by increasing atomic mass ●Elements in the same column have similar properties Moseley ●Arranged by increasing atomic number Periodic Law ●Elements’ physical and chemical properties show a periodic [“repeating”] pattern when arranged by atomic number ●COLUMN = Group or Family oSimilar properties based on the same number of valence electrons oNumbered 1-18 or with Roman numerals ●ROW = Period Valence electrons ●Electrons in the outermost shell ●Octet Rule = all atoms want 8 valence electrons to achieve stability oExceptions: H, He Families of the Periodic Table Alkali Metals ●Soft ●Most reactive metals Noble Gases ●very UNreactive ●“inert” Halogens ●Most reactive nonmetals Metals ●luster/shiny, good conductors of heat & electricity, malleable, ductile ●LEFT SIDE of periodic table Nonmetals ●not shiny, poor conductors, not malleable or ductile, brittle ●RIGHT SIDE of periodic table Metalloids ●“semi-metals” ●some properties of metals, some of nonmetals ●touch ZIG-ZAG LINE Periodic Trends Atomic Radius ●Distance from the nucleus to the outer electrons ●Decreases across a row ●Increases down a column Explanation of Atomic Radius increasing down a column Explanation of Atomic Radius increasing down a column Explanation of Atomic Radius decreasing across a row Explanation of Atomic Radius decreasing across a row Electronegativity ●Ability of an atom to attract electrons to itself oIncreases across a row oDecreases down a column Ionization Energy ●Energy needed to remove an electron ●Increases across a row ●Decreases down a column Electron Affinity ●How much an atom wants to gain an electron oDecreases down a column oIncreases across a row Think about Corners Practice- Circle your answer choice Larger atomic radius? 1) Mg or Sr 2) Mg or S Larger electronegativity? 3) P or Sb 4) Ge or Br Larger ionization energy? 5) Ca or Se 6) Ca or Ra Ion Size ●Cation – atom loses electron oAtom gets smaller ●Anion – atom gains electron oAtom gets bigger Exampl e of Ion Size