Extra-Credit 2: Stress

Extra Credit
Introduction to Psychology
Fall Semester 2011
Name __________________________________
This sheet returned completed is worth 5 points on Test 4.
(1)____________ is our response to events that threaten to disturb our psychological
equilibrium. Those events are called (2) ____________. The branch of psychology that
specializes in stress is called (3) _______________ psychology. It is part of the larger
interdisciplinary field of (4) ________________ medicine.
The (5) ___________________________ model assumes that health and overall wellness
are influenced by a complex interaction of biological, psychological and social factors.
Two types of infrequent, but intense events that cause stress are major (6)_______________
events and (7) _____________ major events. Lazarus also pointed out that minor events known
as (8) _________________ that occur almost daily can cause stress.
Hans Selye proposed a model of stress known as the (9) _________________
________________ Syndrome, which is composed of three phases: (10) ______________,
(11)_________________, and (12) __________________.
Physical illnesses that are stress-related are called (13) __________________________
disorders. Two bodily systems are the primary ones targeted by stress. They are the
(14)______________ system and the (15)_______________________ system. Emotional or
stress responses also lead to the release of the stress hormones (16) ______________ and
(17) ____________________, which mobilize fats and contribute to blood clot formation and
artery blockage eventually causing cardiovascular disease. Stress also leads to
(18) ___________________ of the immune system.
The way that we interpret and evaluate events in our lives is called (19) ______________
appraisal. (20) _______________ appraisal involves the initial evaluation of the situation.
During (21) _____________appraisal, we decide whether we have the ability to cope with the
A strategy aimed at reducing stress by overcoming the problem that is the source of the stress is
(22)________________-focused coping. When we decide to manage our emotional reactions
rather than trying to change the stressor, we engage in (23) ________________-focused coping.
.(24) _____________________ and control over a stressor is one of the most important factors
moderating the relationship between stress and illness. People with Type (25)_____ behavior
patterns are more susceptible to stress than people with Type ____ behavior.
People with (26) _____________________ explanatory styles, who explain negative
events as being caused by external factors, tend to be less stressed than those with
(27) _______________________ explanatory styles.
The helpful coping resources that friends and other people provide when a person is
confronting a stressful situation is known as (28) ____________
(29) Aerobic _________________ can increase both physical and mental health.
(30) _________________________ training is effective in reducing stress and improving health.
You should choose your thoughts. Don’t unnecessarily expose yourself to (31) ______________
Thinking. Don’t (32) __________________________ take in information.
(33) ______________________ decide what thoughts to accept or reject.