Entry Slip – 9/8
Complete the worksheet
on the D.E.C.I.D.E. model.
D: Define the Problem
E: Explore Alternatives (2)
C: Consider Consequences
I: Identify Values/Beliefs
D: Decide and Act
E: Explore Results
SSR: Quietly
READ for 15
Entry Slip – 9/9
Analyze the two types of
stress. Provide examples
from your own life of each.
LT: I can identify the impact of stress on my health (both positive and
• Definition of stress: the reaction of your body &
mind to threatening or challenging events in your
The man who studied stress? Hans Selye (known as the father of
stress, no not the father of soul).
Selye believed that the cause of stress, which he called stressors
occurred on two levels:
• Eustress - that which produces positive stress
• Distress - that which produces negative stress.
The body's response to stress occurs in 3 stages:
1. Alarm Stage - in this stage the body releases a
substance known as adrenaline into your bloodstream.
Adrenaline gives you a burst of energy and causes
many other physiological changes to occur:
• increased heartbeat
•Increased amount of blood in the muscles
•Increased breathing rate
•The pupils widen
•There is an increase in the production of sweat
•There is a decrease in the production of urine
•There is a decrease in the digestive system
In the alarm stage your brain is alert, able to take in
information, and it is ready to react. This reaction is
called the fight or flight response.
2. Resistance Stage - this is where the body tries to
recover from the alarm in the first stage. This is because
the stressor remains in the body, the body cannot restore
homeostasis. The body begins to function at higher than
normal levels. As a result, the body becomes tired,
irritable, and less able to handle any additional stress, or
to fight off colds, flu, etc.
3. Exhaustion Stage - Exhaustion occurs if the stressor
remains. In this stage the body is worn down and no
longer has enough energy to fight off the stressor. This
can lead to illness, impaired judgment, and possibly
death, if not removed.
Therefore the three physiological response to continuous
stress, including the alarm, resistance and exhaustion
stages is known as the General Adaptation Syndrome.
Ranking stressors by high school students
this is ranked in what we call "life change units" with
"O" being no stress and "100" being the highest level
of stress
101 - Getting married
92 - Being pregnant & unwed
87 - experiencing death of a parent
81 - Acquiring a visible deformity
77 - Going through a parent's divorce
77 - Becoming an unwed father
76 - Becoming involved with alcohol or drugs
75 - Having a parent jailed for a year or more
69 - Going through a parent's separation
68 - Experiencing the death of a brother/sister
67 - Experiencing a change in acceptance by peers
64 - Having an unwed, pregnant teenage sister
64 - Discovering you have been adopted
63 - Having a parent remarry
62 - Experiencing the death of a close friend
62 - Having a visible congenital deformity
58 - Having a serious illness, requiring hospitalization
56 - Failing a grade in high school
55 - Not making an extra curricular activity
55 - Experiencing the serious illness of a parent
53 - breaking up with your girlfriend/boyfriend
53 - Having a parent go to jail for 30 days or less
51 - Beginning to date
A. Growing up psychologically means developing coping
mechanisms to meet life's challenges.
B. A coping mechanism or strategy is the way of dealing
with uncomfortable or unbearable feelings or situations.
C. Development of an adult identity means having a
unified sense of self, of ones roles and place, and of
one's own uniqueness; it means realistic selfassessment and the ability to interact with others.
D. Identity evolves through interaction with the world.
Early identity is based on modeling of others.
Eventually it becomes more individual and stable.
Achieving realistic self-esteem means knowing
one's self - worth.
a. self-esteem refers to how much you like
yourself & feel good about yourself. Self esteem is grounded in love and positive
feedback received in childhood.
b. those who do not have a stable self-concept
have conflicting, polar views of themselves,
which makes it impossible to see themselves
and others realistically.
c. teens and adults all run into situations that
challenge their self-concept, and they choose to react
in several ways…….from acknowledging that
something went wrong and starting again, to denying
that anything went wrong and blaming someone else,
to developing a lasting negative self-concept in which
they feel bad, unloved, and ineffective or
Defense mechanisms allow people to rearrange thoughts
and feelings to resolve conflict.
When coping strategies occur at the unconscious level,
they are called defense mechanisms. The seven most
common defense mechanisms include:
1. Compensation - making up for a weakness in one area
by excelling in another area.
2. Rationalization - making an excuse for actions or
3. Denial - refusing to recognize the existence or an
emotion or problem.
4. Reaction Formation - behaving in a way opposite to the
way you are feeling.
5. Projection - putting your own faults onto another person.
6. Regression - returning to immature behaviors to express
7. Humor - using humor to cover or express your true
Stress Can Be Your Friend!
Stress as Your Friend - TED Health Video
Journal #4:
- When have you experienced negative stress?
- When have you experienced positive stress?
- What are some coping strategies for dealing with