Ancient Greece / Persian and Peloponnesian War and the Legacy of

Ancient Greece / Persian and Peloponnesian War and the Legacy of Alexander
1. The _____________________ Wars
a. Causes of the Conflict
i. Roots of Persian Wars lay in region of ______________________, in what is now Turkey
ii. Ionian city-states founded as ______________ colonies, fell under _______________ rule, 500s
1. Ionian _________________ unhappy with _______________ rule
a. Wanted _______________________________
i. Rebelled, 499 BC
iii. Ionian Greeks asked fellow ___________________ for help
1. ___________________ sent aid, ships
iv. Revolt made Persian emperor _________________ angry enough to seek _________________
1. Planned to punish Ionians’ allies, especially ________________, by attacking Greek
b. The First Persian Invasion
i. 490 BC, Persians set out to fulfill Darius’s plans for revenge
1. Fleet carrying tens of thousands of Persian troops set out for Greece
2. Came ashore near town of _____________________, not far from Athens
a. Warned in advance, Greeks arrived at Marathon, caught Persians
___________________ ships, charged in __________________, tight rectangle
3. Greek victory at _____________________ shocked both Greeks, Persians
a. ___________________ humiliated, furious
i. Darius planned second invasion, but ______________ before invasion
ii. Son _________________ vowed revenge, continued to plan attack on
c. The Second Persian Invasion
i. 480 BC, ______________ years after first invasion, Xerxes set out for Greece
1. Greek accounts say Persian army so ______________ took week to cross
___________________ built into Greece
ii. Faced with invasion, ______________________ called on other Greek city-states to help fight
off __________________________
1. With its large navy, ________________ took charge of Greek fighting ships
2. _______________ took charge of Greek armies
a. IMPORTANCE ____________________ FIGHT AS ONE
iii. Thermopylae
1. __________________ Spartans held off entire Persian army for several days
a. Persians shown alternate path through mountains; were able to
_________________, kill Spartans
2. Spartans’ _________________ bought time for Greeks’ defense
iv. After Thermopylae
1. Persians marched south to _________________, attacked, burned city; needed fleet to
bring additional supplies
2. Athenian commander lured Persian fleet into narrow ______________________
a. Greek ____________________ cut them to pieces
v. Within a year the _____________________ had won the Persian Wars.
2. Golden Age of Athens
a. As leaders in the Persian Wars, _________________ and ___________________ became the two most
powerful, influential city-states in Greece.
b. After the wars, Athens entered a ___________________ age as the center of Greek culture and politics.
i. ___________________ League
1. Polis’s banded together to defend each other
a. Alliance’s treasury kept on islands of ___________________
2. Alliance known as ___________________ League
a. Athens controlled ________________, _____________________
3. League grew in membership, power
a. Some members ______________________ Athenian dominance
i. Members who tried to _______________ attacked by league fleet,
forced back into ____________________
b. League became Athenian __________________________
ii. Pericles
1. Great champion of _______________________
a. Introduced ___________________ for those who served in public offices, on
b. Encouraged Athenians to introduce _________________ elsewhere
2. Commissioned building ___________________, other monuments
a. Wanted Athens to be most _____________________ city in Greece
iii. Peloponnesian League
1. Sparta head of Peloponnesian League, allied city-states
a. Formed 500s BC, to provide __________________, security for members
2. Tensions built between _________________, _________________________ Leagues
a. Mutual __________________ led to war between Athens, Sparta
iv. Peloponnesian War
1. 431 BC, the two declared ___________________
a. Lasted many years
2. Initially neither side gained much _______________________
a. Sparta, allies dominated _________________; Athens, allies dominated
3. Plague and Peace
a. 430, 429 BC, ____________________ struck Athens, changed course of war
i. Pericles, Athens’ leader through beginning of war, among ___________
b. After plague, fighting heated up until truce in 421 BC
4. Sparta’s Victory
a. 415 BC, war broke out again; Sparta took to _______________ as well as
_________________, destroyed Athenian fleet;
i. Athens _____________________________ 404 BC
b. Peloponnesian War almost destroyed _______________; Sparta also
_____________________ by war
v. Cycle of Warfare
1. After victory, ___________________ army tried to act as Greece’s dominant power
a. Sparta’s wealth, ___________________ badly strained, power worn down
2. Struggle for power led to long ___________________ of warfare that left all Greece
_______________________ to attack
a. 340s BC, ___________________, Greek-speaking kingdom to north, swept in,
took control of all Greece led by _____________________
3. Rise of Macedonia
a. Philip’s conquests of Greece might have continued, but he was __________________________
b. Title, plans for conquests fell to son, _______________________ the Great
i. Alexander only ____________________, but had been trained to rule almost from ___________
ii. Learned warfare and politics from ____________, _____________, and ___________________
c. Alexander’s Conquests
i. Alexander faced almost immediately with ________________ in Greece
1. Set out to reestablish control
a. Used _____________________ measures to show rebellion not tolerated
2. Crushed ___________________ army and sold people into slavery, burned city
ii. Conquered ______________, ____________________, and __________________
iii. Led army to the _________________, perhaps to conquer India
1. Soldiers had had enough, ____________________ to proceed farther from home
2. Alexander _____________________ to turn back to west
iv. 323 BC, Alexander fell ill while in ______________________
1. Died a few days later at age ____________
a. Alexander died without naming ____________________
v. Power Struggle
1. In the end, the empire was divided among ________________ most powerful generals
a. Called themselves _____________________
i. ____________________ became king of Macedonia and Greece
ii. ____________________ ruled Persian Empire
iii. Ptolemy ruled ____________________
Looking at the notes above and previous examples in history: write a short answer about the cost of War and how this
cost led to the collapse of the Greek City/States. (paragraph)
Use Chapter 5 section 4 to complete Graphic Organizer
Hellenistic World
Themes of History
Define Hellenistic