PLTW Certification - Wichita State University

Counselor Conference
November 19, 2013
Dr. Lawrence E. Whitman
Kansas Affiliate Director, PLTW
College of Engineering
Wichita State University
Pathway to Engineering Program
Foundation Courses
• Introduction to Engineering Design
• Principles of Engineering
Specialization Courses
Aerospace Engineering
Biotechnical Engineering
Civil Engineering and Architecture
Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Digital Electronics
Capstone Course
• Engineering Design and Development
Pathway to Engineering Program
Summary of Program Requirements
• PLTW STEM Agreement – 3 courses
– IED, POE, +One
– Four courses for certification
• All PLTW courses require concurrent enrollment in
college preparatory mathematics. Concurrent
enrollment in college preparatory science is strongly
Pathway to Engineering Program
Summary of Program Requirements
• All PLTW Pathway To Engineering courses are
designed as year-long courses on a standard 45-50
minute schedule. For schools with double period /
block scheduling, these courses can be completed in a
• Local schools will determine the PLTW sequence of
courses they will implement over a four-year period.
– It is recommended that schools offer the foundation courses
in the order previously listed (IED, POE, then DE).
– They can be offered concurrently.
– It is recommended that students take the foundation
courses prior to taking EDD.
PLTW Schools Commit to:
• Train teachers to teach PLTW courses
• Train counselors to counsel students about PLTW
• Meet minimum PLTW requirements for equipment
and software for PLTW classrooms
School Certification
• The primary purpose of the certification program is
to ensure the implementation of a high-quality PLTW
• Under the PLTW/School Agreement
– High schools must be re-certified every five years
– Schools must be certified in order for students to receive
college credit for PLTW courses
• Certification Process
– Self-assessment
– Site visit
– Classroom/Portfolio Review
Four or Three Courses?
Schools or sites electing to offer the minimum of three courses are not
eligible for certification but are still subject to quality and/or technical
assistance visits required by PLTW state leadership teams
Steps to Certification – Step 1 Meet the following requirements:
The school’s PLTW courses are taught by teachers who have
successfully completed PLTW Core Training sessions for each course
they are teaching.
The PLTW classroom equipment and software meets or exceeds PLTW
specifications as outlined in the Purchasing Manual.
All students enrolled in PLTW courses are also concurrently enrolled in
appropriate grade level mathematics and science courses.
A Partnership Team is in place that supports the program and meets on
a regular basis with a specific agenda and goals to accomplish.
At least one school counselor must have attended a PLTW Counselor
Conference for training.
An implementation and sustainability plan are in place for the
Steps to Certification – Step 2 and 3
Step 2: Complete the Self Assessment:
– Complete the Engineering Self Assessment or Biomedical Sciences Self
Assessment and submit it to PLTW at least two months prior to the desired
site visit date.
Step 3: Schedule your site visit:
– Once your Self Assessment has been completed and returned to PLTW, it
will be forwarded to the appropriate state certification team. Following a
review, the state certification team will contact the school to schedule a site
Forms do not need to be completed prior to the site visit.
A copy of the completed Self Assessment (see step 2).
Site visit schedule (View a SAMPLE Site Visit Schedule)
A map of the school highlighting PLTW classrooms and teacher names.
Copies of all teacher and counselor PLTW Core Training certifications.
Site Visit Interview Guide (View SAMPLE Interview Questions).
Portfolio/Engineering Notebook & Equipment Guide or
Portfolio/Biomedical Sciences Notebook & Equipment Guide
Software Reference Sheet
Engineering Site Visit Guide or Biomedical Site Visit Guide
Visit Reporting Document (checklist used by site visit team during its
College Credit at WSU
Wichita State University offers college credit to
students who complete:
• Introduction to Engineering Design (3 credit
• Principles of Engineering (3 credit hours)
College Credit Requirements
To apply for college credit at WSU, students
• Complete IED or POE at a certified PLTW
high school
• Earn at least 80% in the PLTW course
• Score at least 70% on the end-of-course exam
• Submit a course portfolio
• Pay a $200 per course fee (3 credit hours)