Mrs. Masloski’s Newsletter The students did a great job last week of getting back into the swing of school and learning! Thank you for continuing to read at home and practicing flashcards What’s Happening in Kindergarten: Reading: This week we will continue to focus on analyzing story elements: character(s), setting, problem and solution. We will also make predictions about stories before reading and practice retelling stories in order of events after reading. I will introduce the concept of synonyms: words that have almost the same meaning such as enormous and gigantic. Writing: This week we will answer the question “Where?” for our stories. This is another way of adding more detail and extending our stories. Example: Last night I went to dinner at Applebee’s. Soon we will be able to add another sentence to our stories Phonics: Our poem this week is “A Chubby Little Snowman”. Our word wall words will be: that, will, your. Be sure to add these words to the flashcards your child is practicing at home. We will create a list of words for the –in family such as win. Math: We will continue number sense activities with the 100 chart. We will continue to identify partners for the numbers 1 – 10 (example: 4 and 2 make 6). We will also introduce teen numbers and identify 10-groups in the teen numbers such as 10 and 2 make 12. Theme: This week we will begin Project Lead The Way (PLTW), a program that includes science, technology, engineering, and math. Our students will become engineers by designing their own structures to answer scientific questions. We will use the following design process: ask, explore, model, evaluate, and explain. We will be focusing on PLTW for the next couple months. The students will love the hands on approach to learning! Reminders: *Winter field trip to the National Wildlife Refuge on February 2 from 9:00 – 12:00. *Friday, March 4 Kindergarten music program @ 2:00 If you have any questions or concerns please email me at or call (952)496-5802. Thank you, Mrs. Masloski Если у Вас возникнут вопросы относительно этой информации или Вам понадобится объяснение на русском языке, пожалуйста, позвоните Светлане Мшар по телефону 952-496-5094 и оставьте ваше сообщение. Вам ответят на звонок вскоре. Спасибо! Haddii aad u baahatid Tafaasiil intaas kasii baddan ama turjumid, Fadlan la xidhiidh Ibrahim Mohamed oo ah Howlwadeenka idman ee Waalidiinta iyo Iskuulada Shakopee, Teleefonkiisana waa 952-4965041. Si usted tiene preguntas o le gustaría obtener más información sobre alguna de estas formas, favor de comunicarse con Yael Ripoli al 952496-5813 y dejar un mensaje. Se le regresara su llamada lo más pronto posible. ¡Gracias!