Benchmark #2 review


US History II

Benchmark #2 Review




Part 1 – due Monday 1/11

Review the following key terms. You may use any method you like, including flashcards,

Quizlet, or writing an opera about American history and staging it at the Met. Don’t be

surprised if you see these on a quiz someday.

Unit 3: Becoming a World Power

 manifest destiny

 Turner Thesis

 Dawes Act

 boarding schools

 reservations

 Battle of Little Big Horn

 Alfred Thayer Mahan

 Social Darwinism

 Hawaii

 Spanish-American War

 De Lome letter

 U.S.S. Maine

 reconcentration camps

 Teller Amendment

 Platt Amendment

 Philippine-American War

 Open Door policy

 Panama Canal

 Roosevelt Corollary

 World War I

 nationalism

 militarism

 imperialism

 alliance system

 Franz Ferdinand

 trench warfare

 Zimmermann Note

 Lusitania

 unrestricted submarine warfare

 yellow journalism

 Committee on Public Information

 Espionage and Sedition Acts

 Schenck v. United States

 Fourteen Points

 League of Nations

Unit 4: Becoming a Modern Nation

21st Amendment flapper

18th Amendment

Volstead Act eugenics

Ku Klux Klan

National Origins Act of 1924

Carrie Chapman Catt

Alice Paul

Women's Christian Temperance


Anti-Saloon League fundamentalism


Scopes Trial

Great Migration

Harlem Renaissance

NAACP women's suffrage

19th Amendment bootleggers speakeasies

William Jennings Bryan

Sacco and Vanzetti consumer culture advertising jazz

National American Woman

Suffrage Association

National Women's Party

Part 2 – due Tuesday 1/12

Outline an essay (roughly five paragraphs, including intro and conclusion) on any one of the following prompts:


Evaluate this statement: “The United States went to war with Spain to defend itself against Spanish aggression.”


Evaluate this argument: “The United States entered World War I to promote its own selfish economic interests.”


Explain, using specific examples, how American policy towards Native Americans changed between the end of the Civil War (1865) and the beginning of World War I

