Industrial Relations - Business @ Beneavin College

Industrial Relations
Mr. Poole Business Studies
Industrial Relations describes
how workers and Management
get on with each other at work.
Mr. Poole Business Studies
Good Industrial Relations occur when:
• Employers and employees have respect for
each others rights.
• Good working conditions exist.
• Workers receive fair pay for a fair days work.
• Communication and consultation exist
between management and employees
• There are procedures for dealing with solving
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Benefits of good Industrial Relations
1. The workers will not go on strike because problems
will be sorted quickly.
• Benefits to employer- the firm will not lose money
or custom.
• Benefits to employees- will not lose wages or their
2. The employees will be happy in their work
• Benefits to employer- happy employees work
harder which will lead to higher profits.
• Benefits to the employees- there will be a good
atmosphere in the workplace.
Mr. Poole Business Studies
Trade Union
A trade union is an organisation that represents
workers. It speaks on the behalf of employees to
the employer on issues such as pay and working
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Mr. Poole Business Studies
Role of a trade union
• Protects workers interests and workers rights in
dealings with management or employers.
• Aims to improve pay and working conditions for
their members.
• Gives workers a sense of security.
• Represents the employees in negotiations.
• Will negotiate redundancy payments when there
are possible job losses
• May negotiate discounts for its members on
health insurance or credit union membership.
Mr. Poole Business Studies
Types of trade unions in Ireland
• There are four types of trade unions in Ireland
1. Craft union – The members of the crafts union usually
have a particular craft. Examples of this would be
plumber or electrician.
Examples of unions include:
• The Technical, Engineering and Electrical
• The National Union of Sheet Metal Workers of
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2. Industrial union – These are unions whose
members all work in the same industry. It doesn't
matter what job they do in the industry or what
position they hold to be a member.
Examples include – Irish Bank Officials
Association (IBOA).
3.Professional Unions – these are unions whose
members have a professional qualification or
Work in the service industry.
Examples include:
The Association of Secondary Teachers in ireland
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4. General Unions – these are unions whose
members come from many different
industries. These unions tend to be very large.
Examples of these unions include:
The Services, Industrial, Professional and
Technical Union (SIPTU).
Irish Municipal Public and Civil Trade Union
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Irish Congress of Trade Union (ICTU)
ICTU represents all trade unions. It is the
governing body of trade unions. It represents
trade unions in negotiations with employers
and the government with regard to pay and
working conditions.
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Shop Steward
A union member in the workplace , elected by
fellow workers, to represent them in their
dealings with management. He / She will offer
advice on union related issues, may collect
union subscriptions , attend union meetings,
hand out union literature and communicate
information to and from the union members.
Mr. Poole Business Studies
Causes of Industrial Relations Disputes
Working conditions
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• Work to rule – Where the employees will only
do the exact work they were employed to do.
• Go slow – Where employees do their work but
do so as slowly as possible.
• Overtime ban – Where employees refuse to
do any overtime required by their employer.
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• Strike – Where workers stop working and
place a picket on the employer. If the strike is
official it will have the backing of the union.
• Unofficial strike – where workers go on strike
without the agreement of their trade union.
• Token stoppage – this is a short work stoppage
to show the employer how the workers feel
and what impact a strike could have.
Others include:
All out strike
sympathetic strike
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How to resolve a dispute
• Discuss the problem with the supervisor. If in
• Discuss the problem with the shop steward,
who will talk to management. If no solution
• Shop steward notifies union head office. If no
• A third party may be called in.
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Labour Relations Commission (LRC)
Functions include:
1. Conciliation service – parties are brought together,
and are encouraged to come up with a settlement
2. Advisory service – LRC offers advice to employers
and employees on industrial relations matters.
3. It appoints Rights Commissioners. Investigates
disputes concerning individual workers or small
groups of workers.
4. It appoints Equality Officers. Investigates disputes on
issues of equality and discrimination in the workplace.
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Labour Court
The Labour Court is a court of last resort to help
to settle industrial disputes.
Functions include:
• Investigates disputes
• Court of Appeal
• Investigates breaches of code of practice
• Registers employment agreements
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Next Area
Industrial relations
The law
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Protection of employees (part-time
workers) Act 2001
• Part time employees may not be treated less
favourably than full- time employees and are
protected by the same legislation.
• Example – Unfair Dismissals Act.
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Employment Equality Act 1998
• This law makes it illegal to discriminate at work on the
following nine grounds:
• Gender
• Marital status
• Age
• Religion
• Member of the Travelling community
• Race
• Family status
• Disability
• Sexuality
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Anti – Discrimination (pay) Act 1974
• Male and female workers doing the same
work must be paid the same.
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Unfair Dismissals Act 1977-1993
• All dismissals are considered to be unfair until the
employer can prove otherwise.
• Examples – stealing ,constant lateness and warnings. The
act applies to all workers who have ones year’s continuous
service , including regular part time workers.
• A worker cannot be dismissed for the following:
• Trade union activity
• Race
• Political beliefs
• Religion
• Pregnancy
• Sexual orientation
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Protection of Young Persons
(Employment) Act 1996
• Under the act the minimum legal age for full time
work is 16 years of age. Employers can take on
children ages 14-15 for part time work during
holidays and for work experience.
• However only those over the age of 15 can get
work on a part time basis during the school term
up to a maximum of 8 hours a week.
• Young persons 15-17 are not allowed to work
between 10pm – 8am.
• For 16-17 year olds the maximum working day is
8 hours a day and the maximum working week is
40 hours. They are also entitled to a 30 minute
rest break after 4.5 hours.
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