2014 Treasurer`s Report

Treasurer’s Report for the 2015 AGM.
The major expenditure in 2014 was the completion of the Church alterations costing
£12,593 which included £6,421 to Western Power for the electricity pole re siting. £2,832
for the new north door from Woodskill. £1100 for electrical work by markam. £1,535 Poole
Phillips fee for the restoration project. £424 Poole Phillips for the North door fee and £280
for gravel for the outside.
Donations towards this work were £10,823 from FOSJ which we wish to take this
opportunity to convey our thanks. £500 from Delia Harding donation towards the north
door, again the PCC wishes to give our thanks. £250 anonymous donation towards the
North door.
A thank you is recorded to Poole Phillips for the work carried out in this project.
Fund raising in 2014
Scalectrix £287.76, open gardens teas £85.10, sale of books at coffee morning 9.50, Cake
sale £11.90 and festival of Churches £169.50. Harvest supper organised by FOSJ with 50% of
profit to St James of £247.77. Total fundraising for the year of £811.77.
£300 was donated to St James by a private function in the church. The donation was
towards extra tables. Five tables were bought from Gopak in Feb 2015.
Service collections were £2,212, planned giving £1,906, gift aid returns £1,131,
Total receipts were £25,413.
Quota £2,000.Church insurance £1,803. Churchyard costs £682.Church maintenance £688.
Oil for heating £1,152. Electricity £266. Operating costs £3,056
Total payments were £22,069
Bank balance at 31st December 2014 £6,638.84.
CBF at 31st December 2014