PROGRAM STUDI BAHASA DAN SASTRA INGGRIS JURUSAN PENDIDIKAN BAHASA INGGRIS FAKULTAS PENDIDIKAN BAHASA DAN SENI UNIVERSITAS PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA Course Code Credit hours Semester Prerequisite Lecturers : Writing for General Communication : IG215 :4 :1 :: 1. Objectives At the end of the course students are able to: 1. Have strong understanding on the organization structures and linguistic features of descriptive, recount, narrative, procedure, report and explanatory texts; 2. Write different kinds of texts mentioned above. 2. Course Description This course exposes students to different kinds of texts in English, such as descriptive, recount, narrative, procedure, report and explanatory texts. Students are introduced to the generic structures and linguistic features of the texts and required to develop their own writings. In addition, students familirize themselves with revising their own writings after having feedback on contents and mechanical system from both their lecturers and peers. This is intended to enable students to undertand that writing is a continuing process and to improve their sensitivity towards good writing. 3. Learning Activities (termasuk approach) The activities applies expository approach and practice. Students are exposed to different kinds of texts. They practice their own writing and discuss them. After having feedback they revise their writings. 4. Media Learning resources: LCD, computer, whiteboard, reference books 5. Evaluation The evaluation is based on 1. Participation 2. Students’ writings (6 texts) = = 80% 20% Page | 1 Grading Policy 85-100 = A 70-84 = B 55-69 = C 40-54 = D <39 = E 6. Course Outline Sessions Topics 1/1 Introduction to course outline ½ 2/3 2/4 3/5 3/6 4/7 4/8 5/9 5/10 6/11 6/12 7/13 7/14 8/15 8/16 9/17 Sources Nafisah, (2007), Singleton (2008), Sullivan (1984) Writing Descriptive Text: Nafisah, (2007), Singleton (2008), Sullivan (1984) - Generic Structure Writing Descriptive Text: Nafisah, (2007), Singleton (2008), - Students attempt to write their own Sullivan (1984) descriptive text Writing Descriptive Text: Nafisah, (2007), Singleton (2008), Sullivan (1984) - Teacher’s feedback on Ss writing Writing Descriptive Text: Nafisah, (2007), Singleton (2008), Sullivan (1984) - Ss revise their writings Writing Descriptive Text; Nafisah, (2007), Singleton (2008), Sullivan (1984) - Peer Correction Writing Recount Text: Nafisah, (2007), Singleton (2008), Sullivan (1984) - Generic Structure Writing Recount Text: Nafisah, (2007), Singleton (2008), - Students attempt to write their own Sullivan (1984) recount text Writing Recount Text: Nafisah, (2007), Singleton (2008), Sullivan (1984) - Teacher’s feedback on Ss writing Writing Recount Text: Nafisah, (2007), Singleton (2008), Sullivan (1984) - Ss revise their writings Writing Recount Text: Nafisah, (2007), Singleton (2008), Sullivan (1984) - Peer Correction Writing Narrative Text: Nafisah, (2007), Singleton (2008), Sullivan (1984) - Generic Structure Writing Narrative Text: Nafisah, (2007), Singleton (2008), - Students attempt to write their own Sullivan (1984) narrative text Writing NarrativeText: Nafisah, (2007), Singleton (2008), Sullivan (1984) - Teacher’s feedback on Ss writing Writing Narrative Text: Nafisah, (2007), Singleton (2008), Sullivan (1984) - Ss revise their writings Writing Narrative Text: Nafisah, (2007), Singleton (2008), Sullivan (1984) - Peer Correction QUIZ 1 Nafisah, (2007), Singleton (2008), Page | 2 9/18 10/19 10/20 11/21 11/22 12/23 12/24 13/25 13/26 14/27 14/28 15/29 15/30 16/31 16/32 Sullivan (1984) Writing Procedural Text: Nafisah, (2007), Singleton (2008), Sullivan (1984) - Generic Structure Writing Procedural Text: Nafisah, (2007), Singleton (2008), - Students attempt to write their own Sullivan (1984) procedure text Writing Procedural Text: Nafisah, (2007), Singleton (2008), Sullivan (1984) - Teacher’s feedback on Ss writing Writing Procedural Text: Nafisah, (2007), Singleton (2008), Sullivan (1984) - Ss revise their writings Writing Procedural Text:: Nafisah, (2007), Singleton (2008), Sullivan (1984) - Peer Correction Writing Report Text: Nafisah, (2007), Singleton (2008), Sullivan (1984) - Generic Structure Writing Report Text:: Nafisah, (2007), Singleton (2008), - Students attempt to write their own Sullivan (1984) procedure text Writing Report Text: Nafisah, (2007), Singleton (2008), Sullivan (1984) - Teacher’s feedback on Ss writing Writing Report Text:: Nafisah, (2007), Singleton (2008), Sullivan (1984) - Ss revise their writings Writing Report Text: Nafisah, (2007), Singleton (2008), Sullivan (1984) - Peer Correction Writing Explanation (Sequential) Text: Nafisah, (2007), Singleton (2008), Sullivan (1984) - Generic Structure Writing Explanation (Sequential) Text: Nafisah, (2007), Singleton (2008), - Students attempt to write their own Sullivan (1984) procedure text Writing Explanation (Sequential) Text: Nafisah, (2007), Singleton (2008), Sullivan (1984) - Teacher’s feedback on Ss writing Writing Explanation (Sequential) Text: Nafisah, (2007), Singleton (2008), Sullivan (1984) - Ss revise their writings Writing Explanation (Sequential) Text: Nafisah, (2007), Singleton (2008), Sullivan (1984) - Peer Correction 7. References Nafisah, N. & E.Kurniawan. 2007. English Writing for General Communication. Bandung: UPI Press. Singleton, J. 2008. Writers at work: The Paragraph. New York: Cambridge University Press. Sullivan, K. E. 1984. Paragraph Practice: Writing the Paragraph and the Short Composition. New York: MacMillan Publishing. Strouch, A. 2007. Writers at Work: The Short Composition. New York: Cambridge University Press Page | 3 Course Units Sessions 1 2-6 Topics Specific Objectives Learning Activities Introduction to the Students understand the basic writing. course and overview of basic writing Writing Text Descriptive Students know how descriptive text by - to write Introducing course outline Overviewing basic writing Evaluation Sources written text Syllabus Handouts a Brainstorming (Session 2) written text Nafisah & Kurniawan Identifying Generic (2007) Identifying the text’s general structure (session 2) structure Singleton (2008); Students write their first Modeling Writing the first draft of the text draft (session 3) Sullivan (1984) Revising the content Teacher’s Feedback Editing the mechanics (session 4) Revising the text (session 5) Peer Correction (session 6) Page | 4 7-11 Writing Recount Text Students know how to write a Recount Brainstorming (Session 7) written text text by: Identifying Generic - Identifying the text’s general structure (session 7) structure Students write their first - Modeling - Writing the first draft of the text draft (session 8) - Revising the content Teacher’s Feedback - Editing the mechanics (session 9) Nafisah Kurniawan (2007) & Singleton (2008); Sullivan (1984) Revising the text (session 10) Peer Correction (session 11) 12-16 Writing Narrative Text Students know how to write a Narrative Brainstorming (Session 12) written text text by: Identifying Generic - Identifying the text’s general structure (session 12) structure Students write their first - Modeling - Writing the first draft of the text draft (session 13) - Revising the content Teacher’s Feedback - Editing the mechanics (session 14) Nafisah Kurniawan (2007) & Singleton (2008); Sullivan (1984) Revising the text (session Page | 5 15) Peer Correction (session 16) 17 QUIZ Students refresh their knowledge on Games on grammar techniques of writings Paragraph Puzzles Etc. 18-22 Writing Text Procedural Students know how Procedural text by - to write a Brainstorming (Session 18) written text Nafisah & Kurniawan Identifying Generic (2007) Identifying the text’s general structure (session 18) structure Singleton (2008); Students write their first Modeling Writing the first draft of the text draft (session 19) Sullivan (1984) Revising the content Teacher’s Feedback Editing the mechanics (session 20) Revising the text (session 21) Peer Correction (session 22) 23-27 Writing Report Text Students know how to write a Report Brainstorming (Session 23) written text Nafisah Kurniawan Page | 6 & text by - Identifying the text’s general structure Modeling Writing the first draft of the text Revising the content Editing the mechanics Identifying Generic structure (session 23) Students write their first draft (session 24) Teacher’s (session 25) (2007) Singleton (2008); Sullivan (1984) Feedback Revising the text (session 26) Peer Correction (session 27) 28-32 Writing Explanation Students know how to write (Sequential) Text Explanation (Sequential) text - a Brainstorming (Session 28) written text Nafisah & Kurniawan Identifying Generic (2007) Identifying the text’s general structure (session 28) structure Singleton (2008); Students write their first Modeling Writing the first draft of the text draft (session 29) Sullivan (1984) Revising the content Teacher’s Feedback Editing the mechanics (session 30) Revising the text (session 31) Peer Correction (session Page | 7 32) Page | 8 Page | 9