Intention-superiority effect Short title: Intention-superiority effect When does the intention-superiority effect occur? Activation patterns before and after task completion, and moderating variables Suzanna L. Penningroth Department of Psychology, Dept. 3415, University of Wyoming 1000 E. University Ave., Laramie, WY, 82071, U.S.A. Corresponding author: Suzanna L. Penningroth, Ph.D. Email: Phone: 307-755-5669 (in the U.S.) Fax: 307-766-2926 Department of Psychology, Dept. 3415, University of Wyoming 1000 E. University Ave., Laramie, WY, 82071, U.S.A. 1 Intention-superiority effect Acknowledgements I would like to thank Stephanie Worthen, Katie Rudoff, Gary King, Kevin Malatesta, Nathan Jones, Rachel Holt, Ashley Gilken, Heather Fleck, Joanna Morris, Aminda O’Hare, and Kathy McGuire for assistance in data collection, data entry, and data compilation; Walter D. Scott for editorial comments; and Rich Marsh for sharing his lexical decision task materials. 2 Intention-superiority effect 3 Abstract This experiment investigated the intention-superiority effect, potential moderators of the effect, including personality disposition (i.e., state vs. action orientation) and cue source (self versus experimenter), and the fate of the effect after performance. The intention-superiority effect was defined as greater accessibility for intention-related words than words to be remembered. Accessibility was assessed with lexical decision latencies for words from short action scripts, and activation patterns were measured before and after scripts were performed. A general preperformance intention-superiority effect was replicated, but this effect depended on a personality disposition by cue interaction. For the state-oriented group, the effect occurred when participants expected performance to be self-cued, but not experimenter-cued. For the actionoriented group, the effect occurred when participants expected performance to be experimentercued, but not self-cued. After script performance, a sustained intention-superiority effect was found. Possible reasons for the differences in results found in this study and past studies are discussed. Intention-superiority effect 4 When does the intention-superiority effect occur? Activation patterns before and after task completion, and moderating variables Completing a prospective memory task (an intention), such as filling the car’s fuel tank on the way home, requires remembering both that there is something to be done and what that something is. In other words, performance relies on memory for intent (e.g., do something on the drive home) and memory for content (e.g., fill up the fuel tank) (e.g., Einstein & McDaniel, 1990; Kvavilashvili, 1987). Increasingly, researchers have focused their attention on understanding the content of intentions, especially how activation persists or fluctuates (e.g., Freeman & Ellis, 2003b; Marsh, Hicks, & Bink, 1998). The intention-superiority effect refers to the finding that unfulfilled intentions show greater accessibility than other memory contents (e.g., Goschke & Kuhl, 1993). Greater accessibility has been demonstrated as (1) better recall (e.g., Koriat, Ben-Zur, & Nussbaum, 1990, Maylor, Chater, & Brown, 2001), (2) faster recognition latencies (e.g., Goschke & Kuhl, 1993), (3) faster lexical decision latencies (e.g., Marsh et al., 1998), and (4) greater interference in a Stroop task (Cohen, Dixon, & Lindsay, 2005). The intention-superiority effect specifically refers to the heightened accessibility of an intention’s content during the second phase of a prospective memory task, the retention interval, which occurs after the intention has been formed but before the performance interval (Ellis, 1996; Kliegel, Martin, McDaniel, & Einstein, 2002). Investigators have studied this effect both because it might be linked to better prospective memory performance (e.g., Freeman & Ellis, 2003a) and because heightened accessibility of pending intentions outside of the performance interval might interfere with other cognitive tasks (e.g., Kuhl & Helle, 1986). Although many studies have replicated the general intention-superiority effect for uncompleted intentions (e.g., Marsh et al., 1998; Maylor et al., 2001), little is known about the conditions that produce this effect. Based on the action control theory developed by Kuhl and colleagues (e.g., Goschke & Kuhl, 1993; 1996; Kuhl & Beckmann, 1994b), two variables likely to act as moderators in intention-superiority effects are state versus action orientation and performance cue source (e.g., self cued or externally cued). Therefore, one major purpose of the current study was to test these moderating variables in the preperformance intention-superiority effect. The second major purpose was to investigate intention activation after task completion. Few studies have investigated this issue, and the results have been mixed. Some studies have shown an inhibition effect for completed intentions (e.g., Marsh et al., 1998) and other studies have shown persisting activation (e.g., Nowinski, Holbrook, & Dismukes, 2005). Also, there has been almost no research on the possible moderating effects of state versus action orientation and performance cue source on postcompletion activation of intentions. However, these moderating effects would be consistent with action control theory (e.g., Goschke & Kuhl, 1993; Kuhl & Goschke, 1994). The Intention-Superiority Effect Many studies have shown that intentions show greater accessibility in long term memory (LTM) compared to other memory contents, and this intention-superiority effect has been demonstrated with different methods. Most studies have used experimenter-assigned intentions. For instance, in an early demonstration of the intention-superiority effect, Koriat et al. (1990) compared recall for noun-verb pairs under two encoding conditions: intended for verbal report or future enactment. Recall was superior for items that were intended for enactment. The intention-superiority effect has also been measured as faster RTs for words associated with intentions than for neutral words. For example, Goschke and Kuhl (1993) used a postponedintention task in which participants memorized two action scripts (e.g., setting a table and clear a desk) and then received instructions telling them which script they would later perform. In a Intention-superiority effect 5 word recognition task, latencies were faster for words from scripts to be performed than for words from scripts that were not to be performed. In a series of studies, Marsh, Hicks, and colleagues adapted the procedure used by Goschke and Kuhl (1993) by using a lexical decision task instead of a recognition task and replicated the general intention-superiority effect (Marsh et al., 1998; Marsh, Hicks, & Bryan, 1999; Marsh, Hicks, & Watson, 2002). More recently, Cohen et al. (2005) demonstrated the intention-superiority effect using a Stroop task. That is, color naming was slower for words related to a pending intention than for words related to an intention participants were told to forget. Marsh, Cook, Meeks, Clark-Foos, and Hicks (2007) also found an intention-superiority effect for material participants were trying to ignore. During visual presentation of an ongoing task and prospective memory task, participants were also exposed to intention-related material and neutral material in an auditory channel they were told to ignore. In a surprise recognition test administered later, participants showed superior recognition for intention-related material. Finally, the intention-superiority effect has also been demonstrated using real intentions reported by participants (Freeman & Ellis, 2003a; Maylor et al., 2001). For instance, Maylor et al. (2001) demonstrated the effect as higher recall rates for real prospective memories than retrospective memories. Although the intention-superiority effect has been demonstrated in numerous studies, researchers disagree on the underlying mechanism for the effect. For instance, Goschke and Kuhl (1993) concluded that intentions have a slower rate of decay than non-intention memory contents. They suggested that intentions be considered a LTM analogue of the goal nodes that act as source nodes in Anderson’s (1983) ACT* theory. In ACT*, only goal nodes are capable of maintaining activation in WM without rehearsal or external stimulation. Alternatively, the intention-superiority effect might be described as an enhanced revival rate for intention-related material, perhaps because of a commitment marker (Kuhl & Kazén-Saad, 1988) or because the first cue encountered serves as a reminder, followed by reflexive retrieval of related contents (Cohen et al., 2005). However, both types of explanation refer to greater accessibility of intention-related contents over other memory contents (Goschke & Kuhl, 1993; Marsh et al., 1998). In contrast, Freeman, Ellis, and collaborators (e.g., Freeman & Ellis, 2003b) have suggested that it is not the intentional status that affords intentions greater accessibility, but the motor response that is planned. They argue that the effect would be more accurately labeled an action superiority effect. Several studies have supported this proposed mechanism. For instance, Freeman and Ellis (2003b) found that the intention-superiority effect disappeared when motor programming for intended actions was blocked by another motor task. Using fMRI data, Eschen et al. (2007) found that brain areas associated with motor planning for hand movements showed greater activation when verbs were encoded for later enactment versus verbal report. However, as Freeman and Ellis (2003b) note, motor planning might be more important for the types of simple actions they studied (e.g., clap) than for more complex intentions, which might be maintained in a predominantly verbal code. Potential Moderating Variables in the Intention-Superiority Effect There are theoretical reasons to predict moderating variables in the intention-superiority effect. First, the theory of action control developed by Kuhl and colleagues (e.g., Goschke & Kuhl, 1993; Kuhl & Beckmann, 1994a; 1994b) leads to predictions about a dispositional personality variable that affects self regulation (Klinger & Murphy, 1994) and intention activation. Individuals who are state oriented tend to hesitate in taking action. In contrast, individuals who are action oriented tend to take action when needed. For example, on the scale used to measure action versus state orientation, the Action Control Scale (ACS, Kuhl, 1994b), in response to the item “When there are two thing that I really want to do, but I can’t do both of them,” the state-oriented choice would be “It’s not easy for me to put the thing that I couldn’t do Intention-superiority effect 6 out of my mind.” The action-oriented response would be “I quickly begin one thing and forget about the other thing I couldn’t do.” As these different responses show, state-oriented individuals are more likely to ruminate about goals that are currently irrelevant. This characteristic of state orientation is thought to affect intention activation (Goschke & Kuhl, 1996; Kuhl & Kazén-Saad, 1988). Generally, state orientation is thought to be characterized by the persistence of declarative representations for unfulfilled intentions, and this is true even when the intention cannot be performed in the current context (Kuhl & Goschke, 1994). Therefore, stateoriented individuals are predicted to show a larger intention-superiority effect than actionoriented individuals. Several studies have provided evidence of a greater intention-superiority effect in statethan action- oriented individuals. In the 1993 experiments by Goschke and Kuhl described earlier (Exps. 1, 2, and 4), a greater intention-superiority effect was found for state- than actionoriented participants. Penningroth (2005b) replicated the moderating effect of state versus action orientation, but the intention-superiority effect was measured as higher recall rates for real-life prospective memories than retrospective memories. However, based on action control theory (e.g., Goschke & Kuhl, 1993, 1996), state versus action orientation would also be predicted to interact with cue source in affecting the intention-superiority effect. Specifically, state-oriented individuals are characterised as showing the intention-superiority effect more generally, even in conditions where it would not be adaptive to do so, such as when a reliable cue is available to aid remembering (e.g., a computer-provided prompt). In contrast, action-oriented individuals are characterized as showing more adaptive use of the intention-superiority effect, such as when the performance cue is less reliable (e.g., a selfinitiated time-based cue). In their 1993 study, Goschke and Kuhl found evidence for this predicted pattern of results although the pattern was shown by a combination of results from four experiments. The postponed-intention paradigm (Goschke & Kuhl, 1993; Kuhl & Goschke, 1994) was used in all four experiments, with the intention-superiority effect defined as faster recognition latencies for words from action scripts to be performed than from scripts to be remembered. In three of the experiments, participants expected to be cued (by the computer) when it came time to perform the script. Under these external cueing conditions, state-oriented groups showed a larger intention-superiority effect than action-oriented groups. However, in the other experiment, participants had to remember to stop the recognition task after 15 minutes and perform the intended script. Thus, in this case, the task was a time-based prospective memory task (Einstein & McDaniel, 1990) with a self-provided performance cue. With this type of cue, both actionand state-oriented groups showed an intention-superiority effect. Freeman and Ellis (2003b, Exp. 1) also examined cue source as a possible moderator for the intention-superiority effect (state vs. action orientation was not assessed). They compared self-cueing and experimentercueing conditions, but results showed an intention-superiority effect for both cue-source conditions. In summary, very few studies have examined the influence of cue source or interactions with cue source in the intention-superiority effect. Yet, the distinction between self-initiated and other-initiated cueing conditions (e.g., experimenter or computer cueing) may be an important one. It might be argued that only selfcueing conditions characterise true prospective memory tasks (i.e., tasks incorporating the intent to remember in addition to the content to be remembered; incorporating “prospective memory proper;” Graf & Uttl, 2001). From this view, self-initiated conditions are the most relevant when studying the intention-superiority effect. However, the intention-superiority effect has also been demonstrated when participants expected to be told when to perform (Freeman & Ellis, 2003b; Intention-superiority effect 7 Goschke & Kuhl, 1993). Therefore, there is still a need for research that investigates the intention-superiority effect within both of these cue-source conditions. Postperformance Activation Levels The fate of intention activation after task completion has also been investigated. Results from several studies have shown a postperformance inhibition effect (e.g., Badets, Blandin, Bouquet, & Shea, 2006; Freeman & Ellis, 2003a; Marsh et al., 1998). For example, Marsh and colleagues (e.g., Marsh et al., 1998, 1999) have reported a reversal in activation levels after intention completion (slower RTs for words from prospective scripts than from neutral scripts). As Marsh et al. (1998) note, this pattern seems adaptive because inhibiting completed intentions would allow a person to then devote attentional resources to other tasks. Similarly, Freeman and Ellis (2003a) used a speeded retrieval task to assess the accessibility of everyday intentions before and after completion (Maylor, Darby, & Della Sala, 2000) and found that completed intentions were less accessible than uncompleted intentions. In contrast, results from other studies have shown that after task performance, the intention-superiority effect persists or activation returns to baseline levels (e.g., Cohen et al., 2005; Nowinski et al., 2005). For instance, Nowinski et al. (2005) assessed intention activation across two phases of an experiment that participants believed to be separate experiments. Reaction times for a pleasantness rating task in the second “experiment” were slower for the word that had been the prospective memory target in the first “experiment.” The authors argued that lingering activation for completed intentions caused partial retrieval of the prospective memory task that was no longer relevant. As previously described, Cohen et al. (2005) measured intention accessibility as interference in a Stroop task. For completed intentions, they found a decrease in activation levels but no evidence of inhibition. Finally, studies reporting the subject performed task effect are also relevant when trying to characterise the pattern of intention activation after performance. This effect refers to greater accessibility (e.g., higher recall and recognition rates) for action phrases that were performed during encoding rather than heard or read during encoding (e.g., Cohen, 1981; Freeman & Ellis, 2003b; Jahn & Engelkamp, 2003). Thus, in the subject performed task effect, the demonstrated heightened accessibility of performed actions is relative to action words that were not performed. Therefore, past research has shown three different outcomes for the activation levels of just-completed intentions: inhibition, sustained activation, or a return to baseline. These different outcomes also suggest different mechanisms for deactivation. That is, an inhibition effect (relative inaccessibility) would require either deliberate inhibition of just-completed intentions or selective activation of other memory contents because a decay mechanism alone would not explain this effect. In contrast, observed outcomes of sustained activation or a return to baseline activation can be explained with either a decay mechanism or deliberate processing mechanisms. Potential Moderating Variables in Postperformance Intention Activation The theoretical description of state orientation leads to the prediction that these individuals will show sustained activation of intentions after task completion (e.g., Kuhl & Goschke, 1994). That is, state-oriented individuals are characterized as showing excessive perseveration of intentions. They have difficulty deactivating intentions that are no longer relevant, and this is thought to be true for both successful and unsuccessful outcomes. In contrast, action-oriented individuals are characterized as showing more flexible control over intention activation, which includes the ability to “turn off” completed intentions. Beckmann (1994) reported findings consistent with this prediction. In one unpublished study, state-oriented participants showed a trend for less deactivation of completed intentions than action-oriented participants. Intention-superiority effect 8 Cue source (self vs. experimenter) might also affect postperformance intention activation. That is, self-cued performance might lead to quicker de-activation because self-cued performance relies on carrying out both the intent and content of the prospective memory task whereas experimenter-cued performance only requires retrieval of the content. However, Freeman and Ellis (2003b) tested whether the subject performed task effect differed for conditions of self-cueing and experimenter-cueing and found no difference. That is, for both cue source conditions, accessibility was higher if action phrases were performed at encoding than if they were verbally encoded. Given that this effect has only been tested in one study with a resulting null effect, more research is needed on how cuing expectations affect postcompletion intention accessibility. The Present Research In brief, the main purpose was to extend past findings on the intention-superiority effect by examining activation patterns before and after task completion, but also to test potential moderating influences of cue source (self vs. experimenter) and dispositional orientation (state vs. action orientation). The postponed intention procedure (Goschke & Kuhl, 1993) was adapted so that accessibility was measured with a lexical decision task (Marsh et al., 1998, Exp. 3). Specifically, in each of two blocks, participants memorised two short action scripts. Then they were told which script they would have to perform (the prospective script) and which they would just have to remember (the neutral script). An intention-superiority effect would be demonstrated as a faster RT for prospective than neutral script words during a lexical decision task. In one block, the lexical decision task occurred before script performance, and in the other block, the lexical decision task occurred after script performance. There were several research questions. First, is the preperformance intention-superiority effect moderated by the personality disposition of state versus action orientation or by cue source? The intention-superiority effect was predicted to be larger for state- than action-oriented individuals. State versus action orientation was also predicted to interact with cue source (self vs. experimenter). If the pattern of results Goschke and Kuhl (1993) found across experiments is replicated here within a single experiment, results would show an intention-superiority effect only with self-cued conditions for the action-oriented group, but for both experimenter-cued and self-cued conditions for the state-oriented group. Second, what happens to intention activation after performance? Past findings have been mixed. However, based on action control theory (e.g., Kuhl & Beckmann, 1994b), a higher maintained intention-superiority effect was predicted for state-oriented individuals specifically. Method Participants The final sample comprised 191 undergraduate students at the University of Wyoming (61 males) who participated in exchange for partial fulfillment of a course research requirement1. Participants ranged in age from 17 – 30 years with a mean age of 20.0 years. Materials Most of the materials and procedures were adapted from those used by Marsh et al. (1998, Exp. 3), who had adapted much of their procedure from Goschke and Kuhl (1993), substituting a lexical decision task for a recognition task to measure accessibility. Scripts. Four scripts were developed, two to be memorised in each of the two blocks. Each script contained a title (e.g., Setting a table) followed by five action phrases (e.g., Spread the tablecloth, Set the plates, Polish the glasses, Fold the napkins, Light the candles). Designation of the two scripts within a block as either the prospective or neutral script was done randomly, as were the pairings of scripts, to create a counterbalanced set of materials. Intention-superiority effect 9 Lexical decision task. Construction of the lexical decision task materials followed the same plan in both blocks. Four sets of items were used as stimuli. Two sets of items were words from the action phrases in the memorised scripts. From each script, the five verbs (e.g., fold) and five nouns (e.g., napkins) were used, resulting in 10 prospective script words and 10 neutral script words. The third set of items, the nonscript words (e.g., human), comprised 20 English words that had not appeared in the scripts and that were matched to the 20 script words on number of syllables and frequency (Francis, Kučera, & Mackie, 1982) and were not synonyms or homophones of script words. Finally, the fourth set of items included 40 pronounceable nonwords (e.g., plame) that were matched to the 40 words on number of syllables and were not pseudohomophones. In each block, the lexical decision task began with 12 buffer items (half words and half nonwords). The lexical decision tasks (and much of the experiment) were administered through Superlab programs. The programs randomised the presentation order for the 80 non-buffer items in the lexical decision task. One major difference between the current study and past studies was the addition of an anagram task before script performance. This filler task made two performance cue conditions possible. That is, in addition to experimenter cueing, the filler task made possible a self-cueing condition. The answers to the anagrams contained no words from the memorized scripts and no words that appeared to be related to the words from these scripts. Dispositional orientation: State versus action orientation. Participants were categorised on orientation (i.e., as state or action oriented) according to their scores on the prospective and decision-related versus hesitation (AOD) subscale of the ACS (Kuhl, 1994b; see Goschke & Kuhl, 1996). The prospective subscale is a 12-item scale with two choices for every item. For example, one item is “When I am facing a big project that has to be done: (A) I often spend too long thinking about where I should begin; (B) I don’t have any problems getting started.” For this item, the action-oriented response is choice B. The score is computed by adding up the action-oriented responses. This subscale has good internal reliability (Cronbach’s α = .78, Kuhl, 1994b) and construct validity (Klinger & Murphy, 1994; Kuhl, 1994b). Goschke and Kuhl (1993) classified participants above the sample median as action oriented and those below the sample median as state oriented. In the current study, participants who scored at or above the sample median (which was 7) were categorised as action-oriented2 (n = 106) and participants who scored below the sample median were categorised as state-oriented (n = 85). Design The dependent variable was script-word RT in the lexical decision task. A mixed factorial design was used. Script (prospective vs. neutral) and completion status (before vs. after script performance) were within-groups variables. Orientation (state vs. action orientation) and cue source (self vs. experimenter) were between–groups variables. Participants were randomly assigned to self-cued (n = 93) and experimenter-cued (n = 98) conditions. Thus, four betweengroups conditions were created: state-oriented/self-cued (n = 45), state-oriented/experimentercued (n = 40), action-oriented/self-cued (n = 48), and action-oriented/experimenter-cued (n = 58). Procedure In brief, participants completed the postponed-intention paradigm used by Marsh et al. (1998, Exp. 3), but with an added anagram task before script performance and a between-groups manipulation of cue-type. Participants were run individually. They first entered a main room with doors to three smaller rooms. They were told they would memorise actions and then perform them. To perform the actions, they were to go to the two rooms on the end and use Room 1 for the first set (in the first half) and Room 2 for the second set (in the second half). Intention-superiority effect 10 Specifically, when it was time to perform the actions, they were to walk to the room, open the door, and perform the designated actions using the materials in the rooms. The experiment began in the closest room. The computer administered many of the instructions, but the experimenter remained in the room (behind participants) to provide some instructions. Participants first heard an overview of the experiment. That is, in each half of the experiment, they would learn two pairs of scripted actions for a memory test later. They would have to perform one of the scripts from each pair from memory but would not learn which was to be performed until after learning both scripts. Three other tasks were then explained: counting backward by threes, the lexical decision task, and the anagram task. Participants practised the counting backward and lexical decision tasks. For the lexical decision task, participants placed their index fingers on the outermost buttons of a four-button response box. They were instructed to respond “Yes” (right button) if the letter string was an English word and “No” (left button) if it was not. For each trial, a warning tone appeared for 500 ms, followed by a fixation point (the “+” sign) that remained for 500 ms. A letter string then appeared and remained until a response occurred. The screen provided feedback for errors during practice but not during the main task. After a 200 ms delay, the next trial began. Participants were instructed to respond as accurately and quickly as possible. For the anagram task, participants were shown a paper with anagrams and told that the task was to find an English word that consisted of all the letters in the string. The order of completion status condition was counterbalanced across participants. That is, approximately half of the participants were randomly assigned to do the lexical decision task before task performance in Block 1 and after task performance in Block 2 (Block order 1, which is depicted in Figure 1). The order was reversed for the remaining participants (Block order 2), with the lexical decision task occurring after task performance in Block 1 and before task performance in Block 2. Procedure for Block order 1. The block began with script learning. Participants were instructed that the computer would present two action scripts to be memorised, each containing five actions. One of the scripts would be performed later and the actions were to be performed in the same order as they were presented. Then participants were told what to expect for script presentations. That is, the title of the first script would remain on the screen for 10 s. Then, each action would be added sequentially, with each updated screen remaining on for 10 s. Then, the entire script would remain on the screen for an additional 30 s. This process would be repeated for the second script. Last, the entire sequence would be repeated. The screen would then prompt participants to recall the two scripts by writing them down on paper, and the experimenter would check them. Participants were also told to do two things to help with memorising the scripts: Read each line out loud the first time it appeared, and visualise each action3. If recall was not perfect for both scripts, there was one more presentation of each script, followed by another recall test. Next, participants received instructions for the next five tasks. The first task would be counting backward by threes from the number shown on the screen until the computer beeped after 30 s. The second task would be reading the screen to find out which script would be performed later. That screen would stay on for 10 s. The third task would be the word-decision task (lexical decision task), which would start immediately. Participants were briefly reminded of the lexical decision task instructions. The fourth and fifth tasks would be the anagram task and performing the designated script. The screen would say Do anagrams for 3 minutes, then perform script. Further explanation of this task varied by cue condition and was provided by the experimenter. The experimenter-cued group was told I will stop you after three minutes and tell you to perform the designated script. The self-cued group was instead told You’ll do anagrams for exactly three minutes. See this digital clock? I’ll start it. Then, you’ll use it to watch for Intention-superiority effect 11 when three minutes are up. Then you’ll need to stop yourself and go perform the script4. The clock was positioned so that participants had to turn their heads to check the clock. Next, the experimenter started the computer program, which presented the counting backward task, the script performance instructions, and the lexical decision task. For the script performance instructions, the screen presented the instruction Read this screen out loud., then You will perform, followed by the prospective script title (e.g., Setting a table). Below that, the screen presented the instruction You will not perform, followed by the neutral script title (e.g., Brewing coffee). The order of these two performance instructions on the screen was counterbalanced across participants. This counterbalancing and the requirement that participants read the screen out loud were included to equate processing of the prospective and neutral script contents as much as possible. After the lexical decision task, the experimenter instructed participants to do the anagram task for three minutes, briefly summarising the earlier instructions (which varied by cue condition) for stopping the anagram task to perform the designated script. When participants rose to perform the script, the experimenter followed and recorded the order of the actions performed. Upon returning to the computer room, the second half of the experiment (Block 2) began with the presentation of two new scripts to be memorised. The script learning procedure was the same as in Block 1. The summary instructions for the five tasks were the same as in Block 1, except task order was changed for the last three tasks. That is, in Block 1, the order was: lexical decision task, anagrams, and then script performance. In Block 2, the order was: anagrams, script performance, and then lexical decision task. Thus, the lexical decision task latencies were recorded after script performance. At the end of the experiment, participants completed a survey that included assessment of state versus action orientation. No final memory test for the two scripts was administered. However, it was clear that participants expected a test because in a postexperimental survey given to approximately one third of the participants, 100% answered “yes” when asked if they had expected a memory test on the scripts they had not performed. Procedure for Block order 2. For participants who received Block order 2, the procedure was the same as with Block order 1 except the lexical decision task occurred after task performance in Block 1 and before task performance in Block 2. In summary, the procedure was similar to that of Marsh et al. (1998, Exp. 3), but with the following major changes. First, an anagram task was added before script performance in order to add the manipulation of cue source (self vs. experimenter) expected. Marsh et al. noted that they had not specified the type of cue participants should expect, and it was unknown whether participants expected an external or self-initiated cue. The new anagram task also added a threemin delay before script performance. Second, presentation of the script performance instructions varied in two ways from Marsh et al. In Marsh et al., the instructions remained on the screen for three s, but in the current experiment, they remained for 10 s because in pilot testing several participants required this presentation length to read all the instructions. Finally, in the current study, the order of prospective and neutral script performance instructions on the screen was counterbalanced, and participants were required to read the entire screen out loud. Results An alpha level of .05 was used, and all significance levels reported are two-tailed. To further reduce Type I error rates, for post hoc comparisons, F values were calculated using the MSE term from the original analyses (Field, 2005). The main dependent variables were calculated from lexical decision latencies for prospective and neutral script words. Data trimming involved deleting RTs for erroneous responses and RTs greater than 3 SDs from an individual’s mean (for each of the four dependent variables: preperformance prospective words, preperformance neutral words, postperformance prospective words, and postperformance neutral Intention-superiority effect 12 words). Then, for each of the four dependent variables, outliers were curbed to within 3 SDs. In addition, all major analyses were repeated twice: first, using log-transformed RTs (Tabachnick & Fidell, 1996), and second, after equating group size for the variables of orientation and cue source by randomly deleting participants. The pattern of results did not change with either modification. Conditions Associated with the Preperformance Intention-Superiority Effect Preliminary analyses. Before examining the conditions under which the intentionsuperiority effect occurs, effects of block and gender were tested with preperformance intentionsuperiority effect (mean neutral RT – mean prospective RT) as the dependent variable. Therefore, a 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 (Gender X Block X Orientation X Cue source) ANOVA was conducted. There was a main effect of block, with a larger intention-superiority effect in Block 2 (M = 19.19 ms, SD = 53.80) than in Block 1 (M = 2.96 ms, SD = 47.14), F(1, 174) = 6.32, p = .013,p2 = .035.5 There was no main effect of gender, F(1, 174) = 0.91, p = .342,p2 = .005. Further, none of the interactions involving block or gender were significant. That is, there were no two-way interactions (Block X Gender: F(1, 174) = 2.30, p = .131,p2 = .013; Block X Cue source: F(1, 174) = 1.81, p = .181,p2 = .010; Block X Orientation: F(1, 174) = 0.16, p = .692,p2 = .001; Gender X Cue source: F(1, 174) = 0.20, p = .658,p2 = .001; Gender X Orientation: F(1, 174) = 3.66, p = .057,p2 = .021). There were also no three- or four-way interactions (Block X Gender X Cue source: F(1, 174) = 0.44, p = .506,p2 = .003; Block X Gender X Orientation: F(1, 174) = 0.57, p = .451,p2 = .003; Gender X Cue source X Orientation: F(1, 174) = 0.12, p = .731,p2 = .001; Block X Gender X Cue source X Orientation: F(1, 174) = 0.25, p = .618,p2 = .001). Main analyses. A 2 X 2 X 2 (Orientation X Cue source X Script) ANOVA was conducted with RT as the dependent variable. The effects of interest were the main effect of script, the interaction between orientation and script, the interaction between cue source and script, and the three-way interaction between orientation, cue source, and script. As predicted, there was a main effect of script (i.e., a general intention-superiority effect) with faster RTs for prospective script words (M = 533.18 ms, SD = 92.58) than neutral script words (M = 544.38, ms, SD = 93.62), F(1, 187) = 8.43, p = .004,p2 = .043. There were no other main effects6. The predicted two-way interaction between orientation and script was not significant, F(1, 187) = 0.35, p = .553,p2 = .002. However, given the theoretically-based prediction that the state-oriented group was more likely to show an intention-superiority effect than the actionoriented group (e.g., Beckmann, 1994; Kuhl & Goschke, 1994), simple-effects analyses were conducted (Rosnow & Rosenthal, 1989). Results showed a significant intention-superiority effect for the state-oriented group, with faster RTs for prospective (M = 526.91 ms, SD = 91.80) than neutral words (M = 540.25 ms, SD = 95.81), F(1, 84) = 5.89, p = .017, p2 = .070. In contrast, the intention-superiority effect for the action-oriented group was only marginally significant, F(1, 105) = 3.71, p = .057, p2 = .032, with no significant difference between RTs for prospective words (M = 538.22 ms, SD = 93.33) and neutral words (M = 547.70, SD = 92.15). Therefore, both orientation groups showed a nominal intention-superiority effect, but this effect was only significant in the state-oriented group. In addition, the interaction between cue source and script was not significant, F(1, 187) = 0.18, p = .671,p2 = .001, indicating that the self-cued and experimenter-cued groups did not differ on the intention-superiority effect. No other twoway interactions were predicted, and none were found. The Orientation X Cue source X Script interaction was significant, F(1, 187) = 5.14, p = .025,p2 = .027. Results showed an intention-superiority effect for the state-oriented group in the self-cued condition (neutral M = 550.98 ms, SD = 114.41; prospective M = 531.22 ms, SD = Intention-superiority effect 13 98.10), F(1, 44) =7.90, p = .012,p2 = .152, but not the experimenter-cued condition (neutral M = 528.17 ms, SD = 68.72; prospective M = 522.05 ms, SD = 85.13), F(1, 39) = 0.59, p = .447, p2 = .015 (see Figure 2). The action-oriented group showed the opposite pattern, with an intention-superiority effect in the experimenter-cued condition (neutral M = 556.34 ms, SD = 102.18; prospective M = 537.84 ms, SD = 95.76), F(1, 57) = 7.75, p = .007, p2 = .119, but not the self-cued condition (neutral M = 537.25 ms, SD = 78.12; prospective M = 538.67 ms, SD = 91.32), F(1, 47) = 0.04, p = .842, p2 = .001 (see Figure 2) 7. Postperformance Intention Activation Preliminary analyses. First, effects of block and gender were tested with postperformance intention-superiority effect as the dependent variable. Therefore, a 2 X 2 X 2 X 2 (Gender X Block X Orientation X Cue source) ANOVA was conducted. Neither the main effect of block, F(1, 174) = 1.05, p = .308, p2 = .006, nor the main effect of gender, F(1, 174) = 0.08, p = .783, p2 = .001, was significant. An unanticipated Block X Gender interaction was found, F(1, 174) = 5.97, p = .016, p2 = .033. Post hoc analyses were conducted with RT as the dependent variable to find out which combinations of the block and gender variables showed a postperformance intention-superiority effect. The effect occurred for females in Block 2 (neutral M = 523.89 ms, SD = 78.58; prospective M = 508.93 ms, SD = 67.56), F(1, 56) = 6.98, p = .011, p2 = .111, and for males in Block 1 (neutral M = 569.21 ms, SD = 97.51; prospective M = 543.79 ms, SD = 79.94), F(1, 23) = 6.05, p = .022, p2 = .208. However, the effect did not occur for females in Block 1 (neutral M = 546.63 ms, SD = 84.03; prospective M = 542.01 ms, SD = 81.19), F(1, 72) = 0.92, p = .341, p2 = .013, or for males in Block 2 (neutral M = 535.54 ms, SD = 78.68; prospective M = 540.73 ms, SD = 83.90), F(1, 36) = 0.46, p = .502, p2 = .013. Because there has been no previous research on gender differences in the postperformance intentionsuperiority effect, this novel finding is difficult to interpret and will not be discussed further. For the dependent variable postperformance intention-superiority effect, none of the other interactions involving block or gender were significant. That is, there were no two-way interactions (Block X Cue source: F(1, 174) = 1.72, p = .191,p2 = .010; Block X Orientation: F(1, 174) = 1.32, p = .252,p2 = .008; Gender X Cue source: F(1, 174) = 0.11, p = .740,p2 = .001; Gender X Orientation: F(1, 174) = 0.98, p = .324,p2 = .006). There were also no threeor four-way interactions (Block X Gender X Cue source: F(1, 174) = 0.11, p = .742,p2 = .001; Block X Gender X Orientation: F(1, 174) = 1.39, p = .239,p2 = .008; Gender X Cue source X Orientation: F(1, 174) = 0.82, p = .366,p2 = .005; Block X Gender X Cue source X Orientation: F(1, 174) = 0.93, p = .338,p2 = .005). Main analyses. Unless stated otherwise, the dependent variable was RT. A 2 X 2 X 2 (Orientation X Cue source X Script) ANOVA was conducted. The effects of interest were the main effect of script, the interaction between orientation and script, the interaction between cue source and script, and the three-way interaction between orientation, cue source, and script. There was a main effect of script with faster RTs for prospective (M = 532.12 ms, SD = 78.62) than neutral (M = 540.53 ms, SD = 83.82) script words, F(1, 187) = 6.85, p = .010,p2 = .035. Therefore, there was no evidence for a postcompletion inhibition effect for intentions but there was evidence for a maintained intention-superiority effect. There were no other main effects. The interaction between orientation and script was not significant, F(1, 187) = 0.22, p = .638,p2 = .001). However, based on specific theoretically based predictions for intention accessibility patterns for the two orientation groups (e.g., Beckmann, 1994; Kuhl & Goschke, 1994), simple-effects analyses were conducted (Rosnow & Rosenthal, 1989). These results showed a significant maintained intention-superiority effect for the state-oriented group, with Intention-superiority effect 14 faster RTs for prospective (M = 525.80 ms, SD = 77.83) than neutral words (M = 535.59 ms, SD = 85.02), F(1, 84) = 4.06, p = .047, p2 = .048. In contrast, the intention-superiority effect for the action-oriented group was only marginally significant, F(1, 105) = 2.83, p = .095, p2 = .026, with no significant difference between RTs for prospective words (M = 537.18 ms, SD = 79.25) and neutral words (M = 544.50, SD = 83.03). In summary, both orientation groups showed a postperformance intention-superiority effect of roughly the same size although the effect was slightly larger, and significant, in the state-oriented group. The second two-way interaction of interest, the interaction between cue source and script, was not significant, F(1, 187) = 1.69, p = .195,p2 = .009. Thus, the self-cued and experimentercued groups did not differ on the postperformance intention-superiority effect. No other twoway interactions were predicted, and none were found. Finally, the three-way interaction between orientation, cue source, and script was also not significant, F(1, 187) = 0.94, p = .759,p2 = .001. Comparison of preperformance and postperformance intention-superiority effects. To test whether the intention-superiority effect was the same size before and after script performance, a 2 X 2 (Pre/post X Script) ANOVA was conducted with RT as the dependent variable. The interaction was not significant, F(1, 190) = 0.31, p = .578, p2 = .02, establishing that the size of the intention-superiority effect did not decrease after performance. Discussion The current experiment investigated the intention-superiority effect, which was measured as greater accessibility for intention-related words than for words to be remembered. Previous studies have shown a general intention-superiority effect before task performance. However, there has been less research examining potential moderating variables or intention activation after performance. Preperformance Intention Activation An overall intention-superiority effect was found for preperformance RTs. This result adds to the growing body of literature that has demonstrated greater accessibility for intentionrelated contents than for other memory contents (e.g., Freeman & Ellis, 2003a; Marsh et al., 1998). However, based on action control theory (e.g., Goschke & Kuhl, 1993; Kuhl & Beckmann, 1994b) and previous research (Goschke & Kuhl, 1993; Penningroth 2005b), a larger intention-superiority effect was predicted for the state- than the action-oriented group. There was only weak support for this prediction, with simple-effects analyses revealing slightly different outcomes for these two personality orientations. Specifically, an intention-superiority effect was observed in the state-oriented group, but this effect was only marginally significant in the action-oriented group. Why was this group difference smaller than in past studies (Goschke & Kuhl, 1993; Penningroth, 2005b)? One explanation might involve methodological differences across studies, including differences in how the intention-superiority effect was measured. In the current study, the effect was measured with a lexical decision task, which presumably assessed activation in a more implicit way than the recognition and recall tasks used by Goschke and Kuhl (1993) and Penningroth (2005b). In a set of unpublished experiments reported in Goschke and Kuhl (1996), state- and action-oriented groups showed an equally large intention-superiority effect when an implicit measure (word-fragment completion) was used. Therefore, the relatively small group difference found in the current study might be attributed to the use of a relatively implicit measure of accessibility. There is scant research on implicit measures of the intention- Intention-superiority effect 15 superiority effect, but research on this type of effect would have important theoretical and practical implications. Another possible explanation concerns the conditions that promote a state-oriented mode of control in state-oriented individuals (Kuhl, 1981; Kuhl & Kazen-Saad, 1988). For example, both situational and dispositional state-orientation might be needed to produce a large intentionsuperiority effect. Past research has shown that various types of state-oriented responses require both dispositional state orientation and situational factors that promote state orientation, such as thinking about past failures or about current emotional states (Kuhl, 1981; Kuhl & Kazen-Saad, 1988). Therefore, it might be useful to replicate the current experiment with an added manipulation of situational state orientation to test this possibility. In addition, a general orientation group effect might not be expected if the effect depended on cue source. In Goschke and Kuhl (1993), state-oriented groups showed a larger intention-superiority effect than action-oriented groups in the three experiments in which participants expected an external cue. However, both action- and state-oriented groups showed an intention-superiority effect when participants had to cue themselves after 15 minutes. In the current study, the interaction between orientation and cue source occurred within a single experiment. However, the state-oriented group showed an intention-superiority effect in the selfcued condition but not the experimenter-cued condition. The action-oriented group showed an intention-superiority effect in the experimenter-cued condition but not the self-cued condition. Thus, although the current results matched the result from Goschke and Kuhl (1993) for the state-oriented group in the self-cued condition, they did not match for the other three conditions. Several possible explanations for the interaction between orientation and cue source were evaluated. Because these are post hoc explanations, they require further research to evaluate their merits. First, considering that the experimenter-cued condition might represent an unnatural situation for participants, one approach would be to focus on comparing the state- and actionoriented groups in the self-cued condition, as the more ecologically valid condition. If this is done, the predicted orientation group difference is found: a larger intention-superiority effect for the state- than action-oriented group. Also, this result replicates the orientation group difference Penningroth (2005a) found using real-life intentions, which were most likely self cued, not directed by another person. Additionally, focusing on the results for the self-cued condition allows measurement of the intention-superiority effect when the intent or prospective component of the prospective memory task is included (Einstein & McDaniel, 1996). That is, although both cue conditions (self cued and experimenter cued) required maintaining the content or retrospective component of the scripts to be performed, it might be argued that only the self-cued condition required maintaining the prospective component (i.e., remembering that there was something to do at a specific time). Graf and Uttl (2001) have advocated for increased research on this aspect of prospective memory, which they term “prospective memory proper,” as a potentially unique aspect of cognitive functioning and a feature likely to show moderating effects of experimental manipulations and subject variables. Therefore, adopting this rationale and focusing on the self-cued condition leads to the conclusion that only state-oriented individuals show an intention-superiority effect, at least when the definition of prospective memory task is restricted to situations that include prospective memory proper8. Second, it is possible that the preperformance intention-superiority effect is larger when there are high working memory (WM) demands. This explanation is supported by research that showed that a higher WM load caused a larger intention-superiority effect (Penningroth, Graf, & Gray, 2010). In that study, the intention-superiority effect was assessed in the same way as in the current study. However, during the lexical decision task, central executive WM load was manipulated by adding either a random number generation task (high load) or an articulatory Intention-superiority effect 16 suppression task (lower load) (Marsh & Hicks, 1998; Teasdale et al., 1995). Therefore, an experimentally induced high WM caused a larger intention-superiority effect. Additional analyses from the current study also fit with this second explanation. That is, conditions that showed a preperformance intention-superiority effect (i.e., self-cueing for the state-oriented group and experimenter-cueing for the action-oriented group) also showed nominally higher RTs for nonscript items (i.e., RTs for nonwords and nonscript words) as well as nominally higher overall RTs. This second explanation only accounts for the interaction pattern observed if the cue conditions differentially affected WM load in state- and action-oriented groups. In fact, for stateoriented individuals, there are theoretical reasons to predict that self-cueing might cause a higher WM load than experimenter-cueing (Kuhl, 1994a). For example, in the current study, selfinitiated performance can be thought of as requiring two different intentions, to perform the intended script and to keep track of the time elapsed in order to perform on time. Compared to action-oriented individuals, state-oriented individuals have more difficulty coordinating two goals (Kuhl, 1994a) and therefore might experience a higher WM load with self-cueing expectations (Kuhl & Helle, 1994). It is less clear why action-oriented individuals would experience a high WM load in the experimenter-cueing condition. Perhaps this unnatural cueing expectation (to be cued by another person) caused a higher WM load in action-oriented individuals. Alternatively, it might have been the easy nature of this task condition that actually led to higher RTs and an increased intention-superiority effect in the action-oriented group. According to Kuhl and Beckmann (1994a), action-oriented individuals have shown “stateoriented” response patterns (e.g., in ERP data and negative priming in a Stroop task) when conditions were relaxing and not challenging. The experimenter-cued condition might have lacked sufficient challenge for action-oriented individuals and therefore led to a situational state orientation that included persistence of declarative representations for unfulfilled intentions. In summary, although these explanations are post hoc and speculative, they do suggest interesting avenues for future research. Postperformance Intention Activation Results showed a general intention-superiority effect after script performance. That is, RTs for prospective scripts were faster than for neutral scripts, indicating sustained intention activation. These results provide the first evidence of sustained activation with a postponed intention paradigm. In addition, the postperformance intention-superiority effect was just as large as the preperformance effect. Previous studies have reported (1) an inhibition effect, (2) persisting activation, or (3) a return to baseline activation. The current results are consistent with studies that found persisting activation (e.g., Freeman & Ellis, 2003b; Jahn & Engelkamp, 2003; Nowinski, et al., 2005) or a return to baseline levels (e.g., Cohen et al., 2005). However, other studies have reported a postperformance intention inhibition effect (e.g., Badets et al., 2006; Freeman & Ellis, 2003a). For example, Marsh et al. (1998) found a reversal in relative activation levels after intention completion (i.e., slower lexical decision task RTs for prospective than neutral words). In trying to understand these discrepant results, it might be informative to directly compare the current study to Marsh et al. (1998) because there were many similarities in the procedures and materials used. In both studies, postperformance activation was measured with lexical decision latencies. However, in the current study, participants had an added three-minute delay (for the anagram task) between the instructions designating the script to perform and script performance. In contrast, in Marsh et al. (1998), participants received performance instructions and then immediately performed the intended script. Therefore, one explanation for differing results might hinge on the delay: When the intention is held longer, people do not show an Intention-superiority effect 17 inhibition effect just after performance, but instead show sustained activation. This interpretation is also supported by the results from Nowinski et al. (2005). In that study, participants held intentions for a long period (192 trials of semantic matching), and results showed persisting activation after performance. This explanation could be evaluated by systematically varying the retention interval for intentions and then observing the effects on postperformance activation. Another possible explanation for different postperformance outcomes involves the opportunity to deactivate the intention. Based on results from several studies, Beckmann (1994) concluded that deactivation does not necessarily occur automatically. Instead, deactivation might benefit from, and perhaps require, deliberate postactional processing. For example, completed intentions showed greater activation (less deactivation) when postactional processing was prevented with a 15-s counting backwards task than when postactional processing was allowed (Beckmann, 1994). In fact, a longer period of postcompletion free time was associated with greater deactivation of the intention. Beckmann did not report whether deactivated intentions showed an inhibition effect or simply returned to baseline activation levels. However, a deliberate processing mechanism that deactivates intentions could potentially explain all three outcomes (inhibition, sustained activation, or return to baseline), with the specific outcome being partly dependent on the amount of time and cognitive resources available after completing the task. More cognitive “free time” might lead to greater deactivation, and perhaps even an inhibition effect. Unfortunately, this explanation can not be evaluated as a reason for the different outcomes observed in the current study and in Marsh et al. (1998) because the exact nature of the postperformance interval was not controlled in either study. Also, the deactivation patterns reported by Beckmann followed a performance failure, so research is needed to test whether the same patterns follow performance success. Specifically, a worthwhile task for future research would be to manipulate the attentional resources and time available for intention deactivation after task completion in order to map out the time-course and final level of activation. In examining postperformance intention activation, two possible moderators were tested: cue source and state versus action orientation. In short, cue source (self vs. experimenter) did not affect the intention-superiority effect after task performance. This finding replicated the null effect reported in the one past relevant study (Freeman & Ellis, 2003b). Based on action control theory (e.g., Beckmann, 1994; Goschke & Kuhl, 1993; Kuhl & Beckmann, 1994b), a larger intention-superiority effect was predicted for state-oriented than action-oriented individuals. Results showed weak support for this prediction. That is, simple-effects analyses revealed slightly different outcomes for the two orientation groups. In particular, the state-oriented group showed a sustained intention-superiority effect after task performance, but for the action-oriented group, this effect was only marginally significant. These effects are congruent with descriptions of these two personality types (e.g., Kuhl & Goschke, 1994, Beckmann, 1994): Action-oriented individuals can adapt activation levels to the current context, but state-oriented individuals show “context-blind maintenance” (Beckmann, 1994, p. 160). In the current study, the group difference in deactivation was small. However, when combined with similar results reported by Beckmann (1994), this set of findings provides provisional support for these theoretical depictions of state- versus action-orientation. Conclusions In conclusion, the current findings extend research on the intention-superiority effect in several ways. A general preperformance intention-superiority effect was replicated. However, moderating variables were also examined. Although the intention-superiority effect was predicted to be larger for individuals with dispositional state orientation than dispositional action Intention-superiority effect 18 orientation, there was only weak support for this prediction. The intention-superiority effect also depended on the interaction of cue source and state versus action orientation. In the stateoriented group, participants showed an intention-superiority effect when they expected performance to be self-cued, but not when they expected performance to be experimenter-cued. In the action-oriented group, participants showed an intention-superiority effect when participants expected performance to be experimenter-cued but not when they expected performance to be self-cued. In addition, a general postperformance intention-superiority effect was demonstrated, providing the first evidence of sustained activation with a postponed intention paradigm. Although both orientation groups showed persisting activation, the effect was slightly larger in the state-oriented group. Given the accumulating evidence that pending intentions show heightened accessibility, two related issues would benefit from further research. First, heightened accessibility of an intention does not necessarily translate into increased task performance (e.g., Freeman & Ellis, 2003a; Graf & Mandler, 1984; Penningroth, 2005a). More research is needed to understand other variables that impact the relationship between activation level and performance, such as attentional demands, characteristics of the performance cue, individual difference variables, and even motivational factors. Second, other researchers have suggested a careful analysis of the conditions under which the intention-superiority effect would be adaptive or maladaptive (e.g., Goschke & Kuhl, 1993). 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This cutoff value was reinforced by analysing a large unpublished set of scores (N = 1063) on the prospective (AOD) subscale of the ACS that represented data from five studies run in our lab. The median for that large sample was also seven. Also, scores of 7 (at the median) were categorised as action oriented instead of state oriented because this created a more balanced design and score ranges more similar to Goschke and Kuhl (1993). 3. These instructions were included for three reasons: (a) in pilot testing, some participants had difficulty memorising the scripts, (b) in pilot testing, some participants reported using these strategies, so standardising instructions controlled for this possible confound, and (c) Goschke and Kuhl (1993, Exp. 4) found that visualising both scripts (prospective and neutral) did not decrease the intention-superiority effect. 4. On average, self-cued participants stopped themselves after 3 min,13 s (SD = 36 s). 5. The main analyses were also done separately within each block to see whether the intentionsuperiority effect patterns (e.g., the Orientation X Cue interaction effect on the intentionsuperiority effect) differed across blocks. However, the patterns did not change from Block 1 to 2. 6. Using a Stroop task, Cohen et al. (2005) found that the intention-superiority effect was not evident for the first stimulus participants encountered but was evident for subsequent stimuli. Therefore, in the current study, the lexical decision latency difference for the first prospectiveneutral word pair was compared to the mean latency for later pairs. However, there was no difference in the intention-superiority effect (in preperformance or postperformance blocks). 7. Following the recommendation of an anonymous reviewer, I also tested the three-way interaction after redefining state- and action- oriented groups as the lower and upper thirds of the ACS score distribution (rather than with a median split). The pattern of results was replicated (i.e., the same pattern as in figure 2), but two effects were no longer statistically significant (presumably because of reduced power). That is, the omnibus interaction effect was no longer significant, and the intention-superiority effect for the action-oriented group in the experimentercued condition became only marginally significant. For the other three comparisons, the results replicated those from the larger sample. 8. I would like to thank an anonymous reviewer for this suggestion. Intention-superiority effect Figure Captions Figure 1. Order of tasks for block order 1. Figure 2. Preperformance mean RTs, in ms, as a function of script (prospective memory (PM) vs. neutral), orientation (state-oriented vs. action-oriented), and cue source (self vs. experimenter). Error bars represent one standard error above and below the mean. 24 BLOCK 1 Learn scripts Told which to perform LDT BLOCK 2 Anagrams Perform script Learn scripts Told which to perform Anagrams Perform script LDT