
ACCESS Faculty Lunch Feb 13*
• Ericsson-ACCESS collaborative projects
• High-risk seed projects
• Industry seed projects
• Industry internship program
• Undergrad summer program
• Challenge group reports
* Slides to be posted on ACCESS intranet
Ericsson-ACCESS Collaborative Projects
• Background: Ericsson and ACCESS would like to strengthen and
broadening the research collaborations.
• Call for proposals: ACCESS Faculty submit one page project
proposal. Proposal should indicate
- Objective
- Ericsson Research collaborator (or stakeholder)
- Added value and potential co-funding
• Evaluation: Evaluation and decision by ACCESS Industrial Advisory
Board chaired by Mikael Höök, Ericsson Research. Priority is given to
jointly developed proposals.
• Time plan:
- Call open: Feb 11
- Submission deadline: May 13
- IAB decision: Jun 2013
- Project start: Jul 2013
• Funding: Projects are typically supported by 500 KSEK over one
year. But also smaller or longer projects are feasible. Total annual
budget is currently 1 500 KSEK.
• Contacts: Mikael Höök is willing to
suggest potential Ericsson collaborators
High-risk Seed Projects
• Background: Review 2012 suggested that ACCESS
should encourage more high-risk research
• Call for ideas: ACCESS Faculty submit project idea,
motivate why high risk and high payoff, not more than
500 words
• Evaluation: Pre-selection by EC, decision by Board
• Time plan:
- Submission deadline: Mar 13
- Discussion and EC proposal: May 6
- Board decision: May 27
- Project start: Jul 2013
• Funding: 500 KSEK per year and project over two
years with half-time evaluation, nominally 1 project
• Conflict of interest: EC or Board members cannot
Industry Seed Projects
• Background: Important with more and new
interactions with strategic industry
• Call for ideas: ACCESS Faculty submit project idea,
motivate why new and why important for ACCESS, not
more than 500 words
• Evaluation: pre-selection by EC, decision by Director
• Time plan:
- Submission deadline: Aug 31
- Discussion and EC proposal: Sep
- Director decision: Sep
- Project start: Oct
• Funding: 100 KSEK per year and project over two
years with half-time evaluation (nominally 1 project
ACCESS Industry Internship Program
ACCESS PhD students have chosen options:
1. You take a leave from KTH for 2-3 months to work at Ericsson
or ABB on a project in the area of ACCESS, but not necessary
directly related to your thesis work.
2. You keep your KTH salary but relocate to Ericsson or ABB for 23 months to work on a joint co-sponsored project more directly
related to your current research direction.
PhD student reponses: 14 answers. Most of them prefer option 1
and suggest summer time or just after the summer. One already
had a discussion with Ericsson about option 2.
Next steps
ACCESS Undergrad Summer Program
Background: Many of the labs in ACCESS engage talented
undergraduate and master students in their research during the
summers. This coming summer we plan to organize some joint
events for all these students under an ACCESS umbrella.
Planned events
1. ACCESS Undergraduate Summer Programme kick-off: June 10th
at 10-12 in lecture room Q2. Introduce ACCESS and welcome
2. Joint social activity: Details TBD. The event will be organized
around July 1.
3. Final workshop: August 30th, details TBD. Here the students will
present the outcomes of their projects.
ACCESS is responsible for the common costs of these events, but
not for student salaries etc.
USP Lead: Henrik Sandberg
Some Upcoming Activities
• ACCESS Seminars
- Mar 6, Bengt Amnehagen, Ericsson, legacy SW challenges
• Faculty lunch: May 22
- Magnus Buhrgard and Martin Svensson, Ericsson
- Challenge group reports (cont’d)
• ACCESS PhD Student Innovation Workshop, May 2013
• SRA ICT TNG workshop, Nov 2013