ASTRONOMICAL APPLICATIONS OF NEW LINE LISTS FOR CN, C2 AND THEIR ISOTOPOLOGUES P. F. Bernath Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA C. Sneden Department of Astronomy, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas J. S. A. Brooke and R.S. Ram Department of Chemistry, University of York, Heslington, York, UK Interstellar CN Violet 0-0 2 + 2 + B Σ -X Σ Diffuse interstellar cloud absorption towards the star HD169454 Gredel et al. AA, 251, 625 (1991) Linelist is needed to get temperature and abundance (column density). [CN]/[13CN]=38 Trot = 3 K (same temperature as the cosmic background radiation) Astronomical Requirements From Beer-Lambert law: I I 0 exp S g 10 Nl Need a lineshape function g(ν-ν10) (assumed to be Voigt, etc.) and a line strength S’ given by (SI units at temperature T, from Bernath, Spectra of Atoms and Molecules): 2π ν10 S J J Elow hν10 S exp 1 exp 3ε0 hcQT kT kT 2 Therefore need a line position, ν10, partition function, QT (calculated), line intensity, SJ′J″ (or S′), and the lower state energy, Elow. Linelist consists of (at a minimum): ν10, S′ or A10 and Elow for each line Selected New Astronomical Linelists 1. MgH B'2Σ+-X2Σ+, A2Π-X2Σ+ GharibNezhad et al. MNRAS 432, 2043 (2013); 25,26MgH Hinkle et al. ApJS 207, 26 (2013). 2. CN, 13CN, C15N B2Σ+-X2Σ+, A2Π-X2Σ+, Brooke et al. ApJS 210, 23 (2014); Sneden et al., ApJS (submitted). 3. C2, C13C d3Π-a3Π (Swan system), Brooke et al. JQSRT 124, 11 (2013); Ram et al. ApJS 211, 5 (2014). 4. CP A2П-X2Σ+, Ram et al. JQSRT 138, 107 (2014). 5. NH, vibration-rotation, Brooke et al. JCP (submitted). 6. OH, vibration-rotation (Meinel bands), Brooke et al. JQSRT (in preparation). 7. CH, 13CH C2Σ+-X2Π, B2Σ--X2Π, A2Δ-X2Π, vibrationrotation, Masseron et al. AA (in press). Sunspot MgH A2Π-X2Σ+ 0-0 On Earth and in Sun 24Mg:25Mg:26Mg abundance is 79:10:11. The magnesium isotopic ratios are probes of the heavy element enrichment of the Universe. 25Mg and 26Mg are produced during He burning; 24Mg is produced during carbon burning. Low abundances of heavy elements will result in more 24Mg relative to 25Mg and 26Mg. Hinkle et al. ApJS 207, 26 (2013) Start Full Calculation Method (James Brooke) Einstein As and f-values – line list with Spectrum Line assignment and fit PGOPHER Case (a) matrix elements Hund’s case (b) to (a) Molecular constants fit Equilibrium constants RKR 1 Potential energy curve End positions and intensities Case (b) vibrational wavefunctions and transition dipole moment matrix elements LEVEL Start Ab initio + Electronic (transition) dipole moment function 13 C C 3 3 d Π-a Π (Swan system) Ram et al. ApJS 211, 5 (2014) Fit of lines of Amiot (1983) for 0-0 Swan System and Islami and Amiot (1986), Amiot and Verges (1982) for Ballik-Ramsay System (b3Σ--a3Π ) with PGOPHER. Used ab initio transition dipole moment function for C2 from Brooke et al. JQSRT 124, 11 (2013). In addition used isotope relations as needed. Carbon-Enhanced Metal Poor Stars (CEMP) Big Bang created only the elements H, He and a trace of Li 13.7 billion years ago. After few hundred million years first stars form (“Population III”) and heavy elements are synthesized by nuclear fusion, neutron reactions and supernova explosions. Next generation of stars forms from interstellar clouds of ejected material (“Population II”); then same cycle as above. Third generation of stars form like our Sun (“Population I”). Metallicity: Population I: [Fe/H]=~0; Population II: [Fe/H]<-1; Population III: [Fe/H]<-6 HE 0212-0557 is CEMP star with [Fe/H]=-3.45 (i.e., Fe is depleted by more than 1000 relative to Sun) but [C/Fe]=1.8 (i.e., C is enhanced relative to Fe by a factor of 100, relative to Sun). 12C/13C is 3.5 (solar is 90). Probably mass transfer occurred from an AGB star in a binary system. Sneden’s MOOG code used. CN B2Σ+-X2Σ+ Δv=+2 Sequence CN lab spectra were recorded by S. Davis with Kitt Peak FTS using a microwave discharge of nitrogen with a trace of methane. Data was analyzed in a series of papers: Ram et al. JMS 263, 82 (2010); Ram et al. ApJS 188, 500 (2010); Ram & Bernath, ApJ 194, 34 (2011); Colin & Bernath, JMS 273, 30 (2012). Transition dipole moment calculated by Schwenke used to generate linelists for CN, 13CN, C15N B2Σ+-X2Σ+, A2Π-X2Σ+ transitions by Brooke et al. ApJS 210, 23 (2014); Sneden et al., ApJS (submitted). Solar CN (Fraunhofer Lines) 13CN, C15N B2Σ+-X2Σ+, CN, A2Π-X2Σ+, Brooke et al. ApJS 210, 23 (2014); Sneden et al., ApJS (submitted). Trot = 6000 K in the solar photosphere; [CN]/[13CN]=90, same as on Earth; B2Σ+-X2Σ+, 0-0 A2Π-X2Σ+, 2-0 “Absolute” abundance is: log ε(X) = log10(NX/NH) + 12 Asplund et al. (2009) recommend log ε(N) = 7.83±0.05 Absorption in photosphere of the Sun L. Wallace, Kitt Peak Solar Atlas A2Π-X2Σ+, 0-0 Nitrogen Abundance of Two CEMP Stars CN B2Σ+-X2Σ+, 0-1 band (Sneden et al. ApJS, submitted) CH, A2Δ-X2Π Transition (G band) Constants for v’=4 and 5 derived from stellar spectra by Masseron et al. AA (in press). CH in CEMP Stars CH, A2Δ-X2Π, Masseron et al. AA (in press); 4-4 and 5-5 bands identified for the first time A2Δ-X2Π 5-5 A2Δ-X2Π 4-4 Solar CH (1-0 Fundamental) ACE solar spectrum: Hase et al. JQSRT 111, 521 (2010) Herman-Wallis effect must be included using LEVEL (i.e., J-dep. of vibrational wavefunction) APOGEE: Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment APOGEE will survey over 100,000 red giant stars and record spectra with R~22,500 in the 1.51-1.70 μm region to obtain abundance of 15 chemical species.