Teacher: Bozeman Time Large Group/ Opening Activity 8:30-9:00 Transition Activity 11:50-12:05 12:05-12:15 12:15-12:30 12:30-12:45 2:30-2:45 Week of: Oct.12-16 Monday Topic: Rhyme Time Tuesday Georgia’s Pre-K Program Weekly Lesson Plan Template (LPT2015 #1) Thursday Friday Activity: Gather/Greet(display songs on chart-child chooses) Jobs/Attendance/child shares weekend Message: spider Activity: Gather/Greet(display songs on chart-child chooses) Jobs/Attendance/ Message: spider Activity: Gather/Greet(display songs on chart-child chooses) Jobs/Attendance/ Message: sheep Wednesday Activity: Gather/Greet(display songs on chart-child chooses) Jobs/Attendance/ Message: vistor Activity: Gather/Greet(display songs on chart-child chooses) Jobs/Attendance/ Message: cooking S: APL5.4b, CLL8.4d, CLL4.4c Book #1: Little Miss Muffit Vocab-tuffet, curds, & whey S: APL5.4b, CLL8.4d Book #1: complete Miss Muffit variation S: APL5.4b, CLL8.4d Book #1: Little Bo Beep vocabwags; Who else wags tail? What does it mean? S: APL5.4b, CLL8.4d Book #1: Little Boy Blue vocab-meadow, haystack S: APL5.4b, CLL8.4d Book #1: Tales to read together( Bo peep & boy blue) S: CLL4.4d, CLL6.4b Music with Movement: paper plate dance S: CLL1.4a, CLL5.4e Music with Movement : “bean bag boogie” w/props S: CLL1.4a Music with Movement: Rhymin’ to the beat V2 “Little Bo peep” S: CLL4.4d, CLL6.4b Music with Movement: Rhymin’ to the beat V2 “Little Boy blue” S: CLL5.4c Music with Movement: paper plate dance S: PDM5.4a, CR3.4a Activity: “There’s a spider on the Floor” S: PDM5.4a, CR1.4a Activity: “Shakey Shakey”; “Shake it up high” S: PDM5.4a, CR3.4a Activity: “There’s a spider on the Floor” S: PDM5.4a, CR3.4a Activity: “Noble duke of York” S: PDM5.4a, CR3.4a Activity: “Tooty Ta”; “Itsy bitsy spider” S: CLL1.4b, PDM5.4a Book #2: Teeny Tiny Spider S: CLL1.4b, PDM5.4a Book#2: Tales to Read Together (Miss Muffet) S: CLL1.4b, PDM5.4a Book#2: There was an old lady who swallowed a fly S: CLL1.4b, PDM5.4a Book #2: The Very Busy Spider S: CLL1.4b, PDM5.4a Book #2: Rhyme Review S: CLL5.4a Large Group Literacy: act out Miss Muffett S: CLL5.4c Large Group Literacy: act out Miss Muffett S: CLL5.4c Large Group Literacy: Little Bo Beep; have you every lost something? S:CLL5.4c Large Group Literacy:compare Boy Blue and Little Bo Beep S: CLL6.4b Large Group Literacy: act out Miss Muffett S: CLL5.4b, CR4.4a S: CLL5.4b, CR4.4a S: CLL1.4c S: CLL5.4c S: CLL5.4b, CR4.4a Phonological Awareness: “Itsy Bitsy Spider” with different voices Phonological Awareness: Alligator Pie Phonological Awareness: Rhyme Time Lotto (pocket chart) Phonological Awareness: Sheep in a Jeep Phonological Awareness: “Higgledy Piggledy” S: CLL6.4a Closing Activity: “Itsy Ditsy Spider” Goodbye Song S: CLL6.4a Closing Activity: “What did you do today?” (items in pail) Goodbye song S: CLL6.4b Closing Activity: Hide and Seek (sheep) Goodbye Song S: CLL6.4b Closing Activity: Guess the Nursery Rhyme Goodbye Song S: CLL6.4e Closing Activity: “Mother Goose Party” “Next week we will….” Goodbye song S: APL5.4b, CLL8.4b, CLL8.4c S: APL5.4b, CLL8.4b, CLL8.4c S: APL5.4b, MA5.4a, CLL8.4b, CLL8.4c S: APL5.4b, CP2.4c, CLL8.4b, CLL8.4c S: APL5.4b, CLL8.4b, CLL8.4c Materials and or activity choices for outdoor play: parachute, chalk, hula hoops Page 1 of 2 Planning for Additional Instructional Activities (story times, music/movement, transitions, large group meetings, etc) This space is provided for optional use to document additional instructional activities planned throughout the week. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Time Friday Activity: Activity: Activity: Activity: Activity: GELDS: Activity: GELDS: Activity: GELDS: Activity: GELDS: Activity: GELDS: Activity: GELDS: GELDS: GELDS: GELDS: GELDS: Activity: Activity: Activity: Activity: Activity: GELDS: GELDS: GELDS: GELDS: GELDS: *Refer to daily schedule for center time, clean up time, breakfast, lunch, snack, rest time, outdoor play times and activities such as art, music and PE. *Small Group Instruction: See small group lesson plan page for the current week. *Documentation of plans for collection of assessment will be reflected on lesson plan or optional Planning for Assessment Template. Page 2 of 2