K-5 Curriculum Night 2015 PowerPoint

A better way of assessing and reporting student progress
Learning Goals
Sofiya has adjusted well. She is a confident, outgoing, and
fun girl. We are working on staying focused and finishing
our work without distracting others around us. She is
currently reading at a DRA 18. Keep reading the take home
book bag. Sofiya would benefit from reading those books
each night. She enjoys writing workshop and sharing her
stories. Keep on growing as a learner and doing great work!
Brooke has made measurable progress in academic subjects
for 2nd quarter. Brooke’s DRA (Developmental Reading
Assessment) level is above grade level, and her reading
fluency is 233 words per minute (wpm). This is above grade
level, as the Winter Goal for 3rd grade is 105 WPM. I would
like her to continue to read whenever she can, and to focus
on her retelling as well as giving the main idea and details
within a story. In reading, developing a deeper
understanding in what she reads is the next step. She will
now look at several themes, symbols, and finding the
author’s message, in order to determine the main message
of the piece. It will be helpful if she is reading books ON or
below her DRA level. Research tells us that if she is reading at
too high of a level, she will not improve as a reader. In math,
Brooke continues to make great progress, in understanding
the material and performing well on the Unit 3 assessments.
She is also able to give plenty of evidence of her thinking.
Brooke is showing mastery by demonstrating her proficiency
in algebra and number sense across different types of
problems and contexts. Within her nonfiction writing, Brooke
has begun to have better organization when writing, but her
vocabulary needs some improvement. I will continue to focus
on using synonyms for common words, and explicitly
teaching her new words to add to her repertoire. For Brooke
to continue making progress, she will be continually
challenged with higher order thinking skills in both reading
and math.
Report Cards
Report Cards