Strong EAP Strong EAP WELL-U and STRONG EAP Coping with Work and Family Stress 3/14/2011 Lynda Spiegel, MS. Ed., NCC Strong EAP Two Things About EAP FREE CONFIDENTIAL Strong EAP WHO CAN USE EAP? Employees Family members living in the same household as the employee 550 White Spruce Blvd Hours 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesdays 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Strong EAP What Do We Do? Short-term counseling Assessment-to-referral Critical Incident Stress Wellness Presentations Work-Related Presentations Healthbites Strong EAP WHO are we? Joanne Dermady, Director Sigrid Adler, LCSW Anne Lenox, LMHC Lynda Spiegel, LMHC Strong EAP Examples Stress (i.e., depression, anxiety) Grief Relationships – Co-Workers – Family members – Children Strong EAP The Notebook The References Introductions Strong EAP Strong EAP Define Stress Define Anger Problem Solving Coping Strategies Cognitive Reframes Relaxation techniques Strong EAP Deep Breathing Strong EAP Work/Life Balance Can it be done? Strong EAP What is STRESS? Strong EAP What our jobs provide • Sense of satisfaction • Sense of purpose • Structure • Poor morale • Unhappy workplace • Pressure Strong EAP Technology • • • • • • An obstacle to our balance We are an immediate society Cell phones, pagers E-mail, IM Internet 24/7 connection • Social networking addictions • the 24/7 connection Strong EAP Technology isn’t alone • Overscheduled adults • Overscheduled kids • We’re frazzled • We leave work, work doesn’t leave our thoughts • We leave home, home doesn’t leave our thoughts Strong EAP Environmental Stressors • • • • • • • • Noise Time Interruptions Clientele Co-workers Teaching hospital Limited space Technology Strong EAP We’re Out of Balance • • • • • • • Depressed Anxious Frustrated Angry Guilty Poor choices Unhealthy habits Strong EAP The Self Strong EAP Stress 1.Physical Stress An immediate threat to our wellbeing, physically 2.Mental Stress *Our perception of an event in which: We feel threatened We experience change We lose our sense of control Our expectations aren’t realized Strong EAP Stress is not a person, place or thing. It is a physical and emotional reaction to change – whether positive or negative. It is our PERCEPTION of the change that matters. A Stressor is the actual event or change Strong EAP Things about stress IT DOESN’T GO AWAY CAN BE POSITIVE –Motivates us OR NEGATIVE –Leads to feelings of disappointment, failure, embarrassment, etc. Strong EAP Four Categories of Stress Anticipatory Stress (Future) Situational Stress (Present) Chronic Stress (Ongoing) Residual Stress (Past Strong EAP Cognitive Effects Tunnel vision Difficulty making decisions Diminished ability to concentrate Shortened attention span Difficulty with abstract thought Memory difficulty Strong EAP Psychological Effects Depression Anxiety Burn-out Anger Loss of emotional control Strong EAP Behavioral Effects Isolation Sleep disturbance Change in eating habits Increase in alcohol/substance use Irritability Temper tantrums Strong EAP Physiological Effects Elevated blood pressure Elevated heart rate Rapid breathing Lightheadedness Chills or sweats Migraine headaches IBS Lower back pain Strong EAP Life Cycle Theory Most of us go through a series of events called “life cycles” i.e., birth, school job, marriage, kids, kids leave, retirement, death Stress increases at each life transition Strong EAP Family Stress Theory Rueben Hill, Father of Family Stress ABCX Theory of Stress A factor=the stressor B factor=the resources C Factor=our perception X Factor= the outcome Strong EAP Double ABCX Theory ABCX lasted 30 years McCubbin & Patterson aA=“Pile-up” of stressors bB=Layers of resources cC=Layers of perceptions xX=Layers of outcome Strong EAP What is Anger? A universal, first emotion Built into our nervous system Anger is a way of expressing STRESS Two ways of Anger Toxic anger-anger that poisons your life and/or those around you Strong EAP Anger When is anger a problem? How often do you get angry? –Not at all –1-2 times a week –3-5 times a week –1-2 times a day –3 times a day –6-10 times a day –10+ times a day Strong EAP Intensity of Anger On a scale of 1-10, where are you? Strong EAP Intensity 1-3 4-6 7-10 < 1/day Episodic Irritation Episodic Anger Episodic > 1/day Chronic Irritation Rage Chronic Chronic Anger Rage Strong EAP Some statistics 15 % of us have episodic rage 11 % of us have chronic anger 12 % of us have chronic rage 37 % of us have “toxic anger” Strong EAP Facts About Anger Men v. women Decrease with age Impulsive and excitable + provocation Cynical Catastrophizing Compulsiveness Self-absorbed Aggressive personality Strong EAP More Facts Drugs that alter brain chemistry Irritable Depressed Communication Problem solving skills Too stressed Judgmental Blame Exhaustion Inadequate support system Strong EAP Is Anger Poisoning Your Life? Anger and fatigue Anger has an immediate effect on blood pressure What’s your risk for heart attack? Strong EAP How At Risk for Heart Attack are YOU? Have you smoked cigarettes in the last 30 days? Do you have 2+ alcohol at one sitting? Has a doctor told you that you have high blood pressure? Are you being treated for high blood pressure? Has a doctor told you that you have high cholesterol? Strong EAP Are you currently being treated for high cholesterol? Do you consider yourself overweight? Do you consider yourself obese? Strong EAP The Impact of Anger On our health On our career On our relationships On our marriage On the health of people around us On the self-esteem of the people around us Strong EAP Strong EAP STRESS HAPPENS What can you control? Whose problem is it anyway? Don’t sweat the small stuff. Move with the cheese Use good communication skills It’s OK to give yourself permission to put yourself first Create a balance Strong EAP Maintaining Daily Balance • Take time for your health • Give your family quality time • Stay within your financial budget • Enjoy a quality social life • Stay current with new developments at work • Enjoy your spiritual area Help Yourself to Balance • • • • • • • Clarify your values Make a list Set your own rules for balance Strong EAP Use transition time wisely Do one thing at a time Volunteer Pay attention to now Strong EAP Stress Reduction vs. Stress Management Stress reduction-eliminates the source of stress by taking action and making changes. Stress management-involves coping, reinterpreting, reframing, and cognitive restructuring. Strong EAP Goal of STRESS MANAGEMENT To alter our perception and response to our stressors (the C & X factors) To alter our lifestyle to be more stress resistant (build our B factor) Strong EAP A Word of Caution “Denial is one of the best-developed coping mechanisms in healthcare workers, particularly in physicians and nurses.” Overcoming Stress in Medical and Nursing Practice, (Quote from Marshall McLuhan-Communications theorist) Strong EAP Compassion Fatigue CF is secondary post-traumatic stress Common in helping professions and first responder professions Same symptoms, without the primary trauma Strong EAP Are you a STRESS EATER? You can’t change what you don’t acknowledge Try to link thinking-feeling-behaving Use the Event log If it is a long-standing issue, get help and deal with it Strong EAP Eating and Coping According to one study, 75% of overeating is caused by EMOTIONS Cortisol cravings-stress related (salt & sugar) Social eating –bring on the HFS Nervous eating – crave the crunch Childhood habits Stuffing emotions – people who can’t deal with their emotions Strong EAP How can I de-stress? Relaxation techniques Problem solving skills Communication skills Know your perception Cognitive reframes Self-care tools Strong EAP Relaxation Techniques Breathing Muscle relaxation Yoga Relaxation tape Pelvic floor exercise Strong EAP Problem Solving The main question to ask is: Whose problem is it? Strong EAP If it’s not your problem And you’re making it your problem… Someone else isn’t being responsible What message are we sending if we take on someone else’s problem? Be careful of being too controlling Strong EAP If it is Your Problem Use the 8-step problem-solving guide Sometimes you just have to accept the issue Use resources, i.e., AA, NAMI, Grief groups Strong EAP Use Effective Communication Skills “CUS” messages – good for the workplace I am concerned because________________ I am uncomfortable because_____________ This is a safety issue because ____________ “I-Messages” I feel _____________________ When you __________________ Strong EAP Perception Is it true that perception is reality? Strong EAP Strong EAP If you can’t change the situation, you must change the way you PERCEIVE the situation. Strong EAP What Influences Perception? Family of origin Place in the family Peer group Culture and heritage Work Clubs and organizations Place in history Neighborhoods Values and belief systems Strong EAP Other people’s actions We interpret other people’s actions by how they impact us Strong EAP Cognitive Reframes Self-Talk We all talk to ourselves How do you talk to yourself? How do you talk to others? Negative v. positive thinkers Strong EAP Self-Esteem Self-esteem is the relationship you have with yourself. “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Eleanor Roosevelt. Strong EAP Our Thoughts How we think impacts how we feel If we think everything’s a big deal If we think things need to be perfect If we think we need to be in charge or dominate others If we think people should be on time If we have a hard time saying what’s on our mind Strong EAP If we think everything is an irritant If we judge others If we think someone has to be at fault IT’S TIME TO CHANGE OUR THINKING Strong EAP How to Reframe Your Thinking Keep an event log What’s the event (stressor) What are your thoughts What are your emotions What is your behavior What is the outcome Strong EAP Self-Care Tools Set limits Healthy life style-nutrition, sleep, exercise Pros v. cons list Short-term and long-term goals Say no, have real expectations Keep balance in focus Vary work and play Strong EAP Thank You!!