Academic Integration of International Experience: Creative

Academic Integration of
International Experience:
The Univ. of California Academic
Integration Strategic Initiative
Ann Marie Plane,
Faculty-In-Residence, UCEAP
History of UC Academic
Integration Efforts
• Original vision (1962-1989)
University of Bordeaux 1962
Asia: Valued Partnerships
since 1964
Growth, diversity of
programming: Egypt, 1980s
Ambitious AI program
launched (1990s-2000s)
Institutional Complexity
– 10 autonomous campuses
– over 234,000 students
– thousands of faculty
• $$$$$$$$$$$$/TIME/STAFF
– Scott D. Cooper et al. in, Internationalizing Undergraduate Education,
ed. Lynn Anderson( Univ. of Minnesota, 2005)
• 50th Anniversary Year: 2012
Current state of UCEAP
4700 students in 2011-12
Over 250 programs, 39 countries
Recent reorganization
Shifting relationship with individual Univ.
of California campuses
– Faculty-led programming
Student satisfaction high:
• Adam Noily, UCB | Peking University,
Beijing"EAP has been an integral part of my
college education. It has complemented my
studies in a way that no course at my home
university ever could....As far as my emphasis
in the politics and economics of China is
concerned, any attempted study of this
subject without the firsthand experiences
offered by EAP would have been pure folly.”
Active Research Program
Regular surveying;
Student, Parent satisfaction;
Student Focus Groups (2011)
Academic Outcomes Survey or contact UCEAP Dir. of
Research, Gordon Shaeffer
50th Anniversary
Strategic Goals:
1) Best Business Practices
2) Academic Excellence
3) Study Abroad for All
• Strategic Initiatives for the last 18 months
– Academic Intergration working group
Academic Integration
working group
• Convened April 2012
– Staff/Faculty representation-each campus
– Systemwide and campus co-leadership
– Will sunset June 2014
• Will recommend overall AI structure
– Focus on measurable results
– Consult on Acad. Outcomes survey design
Acad. Outcomes Survey 2011
Results: Core Major Courses
• About half the respondents intended to pursue Core Major
Courses (CMCs) through their UCEAP program – 51.7%
• 80.9% who intended to enroll in CMCs did so
• Some who didn’t intend to also enrolled in CMCs
Results: Major Elective
Results: Additional Academic
Consequences of Study Abroad
"My participation in UCEAP contributed
to my decision to...
"Add a new major to my
existing major(s)"
"Change my major(s)"
"Add a new minor"
"Change my minor"
"Pursue specific
academic research related
to my major(s) or minor(s)
upon return"
Results: Past Participants
Recommendations to UC
Given your experiences with UCEAP, would you recommend
UCEAP's programs to UC students:
In your major(s)
In your minor(s)
In other academic disciplines
Interested in doing academic research
Interested in doing an internship
Interested in pursuing general elective or breadth
Interested in pursuing language requirements
AI Working group
3 pilot initiatives:
1) Internationalizing Engineering
– Engineering summer: foundations
– Engineering summer: research/internships
– Major course articulation
• Mechanical, Computer Engineering
2) Useable Information (web updates)
3) Course Approval Data Collection
– Capture student successes (my EAP)
– Standing Dept/College agreements
– Track via Registrars’ degree audit systems
• Audience comment on experience with
similar initiatives
• Problems, prospects, successes?
• Measures of effectiveness?