CIT 212 – Microsoft Networking II Windows Server 2008 Administration Fall 2012 Instructor: Email: Phone: Office: Office Hours: Laura Pike 775-753-2288 HTC 131 Mon. noon-2:30p, Thurs. 9-11:30a Textbook & Lab Manual ISBN: 9780470875070 Package from Microsoft Press (Wiley Publishers) Textbooks: MOAC 70-646: Windows Server 2008 Administration Textbook w/ Stud CD Lab Man, Trial CD & MLO Set. Go to schedule online, and find CIT 212, click on Details link, and then the View Textbooks link. Books are available at the college bookstore or Search using the title or ISBN number at various discounters / used book dealers. Catalog Description: Introduce students to computer network server administration and management using MS Windows Server products. (Formerly CIT 212, MCSE II). (3 credits) Course Prerequisites: CIT 212 has no prerequisites. It is recommended that all Students have the following knowledge and skills prior to starting the course: The fundamentals of networking technology; a strong "stand alone" computer background and feel comfortable working in a windows environment. It may be possible for a student to acquire this knowledge and skills through additional study during the course. Course Description: This hands-on course is designed to help prepare you for the MCSE certification exam 70-646, and for the challenges you will face as a Microsoft networking professional. We will cover the essential tools used to configure and manage a server for use in a basic network. Lectures, projects and exercises will reinforce skills as they are learned. Specific topic coverage includes: Introduction to Windows Server 2008, Managing Hardware Devices, Creating and Managing Users, Implementing and Managing Groups, Managing Access to Files, Managing Disk and Data Storage, Advanced File System Management, Implementing and Managing Printing, Implementing and Using Group Policies, Administering a Server, Monitoring Server Performance, Managing and Implementing Backups and Disaster Recovery, Administering Web Resources, and Security Basics for Windows Server 2008. METHOD OF INSTRUCTION: This class will be taught via Internet using Web Campus. You are expected to participate in on-line discussions, assignments, various quizzes, and exams, and other class activities. As an Internet based class, there are no traditional lectures, discussions, or labs. In lieu of lectures I will create various posts, video lectures, and/or link supplementary materials as appropriate which you are expected to review each week. Some lectures may be accompanied with podcasts. Instead of classroom discussions you will be expected to post your own college-quality written comments on the weekly discussion assigned by the Instructor and respond to your fellow students' comments. I will read and assess your posts as well as comment on them if necessary for clarification purposes. Labs are accomplished by the use of a remote desktop procedure and Hyper V Manager Software. To complete the lab exercise, a high speed internet connection is required. It has also been proven a wired connection is favorable over a wireless connection. AN IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT ONLINE CLASSES: 1. Do not assume that online classes are easier than traditional "face-to-face" classes. 2. Online classes can actually be more difficult than traditional classes. They require constant motivation and self-direction on the part of the student. 3. You are responsible for reading, studying, asking questions, completing assignments, being organized, and staying on schedule. I cannot tell when you are having problems and you cannot raise your hand for help. You must make the initiative to contact me via email, office hours, or phone call. 4. Instead of classroom discussions you will be expected to post your own college quality written comments on one topic related to the class readings as assigned as well as respond to your fellow students' comments. STUDENT RESPONSABILITIES: Be able to access the class website through Web Campus. Contact the Technology Help Desk - Email: Phone: 775-753-2167 1. 2. 3. 4. Have and maintain High Speed Internet access throughout the semester. Have and maintain all software required for the class throughout the semester. Have and maintain a virus-free computer throughout the semester. Have knowledge of Windows and file handling. MAJOR OBJECTIVES OF THIS CLASS The primary objective of this class is to introduce students to the Desktop/Client Operating System by offering an in-depth study of all the functions and features in the current Microsoft Desktop environment. This course prepares the student to field questions from businesses end-users using Microsoft products. LEARNING OUTCOMES The successful student in this class will have and be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Planning for server deployment. Planning for server management. Monitoring and maintaining servers. Planning application and data provisioning. Planning for business continuity and high availability. Learner Outcome Measurements Measurement Method Learner Outcomes Class Discussion via web posts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Lab and research assignments 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Project assignments 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Written and Skills examinations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Class Policies & Procedures GRADING POLICY: Grading in this course is based upon the following: class discussions 20%, Exams 40%, and assignments 40%. All assignments are due by the beginning of the next week. The grades will be calculated on a percentage scale and then recorded as the corresponding grade point value as shown below. Percentage Grade Point Value Letter Grade 94-100 4.0 A 90-93 3.7 A87-89 3.3 B+ 84-86 3.0 B 80-83 2.7 B77-79 2.3 C+ 74-76 2.0 C 70-73 1.7 C67-69 1.3 D+ 64-66 1.0 D 60-63 .7 D<60 0.0 F I Incomplete – See below W Withdrawal – See below If, for some reason, you feel that you cannot complete the course, you must officially (W)ithdraw from the class before the end of the thirteenth week. If you do not officially withdraw from the class, your grade will be based on the assignments you have completed averaged with zeros for uncompleted assignments. To withdraw from the class, you must contact the instructor and complete the Add/Drop form available at the center. The “W” is not used in computing your cumulative grade-point average. It will appear, however, on your transcript, and will always be a permanent part of it. An (I)ncomplete will be given only to a student who has completed ¾ of the course with a grade of “C” or better, but is unable to complete the class for good cause. You must arrange for the incomplete with your instructor and acknowledge the statement of work you must complete to receive a final grade. You have until March 15 th for Fall Semesters and October 15th for Spring Semesters to complete the work for a final grade. An incomplete not made up within this time period will have a grade assigned by the instructor, which could be an “F” or “W”. EXAM & QUIZ PROCEDURES: All exams and quizzes will be objective, e.g. true/false, multiple choice, fill-in the blank, etc, and will be conducted using Web Campus. ATTENDANCE POLICY: The instructor must agree in advance to any excused absences unless there are strong extenuating circumstances. Three (3) unexcused absences can result in a failing grade, in an on-line class an absence is one week when you do not participate in class or contact the instructor. ASSIGNMENTS: The assignments will consist of exercises from the textbook and/or lab book. The assignments can be completed on your own time, and will require substantial time spent on the computer to complete. There are no points given for late assignments. Assignments are due on the Monday of the following week they are assigned. You will turn in most assignments by using the assignment drop box on WebCampus or by attaching it to a message from within WebCampus and sending it to me. Students should keep all assignments until they have seen cumulative grades. Each student must complete his/her assignments, individually. If two or more students turn in the same hard copy assignment or collaborate on a test, punitive measures as described in the Rules and Disciplinary Procedures for Members of the University Community will be enforced. OTHER POLICIES: Plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and can result in a failing grade. The student conduct policy stated in the GBC 2011-2012 Catalog will be enforced. This syllabus is not a contract and is subject to reasonable changes as the class proceeds. For live classes, Cell phones are prohibited, except for work and family emergency. Please notify the Professor if you need to have your cell phone available. PDA usage is limited to course related activities only. Internet usage for any purpose other than course related activities is grounds for loss of participation points. COURSE SCHEDULE We will have significant hands on experiences during most lessons. Assignments, chapters and readings by week: Week 1: Class/Lab Orientation Introduction to course Week 2: Week 3: Week 4: Week 5: Week 6: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Exam 1 Week 7: Week 8: Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Exam 2 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Exam 3 Planning Server Deployment Planning Infrastructure Services Planning an Active Directory Deployment Planning Application Services Written exam will be released on Web Campus with a 2 hour time limit. Skills exam will be released with a 3 day time limit. Planning File and Print Services Planning Storage Solutions Planning for High Availability Planning Server and Network Security Written exam will be released on Web Campus with a 2 hour time limit. Skills exam will be released with a 3 day time limit. Securing Infrastructure Services Managing Servers Monitoring Servers Backing Up Written exam will be released on Web Campus with a 2 hour time limit. Skills exam will be released with a 3 day time limit.