Personality It is collection of characteristics which give the person his or her identity that makes him different from others . It is a latin word person =persona =mask Person is not "have a personality " but he is a personality ,so personality is the charm characteristic ,constitutional, intellectual and responsive capacity Physiologically we define personality is the total physiological action of body . Personality & medicine ; For many years many researchers tried to find a relation between personality & disease by other word ; which type of disease in certain persons could get it so they believe that some diseases ex . Tb hypertension , ca affect some types of Personalities because they believe that the microorganism & allergen not determin type of disease or not determine disease itself but individual response to them lead to actual disease ,so personality play non specific factor in the disease formation which m.o. and allergen are specific factor & this interaction between non specific factor (Personality ) and specific factor ( mo and allergen ) lead to disease formation . Classification of personality ; We have many types of classifications; 1-Kretschmer ; he divided personality to 3 types depending on body bulid; pyknic type ,athletic type ,asthenia type . Pyknic type ; here individual is short, stout with short hand this type of personality have tendency to extroversion , kindhearted ,they are expressive ,these individuals more liable to get manic depressive psychoses . .Asthenic type person is tall, flat with long fingers & flat chest they are tendency to introversion y they are idealistic thinking ,more sensitive and not expressive . if they get mental breakdown they will be liable to schizophrenia . Athletic type ; muscular man with broad chest characteristics between the previous two . 2-Junge classification ; 3 type . Extroversion ;this type of individual are concerned with outer ward ,expressive, kind heart , similar to pyknic and they are practical . . Introversion ; they are inexpressive , sensitive, not practical &concerned inward in his thinking ,very clever , introversion also called worm of book . . Ambivertion ; combination of previous two show extroversion in feeling &activity and introversion in the thinking . 3- Sheldon class ; according to embryonic layer ; In his classification we get ;. In Endomorphic personality ; this individual show muscularity ,their characters similar to athletic type . . In Ectomorphic show delicate in his body , tall, flat chest ,their characters similar to asthenic type . . In Mesomorphic type they show bulky or increase in size of his internal tissue similar to pyknic type . Normal and pre- morbid personality Normal personality ;- It s difficult to answer how normal person will like ? But we can range or give a term to the normal range of personality , reasonable , healthy body & mind , efficient , happy & social , sometimes they apply other term as " mature personality ", the characteristic feature is 1-independency ; is ability to face the reality by himself and not depend on others in his judgment . 2-Self control ; by using logic and reason rather than emotional thinking . 3-Social adjustment; most are of the adult type that loving most of people and have sexual relation with one particular wife 4-Has various interest 5-He has moral standard 6-He has a planning for future or plan of life called philosophy of life . Personality trait ; it is the most specific characteristic of personality e.g. personality trait of obsession .It dosen t mean psychetism . The arrow denotes the more liability for schizophrenia (premorbid Assessment of personality ; Psychometric test ; it is a subjective test done by questioner and the answer will be yes , no ,I don’t know . Then asses by illustrating one trait this test have been validated . Roscharch Ink Blot; cards contains a spots of inks (mean nothing ) is presented to theperson ( not patient ) to tell them what does this spot mean ; animal, death, beautiful lady …etc then analyze these thinking so it is a projective test . Thematic appreciation test (TAT); by giving him a picture and make a story on it like a woman with a child and there is a car so this test is also projective . MMPI ( Minnesota Multiphase Personality Inventory ); by giving a 250 question their answers are yes or no Type of personality traits; If it increases to certain pathological extent it will be a personality disorder that affects social and occupational behavior. We will discuss in this lecture ; 1.Histrionic personality 2-Schizoid personality 3-Narcissistic personality 4-Paranoid personality 5-Anti social personality 6-Timid personality 7-Sensitive personality 8-Anxious personality 9-Obsessional personality 10-Schizotypal personality Now in details; 1-Histrionic personality The person is liable to get hysterical disorder or conversional disorder ; it is more common in female and young adulthood . Characteristics ;. Unreliable person . Liar . An attention seeking person (like always to be under light ) . Dramatization in speech (so they are good in acting ) . Have an over sexuality (make innocent speech mean something sexual) . . Unreliable for love ( multiple partners ) . They are flamy buoyant (that mean get attention ) . They are superficial . They are disinhibited . They are immature and liable for hysteric disorders 2-Schizoid personality Common in male, all schizophrenic have schizoid personalities in the past before they became schizophrenic . @ Characteristics ;- . Isolated . Have very autistic thinking ( that have strange thoughts ) . Hesitant in taking decisions . Rigid . Sometimes have add thinking that may be a prodrome for having schizophrenia . 3-Narcissisistic personality ; equal in both sexes @Characteristics ; . Has grandiosity ( in himself that mean he thinks that he is so great or a scientist or have a Nobel Prize. Self importance . Has idea of excess beauty or intelligence and achievement in life . . Not ready to give . . Depressed in difficulty or failure or have a crisis 4-Paranoid personality ; Either as a delusion or come within the symptoms of other personality disorders @ Characteristics ; . Oversensitive . Touchy . Cautious . Don’t trust (have no confidence in others ) . Rigid . Avoid social contacts My be developed into paranoid personality disorder which is important and serious because if it reaches to pathological disorder he may be criminal or aggressive acting and make trouble and always the victim is the wife So treatment is not easy and difficult because he has no confident in the doctor who treat him . 5-Anti social personality (sociopathy or psychopathy ); It starts in childhood (since 5 years )and reaches its peak until adulthood and decline after that . @ Characteristics ; . Has no morality . Has no regards for social or religious or cultural rules or Norms . Does not get benefit from punishment . Doesn’t feel regret . Doesn’t have moral control on himself . This personality is long lasting and difficult to treat and Change . . Harmful . Break the law . lie . Making fraud . Make physical aggression . Have adventurous character . Reckless . His marriage ends with failure or beat his wife or children . Usually dependent on alcohol . liable to be drug abusers . Failed in their jobs . some are called intelligent psychopath (still cheater even if He became a doctor or lawyer ) . Some are charming and colorful . Some studies show that they have physical beauty 6-Timid personality ; Subnormal assertiveness , non assertive . The person is shy, doesn’t take adventures and socially weak and subsequently become submissive . 7-Sensitive personality ; A tendency to take offence .The person with this personality is touchy even when there s no intend to offence him . He has the tendency to broad the things . 8-Axiouspersonality ; It is important because it may be premorbid for generalized anxiety disorders , where the person feels always anxious and worried (chronic worrier )has fear of future, fear from unknown and he is always apprehensive ,he is tense, fearful regarding himself and about all things , he always need reassurance . 9-Obsessional personality ; It s a type of neurotic disorder (pathologic ) @ Characteristics ; . Can vary in degree, obsession consist of meticulous . He always care for details . Tidy, ordered, cant stand anything not place It s a characteristic which pushes the person into success. But sometimes this characteristic will be so strong that affect personal and social behavior leading to a pathological condition called obsessional neurosis . 10-Schizotypal personality ; The person carries an odd thinking , has autistic type of thinking , rigid and has few friends. He has communication. It is like schizophrenia but here it is more normal .