SS 104-1415 Communication Platform 2014

Resource Allocation Proposal
Heather Tibbitts, Jethro Midgett, Mary Lou Dillard
Program or Department Name:
Counseling Department
Area Dean:
Area Vice President:
JoAnna Quejada
Dr. Bill Vincent
Account Code:
Total Amount Requested:
One Time Funding __X__
On Going Funding___
Safety _____
What are you requesting? Why is the request being made? Where was the need identified?
Instructions: Explain what you are requesting (equipment, software, conference attendance, budget augmentation, faculty training, etc),
why the request is timely and important and where the need was identified (analysis of assessment data, necessary equipment has failed,
department meeting discussion, etc.)
Currently there is no communication platform that allows effective communication with MSJC students about New Student
Counseling Sessions, workshops, career information, deadlines, educational updates, events, transfer information, and other
activities that help strengthen their success as students. Purchase of a communication platform will provide students with
accurate and timely information that will support their educational progress, career development, and awareness of
academically and culturally diverse programming provided by Student Services.
Section I
Explain how your request is supported by your Program Review (2011) or Annual Program Assessment (2012-13, 2013-14):
Instructions: To receive points (6) for this section, you must connect this RAP to your 2011 program review or 2012-13 or 2013-14
annual program assessment. If applicable, cut and paste from your program review or annual program assessment. Cite the
document (either program review or annual program assessment, and the year if the language utilized is from an annual program
assessment) and the page number. NOTE: From this point on, no partial credit will be awarded for your responses so make all
ties to this RAP from your program review documents, learning outcomes and institutional plans, priorities and goals as clear and
strong as possible!
This request is identified under Student Services Program Review objectives Expand Communication that will lead to
Program Development and Student Success, Personal Action/Civic Responsibility, and Increase Awareness of Career
and Vocational Services (pages 20-21). The need for an electronic communication platform within the counseling
department is exceptionally high when analyzing the number of student contacts made in the past three academic years.
The MSJC Counseling Department student to counselor ratio is 2800:1. This is far higher than the State-wide Academic
Senate recommendation of 370:1 and the State Counseling Advisory Council recommendation of 1000:1. Since we do
not have enough face time with students, a robust communication system will inform and motivate students to take
advantage of campus workshops, career fairs, and cultural events. Through increased student participation and
awareness, this plan would encourage personal action/civic responsibility, allow for more opportunities for student
success and engagement, and promote understanding of career and vocational services. The MSJC counseling
department would use a communications platform to maintain regular communication with our student population to
support their educational and personal development.
Section I
Describe how your request is supported by your Unit Plan (provide link to 2013-14 Unit Plan)
Instructions: To receive points (5) for this section, you must join this RAP to the current unit plan created by your dean. If
applicable, cut and paste from the unit plan, citing the page number.
Deans Unit Plan, Section IV
 Non-exempt, new students are mandated to receive orientation, assessment & counseling/SEPs
 A projected average of 2,785 new students will be served in the academic year; majority will require matriculation
 New regulatory and local requirements must be communicated to students on a continuous basis
 All non-exempt students with a declared course of study must have a comprehensive SEP
New regulatory mandates require new students to receive counseling at the point of entry and all students must have
comprehensive (2 terms or more) education plans. To communicate these requirements, a new communication platform
or app will provide consistent, on-going communication to alert students of important deadlines for these activities as well
as other critical information and events that will assist them to accomplish these requirements.
Section I
Explain how your request is supported by your CLO/PL0/AUO/SLO:
Instructions: To receive points (9) for this section, you must tie this RAP to your current learning outcomes. List the learning
outcomes that link to this RAP and explain how these learning outcomes support this RAP.
Program Learning Outcomes:
Students will demonstrate the ability to comprehend and utilize technology by navigating through educational
resources. A platform that electronically communicates with students in their preferred mode (email, text, social
networking sites or phone) fosters the ability to utilize technology to access relevant information and programming.
Students will demonstrate academic success by taking personal ownership in planning and student development. Timely
communication regarding events, workshops, deadlines, and transfer services provides immediate access to important
programs and information that benefit student development and success. This is especially important for our online
students who are not frequently on campus
Students will develop an awareness of academically and culturally diverse programs on campus. A communication
platform will foster awareness of campus activities that support academic and cultural growth.
Describe how your request is aligned with one or more of the following Institutional Priorities: (link to strategic plan)
Student Success
Instructions: To receive points (10) for this section, you must join this RAP to an increase in student success. How would funding
this RAP improve student learning? Describe specifically how students would benefit.
A communication platform will increase student success by increasing the numbers of students who will receive timely,
relevant information and as a result, participate in student support services (e.g. New Student Counseling Sessions,
counseling appointments, career/transfer workshops, probation workshops, etc) to develop student education plans,
declare a program of study (major) or career, apply for transfer or achieve success after being placed on
academic/progress probation are examples of the potential of acquiring a system that provides a flexible framework for
strategic communication.
Accelerate time-to-completion rate for students pursuing a transfer track.
Each year hundreds of students miss the application period for CSU and UC transfer. An electronic communications
platform would allow reminders and social network postings of deadlines for application.
Integrate learning, engagement, access that support student academics and personal growth.
MSJC holds a wide variety of career and transfer workshops, guest speakers, cultural activities and academic success
experiences. Students are not well informed of these events and thus, attendance is low. A student-friendly method of
communicating this information would drive attendance and thus, providing academic and personal growth opportunities.
Section II
Fiscally Sound Position:
Instructions: To receive points (8 for this section, you must connect this RAP to a more fiscally sound position for the district..
For example, how would funding this RAP increase district revenues or decrease district expenditures?
The ability to communicate with students through a mobile app has the potential to save district funding spent on print
materials by all departments. Posters and flyers are used as the primary method of alerting students to campus events,
activities, workshops and deadlines, but a student-friendly communication platform would allow us to reduce paper and
printing costs. And because it has the ability to send notifications to students, it could replace our existing emergency
notification system.
A mobile app can also generate revenue for the district by promoting key activities on campus: enrollment periods,
performing arts, athletics, bookstore, cafeteria, SGA, the Talon or selling advertising space to local merchants.
Systematic Planning and Assessment:
Instructions: To receive points (2) for this section, you must fasten this RAP to an enhancement in the district's institutional
effectiveness effort. For example, how would funding this RAP improve assessment, the program review process or the use of data
for decision-making and/or institutional improvements?
The mobile app will have the ability to poll or survey students which will allow the user to gather information for
assessment purposes.
Institutional Pride and Organizational Culture:
Instructions: To receive points (3) for this section, you must join this RAP to an increase in institutional pride or improvement of
our district's organizational culture. For example, how would funding this RAP increase student and/or staff investment and
pride in the institution?
The ability to promote the district’s events in a timely, planned manner would instill pride in the campus community
because they would be informed about student and employee achievements on a continuous basis.
Community Partnerships and Service
Instructions: To receive points (2) for this section, you must connect this RAP to an improvement in community partnerships
and/or service. For example, how would funding this RAP make our local communities view our district in a more favorable
By simply downloading the MSJC app, local communities would be able to view all of the college’s activities and
achievements, engaging them in successes of the college. Local communities would be better informed about the issues
impacting the college, instilling the transparency they expect from their local college.
Describe how your request will support one or more of the 12 Institutional Goals in the Strategic Plan (link to Strategic Plan)
Instructions: Return to the strategic plan and study the 12 institutional goals. Connect this RAP to as many of these goals as
possible. To ensure the points (10) for this box are awarded, list those goals that link to this RAP. Fully explain how these goals
tie to this RAP.
Student Success:
1.1 Improve completion rates by providing students with timely, relevant information that will support their success, e.g.
Math workshops, MOOC, counseling/advisement, career development, PTK membership, honors program, tutoring,
2. Accelerate time-to-completion rate for students
2.2 A mobile app would promote more communication between the district and its high schools strengthening our
connection and willingness to collaborate on common interests such as common core and course alignment.
3. Integrate learning, engagement, access that support student academics and personal growth.
3.3 Using the app to convene focus groups from the general student population would provide a random sample and
the students more accessible; a student success survey could be delivered through the polling or survey feature.
3.4, 3.5 Students would receive more help in the first two weeks through accessing readily available information and a
campus map that is GPS enabled to guide them to their classes.
4. Intensify the pursuit of grants, contracts, and other income streams
4.3 MSJC app would deliver messaging to faculty and staff about Foundation grants and proposals.
Fiscally Sound Position:
5.1 Eliminate need for maps, survey forms, flyers, newsletters, schedules and catalogs
6. Emphasize college wide data driven assessment and decision making utilizing internal and external data
6.3 Capture real time data for department PLOs through an app that is sustainable and consistent
Section III
Institutional Pride and Organizational Culture
7.Promote quality institutional communication as a key priority and practice.
7.2 A mobile app can deliver event information to the entire campus community, encouraging their participation; engage
alumni with their own link to information specific to alumni.
8. Advance and celebrate student learning, sense of community, safe and positive environment, diversity, and
employee and student pride
8.1, 8.2, Disseminate core values and positive messaging through the app newsletter, event page, emergency button
9. Promote more student engagement in campus life.
A communications platform will create a feeling of student pride and engagement with MSJC. We want students to
view our campus as technologically current, while at the same time feeling invested in their education and feeling that
MSJC is invested in them and their success.
10. Increase the college’s visibility, value, and recognition in our service area
10.3 Feature local events using the app
10.6 Advertise contract opportunities to businesses
11. Intensify our reputation as a leader and important partner in all communities we serve
11.1 Increase our presence using the app—promoting all of the activities the college sponsors; faculty seminars;
workshops, etc.
12. Enhance our interaction between MSJC faculty and staff and the faculty and staff from area MS, HS, colleges, and
12.1 Use the app to invite local communities and high school students to Eagle Day
Section III
Explain how your project goals are supported by any of the following plans (2009-16 Educational Master Plan (2 points), Distance
Education Plan (1 point), Technology Plan(1 point) and/or the Facilities Master Plan (1 point)):
Instructions: Review the plans above. Join this RAP to each applicable plan. To ensure the points for this section are maximized,
list the plans that tie to this RAP and explain fully how each links to this RAP. Cut and paste plan verbiage where appropriate.
Cite page numbers for each plan that is referenced.
Distance Education Plan (pg 12 ):Provide distance education students with access to Counseling and Advising Services
comparable to FTF Students. DE students do not have the same access to flyers and posters advertising critical
counseling/advising workshops (e.g. New Student Counseling Sessions, probation workshops, etc) campus events,
workshops and deadlines and often this information is difficult to locate on the MSJC website. A student-friendly
communications platform would reach DE students and assure that they stay informed. Technology Plan (pg 22) Third
party applications can dramatically improve the effectiveness and efficiency of College student learning and business
processes. The communication platform would disseminate important college information in an effective and efficient
manner. Educational Master Plan Implementing a method of centralized communication to students supports the notion of
a virtual college alluded to in the plan and the growth of DE/Instructional Technology (pg.33). The proposal would also
alleviate the “bottle neck created by a lack of computer terminals for student use—and a shortage of floor space” (pg. 40)
by using the app to access library resources.
Describe your goal(s) for this proposal? How will this improve student learning or enhance institutional services? Training/Shared
Governance Committee Training.pptx
Instructions: Follow the link above to review the structure of a "goal" and then share all goals for the project contained in this
RAP. To ensure the points (10) for this section are earned, explain fully how each project goal connects to this RAP.
Section III
Increase student attendance at workshops that support their academic and personal development; keep students aware
of important deadlines and information
(Goal 3: Integrate learning, engagement, access, and teaching initiatives that support student academics and personal
Debut a new communication platform that communicates with students via their preferred method (text, email, twitter,
social media) and grounds MSJC as technologically relevant.
(Goal 7: Promote quality institutional communication as a key priority and practice.)
Section IV
Provide a way for students to feel more invested and engaged in their college and in their educational journey. Insure
accurate information and reminders about campus events are communicated and received.
(Goal 9: Promote more student engagement in campus life.)
What are the measureable outcomes for this RAP that will assess progress toward meeting your goal(s) (5 points)? Explain how your
outcomes are tied to your CLO/PLO/AUO/SLO (10 points) (link to learning outcome resources and reference materials, as created
and compiled by... yes, you guessed it... our own assessment coordinator extraordinaire, Brandon Moore!!! C'mon, put your hands
together, PEOPLE!!)
Instructions: Follow the link above to review the structure of a "measurable outcome" and then create measurable outcomes for
this RAP. To ensure the points earned for this section are maximized, explain fully 1.) how each outcome will assess the
effectiveness of the (funded) RAP over its project's lifetime and 2.) join these RAP measurable outcomes to all applicable course,
program, administrative or other student learning outcomes.
1. Increase attendance at campus workshops, activities, and events. Widely disseminated communication about
critical institutional deadlines and workshops will support the department’s PLO for students to “…demonstrate
the ability to comprehend and utilize technology…” (Counseling Program Review 2011, pg. 21-22) Attendance at
New Student Counseling Sessions (NSCS) will increase by 5% to be assessed through MIS data reported for the
term and surveys will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the messaging provided by the app.
Section V
What are the steps that you will take or need to be taken to implement this proposal? Demonstrate the following :
• (a) Who is in charge of implementing the project (3 points)?
• (b) What are the projected start and end dates (3 points)?
• (c) What other departments will need to assist with the acquisition/ implementation of the project (3 points)?
• (d) When will the outcomes be measured (3 points)?
• (e) How will you measure the desired outcomes (3 points)?
Instructions: O.K., you're almost done, so don't lose points now! To ensure all points (15 possible) are awarded, list who is in
charge of implementing this RAP project, the start and end dates, all departments involved, when the RAP project measurable
outcomes will be measured and how you will measure them. Once you've done this....Congratulations!!! You're DONE!!
a) Two to three staff selected from counseling, and the Career/Transfer in addition to the dean of counseling will
lead the project and given the widespread implications of the project, work collaboratively with MSJC Public
b) Fall 2014 will be used to identify and create an implementation plan
c) To assist with the acquisition of the product, IT, ITS, Public Information, counseling, career/transfer, SGA;
implementation will likely include the same departments in addition to a small representative committee
d) Outcomes will be measured in tandem with implementation; full assessment will begin once full tested for
technical issues.
e) Responses will be measured by a mutually agreeable process/instrument to consider quantitative and qualitative
data measurements.
Projected Expense Profile
New Personnel Request--This does not include Full Time Academic Faculty Positions.
For personnel requests please attach the job description, job classification and label "Exhibit I."
Position Title:______________________________________
Academic Salaries (Certificated)
Estimated Cost
Position Title:______________________________________
Academic Salaries (Certificated)
Estimated Cost
Position Title:__________________________________________________
Classified/Non Academic Salaries
10, 11 or 12 Months
Hours per Week_____
Position Title:____________________________________________________
10, 11 or 12 Months
Classified/Non Academic Salaries
Hours per Week_____
Sub Total:
Non Personnel Requests:
Supplies and Materials
Consultant services (if necessary) to support implementation
$75 per hour /150 hours
U360 Mobile app (proposed)
Fees include: unlimited users, maintenance, project manager and training
New Equipment or Building/Site Improvements
Sub Total:
Total Budget Proposal:
Secondary Effects (if this proposal is approved)
For Personnel Requests:
What additional space, if any, is needed to accommodate this position? If so, where is the proposed location?
None known.
For Equipment and Technology Request
Will additional space be needed to accommodate requested equipment? If so where is the proposed location?
None known.
Will requested equipment require maintenance agreements and or support personnel? If so what are the projected costs?
None known.
Please list future year anticipated needs and estimated financial needs. NOTE: This section refers to any anticipated funding not
addressed by this RAP, but required in the future. This will not be automatically funded. A new RAP must be completed in future
Fiscal Year
Anticipated Need
License Fee
Estimated Amount
Dean Approval
Vice President Approval