02_150227_Produk kayu

Produk Kayu
Subject Matter: Produk Kayu yang ramah lingkungan
Kriteria yang
Kriteria GPP-EU
Finlandia GPP
Ekolabel – Indonesia
Negara lain [L]
 The Wood Products focuses
 Produk yang berbasis
bahan baku kayu
on the four selected
construction product groups
(wall panels, windows, thermal
insulation and hard floor
coverings). In these
categories, country specific
actions have been documented
and exemplarily depicted.
 This measure should facilitate
the comparison amongst the
criteria set out for each
product group.
2. POKOK BAHASAN (Subject Matter)
 Products that are made from
wood and products that are
derived in part from wood.
Examples include wooden
building materials and furniture
or products that contain wood
fibre – such as office paper,
printing papers and tissue
papers and packaging and
disposable products. Woodbased prod-ucts also include
products made from recycled
fibre and recycled wood. The
recom-mendations apply to
these products only with
respect to recycled fibre and
new wood raw material. These
recommendations do not apply
to wood-based energy.
 [I]
 Persyaratan SVLK mulai
diberlakukan dari tahun
2015, menjadi persyaratan
wajib yang harus dipenuhi
oleh exporter kayu, dan
juga unit usaha yang
memasuk kayu untuk
pasar domestic.
 Pelaku usaha industri
mebel ada dua kategori
industri besar dan pelaku
industri kecil
 LVSK hanya mengatur bahan
baku kayu
 Pelaksanaan SVLK lebih
banyak direspon oleh pelaku
usaha industri yang
berorientasi psar ekspor.
 Pelaku usaha skala industri
besar cenderung merenspon
positif karena biaya verifikasi
dapat diatasi, sebagian besar
bahan baku berasal dari hutan
Negara dan adanya
kebutuhan menjaga pangsa
pasar dengan adanya isu
pembalakan dan perdagangan
kayu illegal.
 Pelaku usaha industri kecil,
terutama industri mebel
kurang memberi respon
terhadap SVLK karena
besarnya biaya SVLK.
 Bahan baku kayu untuk
industri kecil, industri mebel
sebagian besar berasal dari
hutan rakyat
Kriteria yang
 Untuk mengatasi dampak
 Pengadaan kayu yang
bersumber legal untuk
semua kayu dan bahan
dasar kayu
 Pengadaan perabot kantor
dengan konten bahan daur
ulang dan yang diproduksi
dari sumber daya
 Pengadaan furniture dari
pemasok yang dapat
penghapusan zat
berbahaya dalam proses
produksi mebel.
 Pengadaan furnitur dari
produsen yang
menerapkan praktik
ketenagakerjaan yang adil
dan menjamin bahan baku
secara etis bersumber.
 Pengadaan perabot kantor
yang diproduksi oleh
sebuah perusahaan
dengan sistem yang tepat
pengelolaan lingkungan.
Kriteria GPP-EU
Finlandia GPP
Ekolabel – Indonesia
Negara lain [L]
 Untuk mengatasi dampak
lingkungan yang paling signifikan,
dan dirancang untuk digunakan
dengan usaha verifikasi
tambahan minimal atau kenaikan
 Digunakan oleh pihak berwenang
yang berusaha untuk membeli
produk dengan dampak
lingkungan terbaik yang tersedia
di pasar, dan
 Memerlukan upaya administratif
tambahan atau menyiratkan
peningkatan biaya tertentu
dibandingkan dengan produk
lainnya memenuhi fungsi yang
 These recommendations follow
a whole life cycle approach to
addressing the environ-mental
effects of procurements. The
recommendations therefore
cover the entire life cycle of
wood-based products: verifying
raw material sustainability,
direct environmental impacts
during the production and use
of products, environmental
impacts of final disposal.
 Life cycle approach also
provides an opportunity to
promote innovative products
and solutions, thus supporting
one of the key public
procurement objectives of
Finland and the EU. The
objective of life cycle approach
is to gain as comprehensive a
view as pos-sible of the
environmental impacts of a
product or service and to help
to make the most sustainable
choices overall with respect to
the environment. The EU
promotes product life cyclebased assessment of
sustainability through a number
of processes.
 Sebagai sistem verifikasi
legalitas kayu, untuk
menjawab berbagai
tuntutan perdagangan
kayu internasional yang
memerlukan bukti legalitas
 Dengan disepakati dan
diratifikasinya FLEGT-VPA
maka produk perkayuan
Indonesia yang telah
memperoleh sertifikat
legalitas kayu dapat
masuk ke 27 Negara Uni
Eropa tanpa harus ada
pemeriksaan tambahan
seiring dengan berlakunya
EU Timber Regulation
tahun 2013
 Kondisi yang sama juga
akan masuk ke Negara AS
dengan lacey Act.,
Australia dengan
Prohibition Bill dan Jepang
dengan Green Konyuho
atau Goho Wood.
 Mencegah hilangnya
keanekaragaman hayati, erosi
tanah dan degradasi sebagai
akibat dari pengelolaan hutan
berkelanjutan dan pembalakan
 The legality and sustainability
of wood raw material production
are central to the sustainability
of wood-based products. The
shared goal of Finland and the
 [I]
 SVLK mempunyai nilai
tambah peberantasan
pembalakan dan
perdagangan kayu illegal
 Mencegah pembalakan
dan perdagangan kayu
 Mencegah hilangnya
keanekaragaman hayati,
Kriteria yang
erosi dan degradasi tanah
 Perbaikan pngelolaan
hutan, penurunan emisi
 Meningkatkan inagepasar
Kriteria GPP-EU
Finlandia GPP
 Dampak lanskap dari kegiatan
 Penipisan sumber daya karena
penggunaan sumber daya tak
terbarukan seperti logam dan
minyak / gas alam untuk plastic
 C02 dan emisi lainnya sebagai
akibat dari konsumsi energi
dalam produksi beberapa bahan
 Sampah dan limbah kemasan
karena kemasan dan penggantian
awal furnitur karena kurangnya
pilihan reparability, daya tahan
rendah, ergonomi atau furnitur
tidak cocok untuk tujuan
 Pengadaan kayu dari hutan legal
dan dikelola secara lestari
 Menggunakan bahan yang dibuat
sebagian atau seluruhnya dari
bahan daur ulang dan / atau
bahan terbarukan (seperti kayu)
 Membatasi isi pelarut organik dan
emisi VOC dalam produk, perekat
dan zat pelapis permukaan
 Menghindari zat berbahaya
tertentu dalam produksi bahan
dan perlakuan permukaan
 Pastikan daur ulang dan
keterpisahan dari bahan kemasan
dan bagian furnitur dan
penggunaan bahan kemasan
berdasarkan bahan baku
 Menggunakan bahan tahan lama,
ergonomis, mudah untuk
EU is to prevent the access of
illegally sourced wood to the
market and to promote sustainable forestry and the protection
of forest resources worldwide.
 According to the Forest Law
Enforcement, Governance and
Trade (FLEGT) legisla-tion of
the EU, the legality of wood raw
material is determined on the
basis of the forest management,
harvesting and timber trade
legislation of the country in
which the wood was harvested.
The criteria for legally sourced
wood raw material are: the raw
material is procured from a
legal person with the legal right
to conduct timber harvesting in
the area of origin in question,
and harvesting and forest
management have been
conducted in accordance with
local forest and environmental
 The wood must also meet the
requirements of EU wildlife
trade regulations, which are
based on the CITES
(Convention on International
Trade in Endangered Species
of Wild Fauna and Flora)
Ekolabel – Indonesia
Negara lain [L]
 Nilai tambah perusahaan
terhadap pelaksanaan
sertifikasi terhadap akses
pasar dan harga premium
 Nilai tambah terhadap
masyarakat dengan
perbaikan pengelolaan
hutan, penurunan emisi
CO2, berkurangnya
pembalakan dan
perdagangan kayu illegal,
meningkatkan pemasukan
ke Negara, mencegah
erosi dan banjir
 Meningingkatkan image
pasar dan perdagangan
internasional seerta
meningkatkan devisa
Kriteria yang
Finlandia GPP
Ekolabel – Indonesia
Negara lain [L]
Kriteria GPP-EU based on
Finlandia GPP
Ekolabel – Indonesia
Negara lain [L]
Core and Comprehensive Criteria:
 Virgin wood material used shall
come from legal sources.
 Verification: The legal origin of
timber/wood fibres can be
demonstrated with a chain-ofcustody tracing system being in
place. These voluntary systems
may be 3rd-party certified, often
as part of ISO 9000 and/or ISO
14000 or EMAS management
 Certificates of chain of custody for
timber/wood fibres certified as
FSC, PEFC or any other
equivalent means of proof will also
be accepted as proof of
compliance. If timber/wood fibre
stems from a country that has
signed a Voluntary Partnership
Agreement VPA with the EU, the
FLEGT license may serve as proof
of legality. Other means of proof
that will be accepted includes a
 According to the Forest Law
Enforcement, Governance and
Trade (FLEGT) legisla-tion of
the EU, the legality of wood raw
material is determined on the
basis of the forest management,
harvesting and timber trade
legislation of the country in
which the wood was harvested.
The criteria for legally sourced
wood raw material are: the raw
material is procured from a
legal person with the legal right
to conduct timber harvesting in
the area of origin in question,
and harvesting and forest
management have been
conducted in accordance with
local forest and environmental
 The wood must also meet the
requirements of EU wildlife
trade regulations, which are
based on the CITES
 Skema SVLK (Sistem
Verifikasi Lgalitas kayu)
dituangkan dalam
peraturan Direktur
Jenderal Bina Usaha
Kehutanan No. P8/VIBPPHH/2012
 Skema yang lain adalah
PHPL (Pengelolaan Hutan
Produksi Lestari) dengan
LEI (lembaga ekolabel
Indonesia dan skema
Sertifikasi Forest
Stewardship Council
 Dengan 2 skema tersebut
maka kinerja PHPL dan
SVLK dalam rangka: (1)
memperbaiki tata kelola
kehutanan, (2).
memberantas pembalakna
illegal dan
perdagangannya, (3)
meningkatkan pengelolaan
Kriteria GPP-EU
membongkar, diperbaiki dan
didaur ulang
Kriteria yang
 Semua jenis bahan kayu
berbsis kayu asli harus
berasal dari penebangan
kayu legal.
 Legalitas skema
kehutanan dengan
sertifikat LVSK
 Dalam proses pembuatan
kertas tidak
menggunakan alat-alat
yang mengandung bahan
/ refrigeran yang dapat
menyebabkan peusakan
lapisan ozon atau
pemanasan global
 Kandungan VOC perekat
dan lem yang digunakan
dalam perakitan furnitur
tidak akan melebihi 10%
 Pelapisan permukaan
kayu, plastik dan / atau
bagian logam. Produk
Kriteria yang
yang digunakan untuk
lapisan permukaan harus:
- Tidak mengandung zat
berbahaya yang
diklasifikasikan sebagai
karsinogenik, berbahaya
bagi sistem reproduksi,
mutagenik- Tidak
mengandung halogenasi
retardants api organik,
phthalates, aziridine dan
polyaziridines atau
timbal, kadmium, krom,
merkuri dan senyawanya;
- Tidak mengandung
logam berat;
- Tidak mengandung lebih
dari 5% berat VOC.
Kriteria GPP-EU based on
relevant and valid CITES
certificate or other equivalent and
verifiable means such as the
application of a "due diligence"
system. For the non-certified virgin
material bidders shall indicate the
types (species), quantities and
origins of the timber/wood fibres,
together with a declaration of their
legality. As such the timber/wood
fibres shall be able to be traced
throughout the whole production
chain from the forest to the
 There are a few standards
concerning source of wood defined
by recommended voluntary labels.
These are international labels like
the Forest Stewardship Council
(FSC), Programme for the
Endorsement of Forest
Certification (PEFC) or the Forest
Law Enforcement, Governance
and Trade (FLEGT). In case of
Austria, these labels are
recommended in the national
action plan. In addition to these
labels, Finland and Sweden use
the Convention on International
Trade in Endangered Species of
Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and
the Nordic Ecolabel.
 Wood panels that use
formaldehyde-containing binding
agents shall not exceed the
emission limit of the E1 standard
for formaldehyde following
EN13986, 0.13 mg / m3 of air (or
Finlandia GPP
(Convention on International
Trade in Endangered Species
of Wild Fauna and Flora)
 In 2003, the EU endorsed the
FLEGT (Forest Law
Enforcement, Governance and
Trade) Action Plan to combat
illegal logging and the trade in
illegal timber. As part of the
action plan, in 2005 the
Commission endorsed a
regulation aimed at preventing
the access of illegal timber to
the EU market, on the basis of
which the EU is developing
measures for verifying the
legality of wood.
 The legality of timber can be
verified using the following
methods: implementation of due
diligence systems by producers,
FLEGT licensing of products,
CITES licensing of products,
forest certification schemes
such as PEFC and FSC, ther
similar reliable methods of
verifying timber legality.
 Sustainably produced wood raw
material is produced in a
manner that meets, in addition
to the set legal requirements,
the criteria for sustainable
forest management. Since
forests, forest use, and
administrative frameworks vary
Ekolabel – Indonesia
Negara lain [L]
hutan lestari
perdagangan kayu legal
 Nilai tambah bagi
perusahaan mencakup
kepastian usaha ke depan,
produktivitas pekerjanya,
dan jaminan pemasaran
 Nilai tambah bagi public
mencakup: perbaikan tata
kelola kehutanan,
menghindari pembalakan
illegal dan
terjaminnya pengelolaan
hutan lestari
Kriteria yang
Kriteria GPP-EU based on
0.1ppm). This includes coated
boards and pre-coating.
 wood panels certified with
natureplus or the Austrian
Ecolabel fulfil the EU-GPP
requirements for harmful
ingredients (e.g. formaldehyde,
carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic)
in Austria and the Nordic EcoLabel
for Finland and Sweden.
 Nordic Ecolabel : The content of
free formaldehyde in chemical
products added to wood-based
panels must not exceed 0.2 % by
weight. For adhesive products in
mixture with a hardener the
content of free formaldehyde must
not exceed 0.2 % by weight
Finlandia GPP
from country to country, local
conditions must be taken into
consideration in the application
and assessment of
sustainability criteria.
 The principles presented below
are based on international
processes for sustainable forest
management, such as the
United Nations Forum on
Forests (UNFF) and the
Ministerial Conference on the
Protection of Forests in Europe
(Forest Europe/MCPFE). In the
selection of sustainability
criteria, it has been ensured
that the criteria: are essential
for sustainable forestry, are
coherent for both the wood
producer and public contractor,
are verifiable (proof), allow
 he criteria for ecologically,
socially and economically
sustainable forestry are met if
the following principles are
observed in the management
and use of forest resources:
forest resources, health and
vitality are maintained, forest
productivity is maintained,
forest diversity and ecosystem
services are safeguarded, soil
and water resources are
protected and erosion is
mitigated, the multiple use and
cultural values of forests are
safeguarded, occupational
Ekolabel – Indonesia
Negara lain [L]
Kriteria yang
Kriteria GPP-EU based on
Finlandia GPP
safety, health and well-being is
ensured, land use and
ownership rights are respected,
the legally recognised forest
rights of local communities and
indigenous, peoples are
 Compliance with sustainability
requirements can be verified in
a number of ways: forest
certification schemes such as
PEFC and FSC, management
systems (quality and
environmental systems such as
EMAS, ISO 9001, and 14001)
that include an operations
model for sustainable forest
management, eco-labels thatt
also include wood raw material
sustainability criteria, such as
the Nordic Swan, EU flower and
Blue Angel (Blaue Engel)
labels, other reliable indication
of sustainable origin which
complies with these public,
procurement policy
recommendations, or reliable
indication that the product
meets the criteria for carrying
an eco-label.
 Life cycle approach provides
the starting point for assessing
the environmental as-pects
related to wood-based products.
The life cycle approach enables
examination of the overall
Ekolabel – Indonesia
Negara lain [L]
Kriteria yang
Kriteria GPP-EU based on
Finlandia GPP
Ekolabel – Indonesia
Negara lain [L]
environmental impact of a
product throughout its lifespan,
from raw material procurement
through to production, use and
final disposal. The very first
stage in the procurement
process is a needs assessment.
The contracting authority’s first
task is to assess the need for
the procurement and to
determine the most effi-cient
means of carrying it out.
 The content of free formaldehyde
in glues for plywood panels or
laminated wood panels may be up
to 0.5 % w/w.
 Nordic Ecolabel
 The content of free formaldehyde
must not be in excess of the
following limit values as
determined in accordance with
applicable version of EN-120, the
perforator method: Single values:
≤5 mg formaldehyde/100 g dry
matter for MDF board, ≤4 mg
formaldehyde/100 g dry matter for
all other boards.
 The final product shall not contain
chemical products classified as:
carcinogenic (R40, R45, R49),
mutagenic (R46, R68), harmful or
toxic to the reproductive system
(R60, R61, R62, R63) toxic (R23,
R24, R25, R26, R27, R28).
 Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008,
Kriteria yang
Kriteria GPP-EU based on
Finlandia GPP
Ekolabel – Indonesia
Negara lain [L]
amending and repealing Directives
67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC, and
amending Regulation (EC) No
1907/2006, gives the following Hphrases which relate to the above
R-phrases. The final window
product will not release or leach
out any substances or
preparations that are classified
with the listed H-phrases, below
under normal usage conditions:
carcinogenic (Carcinogenic 1A, 1B
and 2: H350, H350i, H351),
mutagenic and cause heritable
genetic damage (Mutagenic 1B
and 2: H340 and H341), harmful to
the reproductive system
(Reproductive 1A, 1B and 2:
H360F, H360D, H361f, H361d,
H360FD, H361fd, H360Fd, and
H360Df), toxic (Acute Toxicity 1, 2
and 3: H330, H331, H311, H301,
H310, H300, Aquatic Chronic 2:
 Nevertheless, the content of
formaldehyde shall not exceed the
E1 standard for formaldehyde
following EN13986, 0.065 mg / m3
of air (or 0.05ppm). Where a panel
contains pMDI the emissions �ust
�ot e�it �ore tha� �μg/�� �dete�ta�le�
of the �o�o�er MDI."
The consultant proposes to use the Indonesian ecolabel criteria as technical product criteria for GPP.
In accordance to the SOP following issues have to be considered:
Tentukan metode verifikasi yang diperlukan: available from ecolabel verification
Periksa ketersediaan fasilitas yang diperlukan tes (laboratorium) dan lembaga sertifikasi untuk proses verifikasi: available from ecolabel certification
Availability on market: Wood Products with the selected criteria is available
Local producer: local producer are able to produce Wood Product with these criteria
All these requirements are fulfilled.