Author F, Author S. (2012). Title of Manuscript. Journal of Education and Learning. Vol.u (v) pp. x-y. EduLearn Document Template: Title Goes Here Author’s Name Middle Surname* Affiliated Institution Second Author’s Name Middle Surname** Affiliated Institution Abstrak Manuskrip ini menyediakan template bagi Penulis untuk mempersiapkan makalah yang akan dikirim ke jurnal EduLearn. Abstrak yang dipersiapkan dengan baik, memungkinkan pembaca untuk mengidentifikasi konten dasar dari dokumen dengan cepat dan akurat, untuk menentukan relevansinya dengan kepentingan mereka, dan dengan demikian mereka dapat memutuskan apakah akan membaca dokumen secara keseluruhan atau tidak. Abstrak harus informatif dan benar-benar jelas, memberikan pernyataan yang jelas apa permasalahan yang ada, pendekatan atau solusi yang diusulkan, dan menunjukkan temuan utama dan simpulan. Panjang abstrak harus dalam 100 sampai 150 kata. Abstrak harus ditulis dalam bentuk lampau. Standar nomenklatur harus digunakan dan singkatan harus dihindari. Tak ada pengutipan dalam abstrak. Daftar kata kunci memberikan kesempatan untuk menambahkan kata kunci, yang digunakan untuk layaan peng-indeks-kan dan pengabstrakan, di samping yang sudah ada dalam judul. Sangat bijaksana menggunakan kata kunci yang dapat meningkatkan kemudahan dari pihak yang berkepentingan untuk dapat menemukan artikel kita. Kata kunci: List a few (3-5) key words here Abstract This paper provides a template for preparing papers for electronic production of the EduLearn. A well-prepared abstract enables the reader to identify the basic content of a document quickly and accurately, to determine its relevance to their interests, and thus to decide whether to read the document in its entirety. The Abstract should be informative and completely self-explanatory, provide a clear statement of the problem, the proposed approach or solution, and point out major findings and conclusions. The Abstract should be 100 to 150 words in length. The abstract should be written in the past tense. Standard nomenclature should be used and abbreviations should be avoided. No literature should be cited. The keyword list provides the opportunity to add keywords, used by the indexing and abstracting services, in addition to those already present in the title. Judicious use of keywords may increase the ease with which interested parties can locate our article. Keywords: List a few (3-5) key words here *Author’s name with title, affiliation with some more details, department / division, address, etc., E-mail: Username1@institution.xy ** Second Author with title, affiliation with some more details, department / division, address, etc. E-mail: Username2@institution.xy Introduction (Heading 1) Main text should be started from a new page after the Title and Abstract page. We prefer authors to use Word processor, Times New Roman,10 pt at the main text. They also should follow the heading and some other writing formats mentioned following to make easier responsibilities of the Journal layout editors and proofreaders. Heading 1 – Main Heading Level Heading 2 – subheading Heading 3 – subheading Heading 4- subheading. Normal – all paragraph text that doesn’t include abstract, quotation, headings or references Quotation – quotes that are longer than three lines or 40 words should appear as a separate indented paragraph Tables- Tables should be placed in text exactly where it should be in the published paper. Figures/Graphics. Figures/graphics should be formatted as camera ready document type such as jpg, gif etc. Conclusions (Heading 1) It is expected from authors to try separating their judgement, research conclusions or consequences under a separate title such as results, conclusions, last words whatever they choose. Acknowledgement Authors can share their acknowledgements in this part of the manuscript. References The reference list at the end of the paper should be formatted using the ‘references’ style, which provides a hanging indent. Remember to include a 6 point gap before the first reference (after the heading) under the Format menu in the Paragraph commands. Authors may follow the APA 5th Publication Manual to write references. 2 Title of Manuscripts Title of Manuscripts Title of Manuscripts Author F, Author S. (2012). Journal of Education and Learning. Vol.x (x) pp. x-xx. 3