SPC - Lamar State College

Spch. 1315- Public Speaking
Fall 2010
Dr. Laura Stafford
Laura.Stafford@lamarpa.edu or drlaura@prodigy.net
984-6331, 550-8945 cell. leave message slowly and clearly [NO TEXTING]
Office: PAC 140
Class Times: 11 am MWF -1315-20; 12 noon MW– 1315-05
8 am T-TH 1315-06
Office Times : MW 9am-11am, T-Th 9:30-11:00am, F 9-12
Department Chair Phone #:
984-6341 Dr. Barbara Huval, Chair/ Barbara.Huval@lamarpa.edu
Final Exam Dates: as posted on agenda.
Check your Lamar email for messages from me about class materials.
Spch. 1315 is an introduction to the principles and practices of public speaking with
training in principles of speech composition and delivery.
Statement of Purpose: The purpose of Spch. 1315 is to allow the student to develop his or
her organizational skills and demonstrate this knowledge in various speaking
experiences. Basic skills competency in reading and writing required.
2 Textbook Requirements:
* Introduction to The Speechmaking Process. Ross and Leonard. 13th ed. (at the
*Working Guide to Communication Success. Dr. Laura Stafford, 9th A ed.
( Lecture packet on the Lamarpa.edu WebCT)
DVD Recording Mini Disc Rental of $4 (return disc-$ returned)
Need correct change by 2rd class day.
The lecture packet has all the required format guidelines and critique
sheets that are necessary for each assignment. Print the packet as quickly
as possible and put in a 3 –Ring binder! You need a hard copy to use in
class each day.
Student ID Cards: It is required for this class that you have a current Lamar State College Port Arthur Student ID
card and an Internet Password to enable you to use the library and internet on campus for research purposes. The
ID card can be obtained with a copy of your receipt on the 2nd floor of the student center and the Internet
Password is given out at the Library. Library Hours: Call (409) 984-6222.
Information about Grants: You are a partner with the Federal Government when you accept grant funding.
Remember the 60% rule that if you stop attending before the 60% date you will pay back the grant. Contact the
campus financial aid office for the details. Instructors will be keeping accurate attendance records to verify your
last date of attendance if you stop coming to class.
Class Honesty Policy: Plagiarism in presentations will not be acceptable. The oral
or written work will not be accepted and the points for that assignment will be forfeited.
Protect yourself by documenting and giving credit to the source of your material. Do not
use other students’ outlines or observation reports, they are recognizable. Do not read
internet articles as your speech. That earns a zero. Cheating on exams will result in
a grade of zero for that exam.
Attendance & Make-Up Policy: Research has shown a cause and effect relationship
between attendance and college success. Each student is allowed three hours of excused
absence. To be excused requires a doctor’s excuse or return to work letter. Each
absence in excess of this ration will result in the loss of points from this category for each
day missed. Repeated tardiness will have point taken out of your Audience Etiquette
points. After a student has missed 5 hours of class the professor may drop the
student officially from the class with the grade you have earned, which may be an
“F”. This may affect your financial aid status and if this instructor initiated drop occurs
after the first six weeks you can receive an “F” for insufficient work. Attendance is a
required aspect of this course and the student is responsible for the work that is due on
the specific dates, which appear on the agenda calendar. This course recognizes court
appearance and personal hospitalization as excused absences, not work, or doctor’s
appointments,Or waking up feeling “under the weather”, so use your three hours of
possible excused absence wisely. Course work is still due on assigned dates. There
are 70 pts assigned to your Audience Etiquette Attendance/Participation and when
you violate the expectations of the approved behavior in class you will lose points at
the discretion of the Professor.
Types of Assignments:
Oral: There will be 4 opportunities for you to experience different public
speaking situations including: special occasion/informative (100), informative
group with visual support (200), persuasive (150), and persuasive to motivate
to take action (200).
Typed analytical outlines will be required for all of the presentations and
are due the 1st day of presentations (5) points will be deducted if the outline
is not turned in on the 1st day of the round on 100pts projects and (10) points
on the 200 point projects. Specific instructions will be given before each
Written: There will be 4 written exercises to be completed. These are designed
to demonstrate your knowledge of listening skills and self-evaluation skills
through critical thinking reflection. (20 pts. each) 2 Self-Critique Forms that
are filled out when you observe your DVD and 2 outside of class Listening
Observations Reports.
Exams: There will be 2 exams, a mid-term and a final. Both will be objective
tests using Scantron Form 882-ES or taken on-line for hybrid class. It is a
requirement to take both exams.
In Dr. Stafford's class you will be graded with actual points not
percentages. Punctual completion of each assignment earns you a number
of real points which you will add up to total your final grade. There will
be no curving. There will be no make up exam given in class time, in
extreme cases it may be possible to take the mid-term exam in the
Student Learning Center, but that must be arranged with Dr. Stafford in
There are NO RE-TESTS.
If you know in advance that you will miss a performance day then discuss arrangements
with Dr. Stafford to fit your performance within the schedule. As a performance class it is
vital that you are prepared to give your presentation on the 1st day of the assigned round.
There are limited days for the completion of the performance and everyone must be ready
to present on the 1st day of the round.
The order of presentation is up to the Professor so you must be in attendance and ready to
perform on performance days. There is no guarantee that there will be any class time
available to present a speech outside of the assigned days on the agenda calendar. It is
your responsibility to follow the agenda calendar and be ready to present. All typed
outlines are due on the 1st day of the round or a loss of points will occur on that
assignment. No SHOW means NO SCORE!!!
If there is any student in this class who has need for test-taking accommodations, please
feel free to come and discuss this with me.
Oral Assignments
650 points
900-1000 A
Written Assignments
80 points
800-899 B
200 points
700-799 C
Attendance / Participation
70 points
600-699 D
1000 points total
less than 600 F No Incompletes
12th Day Rolls: You must be on a class roll and paid for the class before the 12th class
day of the semester. No one can be added to a roll after the 12th day roll is printed.
Cell Phones & IPODS: Turn off all communication devices that make noise during
class. No Texting or Listening to Music during class. No doing other subjects
homework during class. No Laptops during lecture. You will lose Audience
Etiquette points if this policy is violated.
Course Objectives for Speech 1315 Public Speaking (Spring 2010+)
Course Goals
1: Effective oral and written communication, individual and in groups.
Effective oral and written communication by individual and in groups through
appropriate modes of expression demonstrating writing and speaking processes by
invention, organization, and presentation of ideas. Students will participate
effectively in groups with emphasis on listening and responding.
2: Analyze and interpret human experiences for understanding.
Analyze and interpret human experiences for understanding. To understand the
importance of specifying audience and purpose and to select appropriate
communication choices
3: Demonstrate skills in qualitative and quantitative problem solving.
Demonstrate skills in qualitative and quantitative problem solving. To understand
and apply basic principles of critical thinking, problem solving, reflective thinking,
and technical proficiency in the development of exposition and argument.
4: Use research tools and technology; documentation.
Use research tools and technology; documentation. To develop the ability to
research and to give a documented oral presentation.
Outcomes/Objectives (
Numbers inside parentheses show related goals.)
1: Knowledge of Communication Principles (G:1) Students will be able to
demonstrate reading knowledge of communication principles including, but not
limited to: identification of terms of the speech communication process, types of
speech purposes, the selection of a topic, recognize and use patterns of organization,
indentify the objectives of a speech introduction and conclusion, analyze the types of
visual support available for use in a speech. Measured by: embedded Test questions,
Presentation Rubrics
2: Application of Communication Process (G:1, 2, 3, 4)
The student will demonstrate satisfactory mastery of speech communication skills in
classroom presentations including but not limited to: identification of audience
analysis issues that impact presentation, constructing effective introductions and
conclusions, using appropriate patterns of organization, using effective methods of
vocal delivery in informative, persuasive and group settings and using visual
supportive material when appropriate. The oral presentations will also include
evidence of research through the use of internet, interviewing, and traditional
Measured by: Presentation Rubrics. Written projects.(outlines)
3: Problem Solving and Analysis skills (G:1, 2, 3, 4) Students will demonstrate
knowledge of analyzing a problem through critical thinking by working in groups
situations, creating outlines of the speech projects, and developing the individual
presentations from selection of topic, through research, developing the structure,
practice and presentation. Students will observe speakers and give critical analysis
of performance through qualitative or quantitative reports.
Measured by: Presentation Rubrics, Written projects
Dr. Laura Stafford
Spch.1315 Fall Agenda MW (LSCPA) R13th [rev.] 2009
(1315-05 at 12 to 1:15)
(Yes, We stay for the whole time and Test material is covered in class. It is your
responsibility to get material you miss from other students and turn in required
papers on the due dates listed below.) Doctor’s appointments are not excused
absences, make appointments outside of class time. Leaving class early for work is
not an excused absence.
Class Descriptions in the Agenda Calendar
Week 1
(Read Chapters 1 )
Aug. 23
Syllabus Overview
25 Communication Concepts – Lecture Packet Material Needed- Print
PDF online 1
Week 2
(Read Chapters 3)
Listening Unit
Must bring $4 for mini disc to class
dyadic interviews / prep. S-1 outline [ assign listening reports #7
assign self-critique for S-1 #10 —Online voice lecture]
Week 3
(Read Chapters 13 )
Off –Labor Day
S-1 Special Occasion( 1-2min.) All Typed Outlines Due, or 5 pts. off!
Week 4
(Read Chapters 4 & 6)
13 Topic selection / Com. Modes /General Purpose
Specific Purpose / Audience Analysis /Self-critique(S-1) Due! (Topic
Choice Due S-2)
Week 5
* 20
* 22
(Read Chapters 5 & 7)
Support Material / Motivated Sequence (outline info.)
Beginning & Endings / Panel instructions
Week 6
(Read Chapters 9) Group Analysis charts before class)
Group Meeting Day / (must be here for 50pts. of project)/ Listening
Report #1 Due!
Use of Visual Support
Week 7
(Read Chapter 10 &14)
Oct.4 (Last day Drop no Grade)
speaker note cards / critique sheet (Walk thru symposium format)
S-2 Group ( 3-4 min. indiv.-total 15-20 min.), Required 1 type of visual
All Typed Outlines , Group Analysis, Due TODAY or 10pts off!
Week 8
(Read Chapter 2)
S-2 cont.
Organizational Patterns / Language
Week 9
(Read Chapter 8)
Delivery Terms / Factors of Attention (focus)
Midterm Exam (over Lecture notes) Bonus from Textbook-- No Show-No Points! *
Week 10 (Read Chapter 11)
Motivational Appeals
Visualization Step / Listening Report #2 Due!
Week 11
(Read Chapters 12)
Nov. 1
S-3 outline prep / Make copies of the articles used and type the
Bibliography using MLA style; bring to class / assign self-critique for S-3/ Final
Exam Review sheet
 3
S-3 Persuasion with Visual option ( 4-5 min.) DVD disc,
All Typed Outlines Due TODAY or 10pts off!
Week 12
Nov. 9
(last day to drop with grade)
S-3cont. /
Homework -- Listen to: Ethos, Logos, Pathos: The Pathways to persuade p. 58-59
Online lecture # 29, 29.1, 29.2 – before next class!
10 Ways to Refute (74) / S-4 Outline / Action Step / Self-critique #2 Due!
Week 13
Need Step Development Lec / S-4 sample outlines
Practice Peer Review
Week 14
22 S -4 Speech to Actuate ( 5-7 min.) All Typed Outlines Due TODAY or
10pts. off! (bring action step item that the audience will pick up if motivated)
S S-4 cont.
Week 15
S S-4 cont. (Protect your grade – Perform Today!)
Dec. 2
S-4 cont. (Last day to perform S-4)
Week 16
Peer Group Study for final
(S-5) Grade subtotals
Finals follow exam schedule. Dec. 13 at 1:00pm Pac 130
Attendance is worth 70 pts. (3pts per day) – Audience Etiquette – disrupting a
speaker can lose your points and it can go into the negative numbers!!!!
All speakers must be ready to perform on the First Day of the assigned round and
turn in typed outline or lose points!!!!
If you are absent the day an outline is due, send it to campus as an attachment that
day or with someone else, or lose points!!!
Turn off cell phones PLEASE!!!!
Supplies: $4 Rental of 1 DVD Mini Recording Disc for each student, 2 Scantron
Forms #882, & the lecture packet: A Working Guide to Communication Success, 9th
A. Bring the lecture packet to class every meeting with a highlighting pen, a regular
pen, and paper for extra notes.