SELF-CRITIQUE ASSIGNMENT (5%) Reflect on your performance as a speaker and write a report on the strengths and weaknesses of your final presentation. FORMAT REQUIREMENTS: 1,5-2 pages Typed Double spaced Essay form (not a list of comments or answers) WHAT TO DO: Finish your final presentation Reflect on your performance Rate the effectiveness of your presentation and your delivery on Self-critique Forms (can be found in Appendix 7 and on the MLD website) Write your report answering the following questions honestly Attach the Self-critique Form to the report and hand in both. WHAT TO WRITE ABOUT: Provide an overall assessment of your presentation: How would you rate the effectiveness of your speech? Were you satisfied with your performance? Comment on your preparation: Did you practice thoroughly? Is there a difference between this speech and the previous ones in terms of your preparation? Be specific. Comment on the content: Do you feel that you provided your audience with information that they did not know prior to your presentation? Describe one thing that you did well in this presentation. Describe one thing that you would change in this presentation. Compare: What difference do you see between this presentation and the previous ones? Write at least 3 specific differences. Comment on the overall experience: How do you think you have benefited from the overall experience of presenting since the beginning of the course? HAVE A NICE HOLIDAY!