Polish Contribution to the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid WLCG M. Witek On behalf of the team of Polish distributed Tier-2 Outline • Introduction • History and status of Polish Tier-2 Federation • Examples of physics results from LHC experiments CERN - European Organisation for Nuclear Reseach LHC – Large Hadron Collider LHCb CMS Atlas Alice Polish WLCG Tier-2 team • Polish WLCG Tier-2 team – A. Binczewski3, M. Bluj5, A. Cyz2, M. Dwużnik1, M. Filocha4, L. Flis1, R. Gokieli4,5, J.Iwaszkiewicz4, M. Kowalski2, P. Lasoń1, R. Lichwała3, M. Łopuszyński4, M. Magryś1, P. Malecki2, N. Meyer3, K. Nawrocki4,5, A. Olszewski2, A. Oziębło1, A. Padee4,5, H. Pałka2, M. Pospieszny3, M.Radecki1, R. Rowicki4, D. Stojda6,4, M. Stolarek4, T. Szepieniec1, T. Szymocha1,2, M.Turała1,2, K.Wawrzyniak4,5, W.Wiślicki4,5, M.Witek2, P.Wolniewicz3 • Institutions – – – – – – 1 AGH University of Science and technology, ACC Cyfronet AGH, Krakow Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, IFJ PAN, Krakow 3 Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center, PSNC, Poznan 4 Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, ICM, Warsaw 5 Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies, IPJ, Warsaw 6Copernicus Science Centre, CSC, Warsaw, Poland 2 More details will be available in the article of PL-Grid Book 2 Eksperiment requirements • Example of on-line conditions – ~108 electronic channels to read at 40 MHz – 1 PB/sec of raw info from the detector – ~few TB/sec of zero suppressed data ( channels with signal only) • Multi-level trigger system – Reduction factor 106-107 – Output rate > 100 MB/sec • 107 sec/year ~few PB of raw data per experiment WLCG 3 (Pre)History • MONARC (Models of Networked Analysis at Regional Centres for LHC Experiments) – Simulate data processing (a kind of Monte Carlo model): • a complex set of networked computing systems (CERN, Tier-1 and Tier-2 regional centres) • the analysis process, composed of a dynamic workload of reconstruction and analysis • the behaviour of key elements of the system, such as distributed database servers and the networks One of the problems @ 2000: data sharing difficult due to the prohibitively high cost of networking Even more pronounced in Poland at that time !!! Summary: CERN-LCB-2000-001 4 From 2000 to 2011 • 2000: DataGrid 2000 – HEP oriented EU project • 2000: CERN-Poland meeting (initiated by M. Turala & P. Malecki) • 2002: CrossGrid first Polish EU project with HEP task. • 2002: start of LCG (LHC Computing Grid) • 2003: First LCG testbed of 14 sites (Cyfronet participation) • 2004-2010: EGEE, EGEE II, EGEE III • 2003-2008: Participation in Data Challenges • 2005-2010: BalticGrid, BalticGrid II • 2007: Poland signs MoU for WLCG • 2009: start of PL-Grid project (WLCG infrastructure) • 2009-2011: LHC start. Smooth running of Polish WLCG sites. 5 Polish participation in networking and grid projects Polish part of WLCG emerged out of many different projects. Some of them not directly related to HEP. Nevertheless they provided infrastructure and common tools. PIONIER, CrossGrid, EGEE and PL-Grid were essential for the development of Polish WLCG infrastructure. 6 Polish infrastructure in WLCG GDAŃSK KOSZALIN OLSZTYN Tier1 FZK Karlsruhe GÉANT 10+10 Gb/s SZCZECIN TORUŃ BYDGOSZCZ BASNET 34 Mb/s BIAŁYSTOK Gorzów Tier2 PCSS Poznań POZNAŃ ZIELONA GÓRA HEP VLAN 1 Gb/s Tier2WARSZAWA ICM Warszawa ŁÓDŹ WROCŁAW HEP PIONIER’S FIBERS 2 x 10 Gb/s VLAN 1 Gb/s RADOM CZĘSTOCHOWA KIELCE OPOLE KATOWICE 10 Gb/s (1 lambda) CBDF 10 Gb/s Tier2 ACK Cyfronet KRAKÓW Kraków Bielsko-Biała PUŁAWY LUBLIN RZESZÓW 1 Gb/s CESNET, SANET MAN 7 Pionier – Polish Optical Internet • Nationwide broadband optical network represents a base for research and development – Europe's first national academic network that uses its own dark fiber optics and DWDM 10GE transmission – Connects 21 Academic Network Centers of Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN) and 5 of the HPC (High Performance Computing) centers. • Cross-border links with: Germany (DFN), Czech Republic (CESNET), Slovakia (SANET), Ukraine (UARNET), Byelorus, Lithuania Started in 2000, 5917,5 km of fibres cables @ 2010 Data sharing problem due to networking limits indicated by MONARC solved ! 8 Towards physics results - that is what WLCG was built for Successful LHC restart in 2009 Excellent performance of the LHC and the experiments 3.5*1014 collisions delivered in 2011 Every experiment (ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, LHCb) has its own computing model. All based on multi-tier structure The RAW data reside in Tier-0 and Tier-1. The final physics result is an effect of many processing steps. Some steps have to be repeated when better detector calibration and alignment appear. Polish distributed Tier-2 Kraków-Poznań-Warszawa The role of Tier-2 sites: Monte Carlo production Analysis centre (larger sites) Limited reprocessing activity 9 LHCb computing model – DIRAC role 10 Polish WLCG resources Atlas LHCb Atlas LHCb ACK Cyfronet AGH – Tier2 WLCG pledges Alice CMS Poznan PSNC – Tier2 Warsaw ICM – Tier2 Polish Tier-2 Federation 2010 2011 2012 CPU (HS06) 10540 13050 15800 Disk (TB) 599 810 1020 July 2011 Relia bility Tier-3 at IFJ PAN Availa bility Polish sites provide about 2% of the total computing power in proportion to the engagement of Polish scientists in the LHC experiments. Most of the resources comes from PL-Grid infrastructure 11 Poland in LCG accounting Atlas LHCb CMS 1.6 % Delivered by Poland Tier-1/2 3.9% delivered by Poland 2% delivered by Poland Performance of Polish Tier-2 (From WLCG Accounting) Month 2011 May June July Aug Sept Usage as % of pledge 165% 266% 299% 173% 229% Highlight from LHCb Increase over 100% mainly due to Cyfronet additional resources At present 69 Tier-2 federations in 33 countries. The size of Polish Tier-2 is in top 20. A week with 9 % contribution of Cyfronet to the LHCb reprocessing of 2011 data. Congratulations for the site performance from the LHCb computing team. 12 The Standard Model – Particles and Forces Bulding blocks of our Universe 13 ATLAS and CMS – direct discovery potential • Find the last undiscovered element of the Standard Model – The Higgs bozon • Direct discovery of New Physics – Supersymmetric particles or any object/phenomena beyond Standard Model we even did not think about yet ATLAS The Higgs boson search CMS 14 LHCb – LHC beauty experiment • Hunting the signs of new physics by precision measurements 0 (bs) Bs meson contains two quarks which are not present in the world around us: b beauty and s strange Bs0→μ+μ- Standard Model Extremely rare decay 3 out of 109 decays Supersymmery New phenomena can significantly increase the decay rate 2 decays observed – 1.4 expected 2 events selected out of recorded 1010 WLCG 2 events selected out of 3.5*1014 initial collisions No sign of New Physics yet 15 Summary • Polish physicists and computer scientists created distributed WLCG Tier2, which availability and efficiency is high; the delivered resources are in the range 2-3 % of the total. • The performance of the WLCG matches high requirements of the data processing of LHC experiments. • Lots of highest quality physics results are being shown recently. Much more are on the way, hopefully showing New Physics. Acknowledgments We would like to thank all people for their contribution to the successful creation and operation of Polish Tier-2 Federation. In particular the management and staff of the three computing centres, ACC Cyfronet AGH in Krakow, ICM UW in Warsaw and PSNC in Poznan for their constructive cooperation. A supportive approach of the directorates of IFJ PAN Krakow and IPJ Warsaw is also appreciated. We are also grateful to many people from CERN, the FZK Karlsruhe and other WLCG collaborating institutions for their friendly advice and support. 16