Date Printed: 3-11-12 Weekly Lesson Plan View (by Day)

Date Printed: 3-11-12
Weekly Lesson Plan View (by Day) - March 11, 2012 - March 17, 2012
Printed By: Lisa Cornwall
Monday, March 12, 2012
Anatomy & Physiology H
Cranial nerves (6.7, )
IN: Name the division of the nervous system that brings sensory information to the central nervous
system. Afferent
Lesson Format: Take notes and discuss the cranial nerves and their innerventions.
Assignment: Complete cranial nerve coloring; brain packet
OUT: The cell body of the neuron is called...? Soma
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Anatomy & Physiology H
Review for Quiz (6..1-6.12)
IN: The "fight or flight" division of the brain is called...? Sympathetic division.
Lesson Format: Study figure 8-16 in the book know for quiz;
Assignment: Complete all missing work; review for quiz
OUT: The layer of the meninges that is in direct contact with the surface of the brain is called
the___________. Pia Mater
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Anatomy & Physiology H
Quiz on Nervous System/ Begin Endocrine system (6.1-6.12) / (6.18)
IN: Clear desks and get out a pen or a pencil.
Lesson Format: Take quiz; begin Endocrine system vocab.
Assignment: Complete quiz and begibn endocrine vocabulary
OUT: How did you do on your test? why?
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Anatomy & Physiology H
Introduction to the endocrine system (6.18)
IN: Name the type of regulation in which the endocrine system deals with. Life processes, that
require long term cellular communication.
Lesson Format: Take notes on the functions of the endocrine system; Identify and list the location of
the major endocrine organs
Assignment: Complete vocabulary and list organs, locations, and functions.
OUT: Explain how the endocrine communicates with others in the body. It uses chemical
messengers called hormones to relay information and instructions between cells.
Friday, March 16, 2012
CCSD - HS Testing Windows
Alternative Science Assessment - Grade 12
Alternative Writing Assessment - Grade 12
Anatomy & Physiology H
Introduction to the endocrine system (6.18)
IN: Name the three hormone groups and the major hormones found in each group. Amino acid
derivatives: epinephrine, norepinephrine, the thyroid hormones, and melatonin. Peptide
Hormones: largest class of hormones, ADH( antiduretic hormone), oxytocin, growth hormone,
prolactin. Lipid derivatives: Made up of 2 classes 1) steriod hormones - insoluble in water,
cholesterol 2) Eicosanoids - prostaglandins
Lesson Format: Sub today complete in and out question;
Assignment: Complete endocrine system coloring and worksheet; finish up organs and functions
OUT: Please pick up the room and put your notebooks away. Have a good weekend!!
Homework: Endocrine worksheet will be corrected on Monday!!