CB Session 8 - todaysupdates

Consumer Learning
Consumer Learning
 Learning is the process by which individuals
acquire the purchase & consumption
knowledge & experience that they apply to
future related behavior.
Learning takes place if an individual behaves,
reacts or responds as a result of experience in a
manner different from the way the person
formerly behaved.
Elements of Learning
 Motivation- is the driving force that impels
individuals to action.
 If a consumer has motivation to learn something,
there is increased likelihood that learning will take
 Example Bicycle riding for fitness.
 Cues- are relatively small stimuli , not strong
enough to arouse consumers but have the potential
of providing direction to motivated activity.
Elements of Learning
 An advertisement for an exotic trip that
includes bike riding may serve as a cue for bike
Cues serve to direct consumer drives when they
are consistent with the consumer expectations.
Marketers must be careful to provide cues that
do not upset those expectations.
Elements of Learning
 Response- The way an individual reacts to a cue
or stimuli is the response leading to learning.
 The automobile producer that provides consistent
Positioning may not always succeed in
cues to consumers
stimulating a purchase.
 But if the maker has been able to form a
favorable image of the product in consumers
mind then it is likely that the consumer will
consider that make.
Elements of Learning
Reinforcement- increases the likelihood that a
specific response will occur in the future as the
result of particular cues.
If the consumer have positive experiences
about a product there is likelihood that the
repurchase will take place.
For example the cream to fight acne or
Behavioral learning theories
 There are two behavioral theories with great
relevance to marketing are
Classical Conditioning
Instrumental Conditioning
Classical Conditioning
Conditioning refers to a kind of automatic
response to something as a result of repeated
exposure to it.
For an example if a child gets excited every time
she/he thinks of going to McDonalds , the
reaction may be conditioned from many
pleasant visits to the restaurant.
Pavlovian model of Classical
stimulus- Meat Paste
Stimulus- Bell
stimulus- Bell
Conditioned Response
Strategic application of classical
 Repetition- The consumers have a tendency to
forget & one proven method of increasing
retention of learning is repetition.
Although the principle of repetition is well
established among advertisers, not everyone
agrees how much repetition is required.
The experts believe that three exposures to an
advertisement are needed.
Strategic application of classical
 The effectiveness of repetition is dependent on
the amount of competing advertising to which
the consumer is exposed.
The higher the level of competing ads, the
greater the likelihood that interference would
occur , causing consumers to forget previous
learning that resulted from repetition.
Strategic application of classical
 Stimulus Generalization- Learning depends not
only on repetition but also on ability of
individuals to generalize it.
The dog could learn to salivate not only to the
sound of bell but also to Copies
sometimes imitative me too products succeed
in the market place.
Strategic application of classical
 Consumers confuse them with the original
product they have seen advertised.
It also explains why the private label brands try
to make their packaging closely resemble the
national brand leaders.
Strategic application of classical
 Product Line form and Category extensionsThe principle of stimulus generalization is
adopted by marketers to product line, form &
category extensions.
In line extensions the marketers add related
products to an already established brand,
knowing the new products are more likely to be
adopted when they are associated with a known
& trusted brand name.
Strategic application of classical
 The Stimulus generalization is frequently used
in family branding by the marketers.
 Stimulus Discrimination- is the opposite of
stimulus generalization & results in the selection
of a specific stimulus from among similar
Stimulus discrimination is widely used in
positioning strategy of the companies.
Instrumental Conditioning
Instrumental Conditioning theory says that
learning occurs through a trial & error method.
In Instrumental conditioning the stimulus that
results in most satisfactory response is the one
that is learned.
For example the consumers are likely to
patronize only that store that carries clothing
that meets their needs.
Instrumental Conditioning
This theory says that the consumers learn
through the trial & error process in which some
purchase behavior results in more favorable
outcomes than other purchase behaviors.
Reinforcement of behavior
 Reinforcement is anything that increases the
strength of response & tends to induce the
repetition of behavior. Reinforcement can be
positive as well as negative.
 Positive reinforcement consists of events that
strengthen the likelihood of a specific response.
Using a shampoo that leaves the hair silky &
soft is likely to result in the repeat purchase of
the product.
Reinforcement of behavior
 Negative reinforcement is an unpleasant or
negative outcome that also serves to encourage
a specific behavior.
An ad that shows a model with wrinkled skin is
designed to encourage consumers to buy & use
the advertised cream.
Many insurance companies also use this theory
to propel the sale of their products.