Muscle Location and Action Orientation Part A Lower Limbs Use Websites, diagrams and illustrations to complete the following tables The best web site for this is (make sure you click through the blue highlights) The best web site for the illustrations is: Open both sites and work back and forth so that you have terminology and a visual Go to Muscular system and work through tutorials and view the tutorials in order to enhance your understanding Complete the charts and diagrams for each section presented. Complete the table Muscles Acting on the Upper Leg Anterior Muscle Name Location Origin Insertion Action Origin Insertion Action Sartorius Quadriceps Femoris Rectus Femoris Vastus Lateralis Vastus Medialis Vastus Intermedius Muscles Acting on the Upper Leg Posterior Muscle Name Location Semimembranosus Semitendinosus Biceps Femoris Muscles Acting on the Upper Leg Gluteal Region Muscle Name Location Origin Insertion Action Insertion Action Gluteus Maximus Gluteus Medius Gluteus Minimus Tensor Fasciae Latae Piriformis Obturator Internus Quadratus Femorus Gemellus Superior Gemellus inferior Muscles Acting on the Upper Leg Adductors Muscle Name Location Pectineus Adductor Brevis Adductor Longus Adductor Magnus Gracilis Origin Muscles Acting on the Lower Limb Muscle Name Location Origin Insertion Action Tibialis Anterior Tibialis Posterior Soleus Gastrocnemius Popliteus Plantaris Peroneus Tertius Peroneus Longus Peroneus Brevis Exercising Muscle and Action Identification For each exercise you observe complete the chart below. Be sure to pay attention to the exercise through full actions: ascending descending, pulling releasing, pushing loading etc. Exercise action Prime movers Joints involved in Type of Contraction Exercise Antagonists Joint Action (Muscles contracting and exercise movement of prime movers (Opposing causing movement Muscles) A. Descend from Quadriceps Hamstrings lower Hip(Ilio Femoral) Quadriceps eccentric 1.Squat Hip flexion standing Glutes end Knee(tibiofemoral) Glutes eccentric Knee flexion Hamstrings Upper end Hip Flexors Ankle(talocrural) Hamstrings eccentric Slight Dorsi Flexion . B Ascend from squat Quadriceps Glutes Hamstrings Upper end Hamstrings lower end Hip flexors Hip knee Hip extension Knee extension Slight Plantar Flexion Quads concentric Glutes concentric Hamstrings concentric Exercise Exercise action Prime movers (Muscles contracting and causing movement 5. Leg Press A B Calf Raise A B Leg curl A B Antagonists (Opposing Muscles) Joints involved in exercise movement Joint Action Type of Contraction of prime movers