• FTTN https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Core router History 1 This, along with newer technologies – such as DOCSIS 3, channel bonding, and VDSL2 (the latter of which can wring more than 100 Mbit/s out of plain, unshielded twisted-pair copper under normal conditions, out of a theoretical maximum of 250 Gbit/s at 0.0m from the VRAD) – and more sophisticated provisioning systems – such as FTTN (fiber [optic cable] to the node) and FTTP (fiber to the premises, either to the home or provisioned with Cat 5e cable) – can provide downstream speeds to the mass-market residential consumer in excess of 300 Mbit/s and upload speeds in excess of 100 Mbit/s with no specialized equipment or modification (Verizon FiOS highest tier). https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Digital subscriber line - Basic technology Because of this, phone companies endeavor to remove load coils on copper loops that can operate without them, and by conditioning other lines to avoid them through the use of fiber to the neighborhood or node (FTTN). 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Internet access - Fiber to the home Fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) is one member of the Fiber-to-the-x (FTTx) family that includes Fiber-to-thebuilding or basement (FTTB), Fiberto-the-premises (FTTP), Fiber-to-thedesk (FTTD), Fiber-to-the-curb (FTTC), and Fiber-to-the-node (FTTN) 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Fiber to the x 1 Fiber to the x (FTTX) is a generic term for any broadband network architecture using optical fiber to provide all or part of the local loop used for last mile telecommunications. The term is a generalization for several configurations of fiber deployment, ranging from FTTN (fiber to the neighborhood) to FTTD (fiber to the desktop). https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Fiber to the x - Definitions FTTN / FTTLA (fiber-to-the-node, neighborhood, or -last-amplifier): Fiber is terminated in a street cabinet, possibly miles away from the customer premises, with the final connections being copper. FTTN is often an interim step toward full FTTH and is typically used to deliver advanced triple-play telecommunications services. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Fiber to the x - Definitions 1 FTTC / FTTK (fiber-to-the-curb/kerb, closet, or -cabinet): This is very similar to FTTN, but the street cabinet or pole is closer to the user's premises, typically within 1,000 feet (300 m), within range for high-bandwidth copper technologies such as wired ethernet or IEEE 1901 power line networking and wireless WiFi technology. FTTC is occasionally ambiguously called FTTP (fiber-to-thepole), leading to confusion with the distinct fiber-to-the-premises system. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Fiber to the x - Definitions 1 To promote consistency, especially when comparing FTTH penetration rates between countries, the three FTTH Councils of Europe, North America, and Asia-Pacific agreed upon definitions for FTTH and FTTB in 2006, with an update in 2009 and another in 2011. The FTTH Councils do not have formal definitions for FTTC and FTTN. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Fiber to the x - Ethernet point-to-point 1 Point-to-point protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) is a common way of delivering triple- and quad-play (voice, video, data, and mobile) services over both fiber and hybrid fibercoaxial (HFC) networks. Active PPPoE uses dedicated fiber from an operator's central office all the way to the subscribers' homes, while hybrid networks (often FTTN) use it to transport data via fiber to an intermediate point to ensure sufficiently high throughput speeds over last mile copper connections. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Fiber to the x - Fiber to the node 1 Fiber to the node or neighborhood (FTTN), sometimes identified with and sometimes distinguished from fiber to the cabinet (FTTC), is a telecommunication architecture based on fiber-optic cables run to a cabinet serving a neighborhood https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Fiber to the x - Fiber to the node FTTN allows delivery of broadband services such as highspeed internet. Highspeed communications protocols such as broadband cable access (typically DOCSIS) or some form of digital subscriber line (DSL) are used between the cabinet and the customers. The data rates vary according to the exact protocol used and according to how close the customer is to the cabinet. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Fiber to the x - Fiber to the node Unlike FTTP, FTTN often uses existing coaxial or twisted-pair infrastructure to provide last mile service and is thus less costly to deploy. In the long term, however, its bandwidth potential is limited relative to implementations that bring the fiber still closer to the subscriber. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Fiber to the x - Fiber to the curb (also known as fiber to the cabinet) 1 FTTC is subtly distinct from FTTN or FTTP (all are versions of fiber in the loop). The main difference is the placement of the cabinet. FTTC will be placed near the "curb", which differs from FTTN placed far from the customer, and FTTP placed directly at the serving location. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Fiber to the x - Fiber to the curb (also known as fiber to the cabinet) 1 Future deployments will be based on either FTTN or FTTP https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Fiber to the x - FTTP FTTP and FTTN in the U.S.: AT&T provides FTTP and FFTN service through its U-verse service in 22 U.S. states. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Fiber to the x - FTTN or FTTC FTTN is currently used by a number of multiple-service operators to deliver advanced triple-play services to consumers, including AT&T in the United States for its U-Verse service, Deutsche Telekom in Germany, Swisscom, Belgacom in Belgium, and Canadian operators Telus and Bell Canada. It is seen as an interim step towards full FTTH and in many cases triple-play services delivered using this approach have been proven to grow subscriber numbers and ARPU considerably. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Fiber to the premises 1 'Fiber to the x' ('FTTX') is a generic term for any broadband network architecture using optical fiber to provide all or part of the local loop used for last mile telecommunications. The term is a generalization for several configurations of fiber deployment, ranging from FTTN (fiber to the neighborhood) to FTTD (fiber to the https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Fiber to the premises - Definitions *'FTTN / FTTLA' (fiber-to-the-node, neighborhood, or -last-amplifier): Fiber is terminated in a street cabinet, possibly miles away from the customer premises, with the final connections being copper. FTTN is often an interim step toward full FTTH and is typically used to deliver advanced triple play (telecommunications)|triple-play telecommunications services. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Fiber to the premises - Definitions *'FTTC / FTTK' (fiber-to-the-curb/kerb, closet, or -cabinet): This is very similar to FTTN, but the street cabinet or pole is closer to the user's premises, typically within , within range for high-bandwidth copper technologies such as wired ethernet or IEEE 1901 power line communication|power line networking and wireless Wi-Fi technology. FTTC is occasionally ambiguously called FTTP (fiber-to-the-pole), leading to confusion with the distinct fiber-to-the-premises system. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Fiber to the premises - Ethernet point-to-point 1 Active PPPoE uses dedicated fiber from an operator's telephone exchange|central office all the way to the subscribers' homes, while hybrid networks (often FTTN) use it to transport data via fiber to an intermediate point to ensure sufficiently high throughput speeds over last mile copper connections. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Fiber to the premises - Fiber to the node 1 Fiber to the node or neighborhood (FTTN), sometimes identified with and sometimes distinguished from fiber to the cabinet (FTTC),da Silva, Henrique (March, 2005), [http://www.co.it.pt/seminarios/webcasting/ itcbr_09_03_05.pdf Optical Access Networks], Instituto de Telecomunicações, 9 March 2005, slide 10 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Fiber to the premises - Fiber to the curb (also known as fiber to the cabinet) 1 Future deployments will be based on either FTTN or FTTP https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Fiber to the premises - FTTP 1 *'FTTP and FTTN in the U.S.': ATT provides FTTP and FFTN service through its U-verse service in 22 U.S. states. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Fiber to the premises - FTTN or FTTC 1 FTTN is currently used by a number of multiple-service operators to deliver advanced triple play (telecommunications)|triple-play services to consumers, including ATT in the United States for its U-Verse service, Deutsche Telekom in Germany, Swisscom, Belgacom in Belgium, and Canadian operators Telus and Bell Canada https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html National Broadband Network In opposition, the Coalition made clear it expected the technology mix could include Fibre-to-the-Node (FTTN) and Fibre-to-the-Building (FTTB) architectures, existing Hybrid Fibre Coaxial (HFC) networks and other privately operated fibre broadband infrastructure, along with the existing NBN Co technologies of Fibre-to-the-Premises (FTTP), satellite and Long Term Evolution (LTE) fixed wireless 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html National Broadband Network - Broadband Advisory Group 2003 In a report released on the Howard government’s Broadband Advisory Group (BAG) recommended the Federal Government work with other governments and industry stakeholders to form a national broadband network. A subsequent Australian Senate committees|Senate committee recommend the Federal Government replace the increasingly obsolete copper network with a new network based on Fiber to the x|fibre to the node (FTTN) or alternative technologies. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html National Broadband Network - Telstra Copper Upgrade proposal 2005 On Telstra, the owner of the national copper network, announced a plan to upgrade its ageing networks, including a rollout of a Fiber to the x|fibre to the node (FTTN) network 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html National Broadband Network - G9 Consortium 2007 Nine telecommunications companies—AAPT Limited|AAPT, Internode (ISP)|Internode, iiNet, Macquarie Telecom, Optus, PowerTel, Primus Telecommunications (Australia)|Primus, TPG Telecom|Soul and TransACT, formerly known as Terria (consortium)|G9—proposed its own FTTN network on , however, it was 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Fiber-optic communication - Last mile Their MSO competitors employ FTTN with coax using Hybrid fibrecoaxial|HFC 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Cincinnati Bell - Fiber optics In late 2008, Cincinnati Bell started offering a fiber-optic communications (Internet, telephone, and IPTV) service called 'FiOptics', similar to the Verizon FiOS|FiOS service offered by Verizon Communications. Cincinnati Bell is currently in the process of rolling out the new service to select communities in the Cincinnati area. FiOptics runs FTTH|fiber to the home, augmented by FTTN|fiber to the node. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Bell Sympatico - 2010s: Lower caps and faster speeds In its place, a Fibe 50/10 FTTN plan was made available for the first time 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Bell Sympatico - Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) 1 Fibe services can only be used where Fiber to the x|fibre-to-the-neighbourhood (FTTN) technology is deployed https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Bell Sympatico - Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) On May 8, 2012, Bell has simplified its FTTN DSL lineup to offer only three plans. The service offerings are as follows: 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Bell Sympatico - Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) 1 In regions where FTTN is unavailable, a plan called Bell Internet 5 is available. It is similar to the Fibe 5/1 plan, but uses traditional DSL instead of FTTN DSL. Upload speeds are limited to 800 kbit/s. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html G.992.5 - Canada * BCE Inc.|BCE inc. – [http://www.bell.ca Bell] Service, marketed as [http://fibe.bell.ca Fibe] is available in parts of Ontario and Quebec, though not all Fibe packages are ADSL2+. FTTN is often used by Bell for these services which is still reliant on copper wiring to customer premises. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Bell Fibe TV 'Bell Fibe TV' is an IPTV|IP-based television service offered by Bell Canada in Ontario and Quebec. It is bundled with a FTTN or FTTH Bell Internet service, and uses the Microsoft Mediaroom platform. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html U-Verse - Services 1 High-speed digital subscriber lines with ADSL2+ or Very-high-bitrate digital subscriber line|VDSL technology connect from FTTN nodes to the customers' premises https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html U-Verse - Line equipment 1 The 7330 ISAM is an IP-DSLAM|internet protocol DSL access multiplexer that supports VDSL and ADSL protocols.[ http://www.alcatellucent.com/wps/portal/!ut/p/kcxml/04_Sj9SPykssy0xPL MnMz0vM0Y_QjzKLd4w3dnTRL8h2VAQADYR9IA!!?L MSG_CABINET=Solution_Product_CatalogLMSG_CO NTENT_FILE=Products/Product_Detail_000413.xmlL MSG_PARENT=Product_Families/Product_Family_00 0130.xml Alcatel-Lucent 7330 ISAM FTTN ANSI] FTTP (fiber to the premises) systems use model 7340, which is mostly used in areas such as new neighborhoods or large-scale developments where fiber can be run to the household, removing the distance limitations of copper https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Fiber to the premises by country - Serbia 1 In Kosovo, FTTN (N=Neighborhood) has been deployed by Telecom Kosovo since 2000 in selected areas of Priština, Peć, Prizren, Kosovska Mitrovica, Uroševac, Gjilane and other cities in Kosovo and Metohija. More than 800km connects 50 locations in MASH topology, in 2010 Telecom Kosovo introduced Triple-Play for its costumers. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Fiber in the loop 1 FITL can be implemented with any FTTx architecture, such as fiber to the cabinet (FTTC), fiber to the node (FTTN), and fiber to the premises (FTTP). https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Video-ready access device - ATT VRADs There are 2 types of VRAD systems currently used by ATT: Fiber to the x|FTTN (fiber to the node), and FTTP (fiber to the premises). 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Video-ready access device - ATT VRADs The 7330 ISAM is an IP-DSLAM|internet protocol DSL access multiplexer that supports VDSL and ADSL protocols.[ http://www.alcatellucent.com/wps/portal/!ut/p/kcxml/04_Sj9SPy kssy0xPLMnMz0vM0Y_QjzKLd4w3dnTRL8h 2VAQADYR9IA!!?LMSG_CABINET=Solution _Product_CatalogLMSG_CONTENT_FILE=P roducts/Product_Detail_000413.xmlLMSG_P ARENT=Product_Families/Product_Family_0 00130.xml Alcatel-Lucent 7330 ISAM FTTN ANSI] 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Video-ready access device - Other VRADs 1 Bell Canada's Bell Fibe TV and Telus's Optik TV also use VRADs in their networks. Bell Canada uses the Alcatel-Lucent 7330 and Ikanos Communications IKNS ISAMs, and provides Internet service via either FTTN to 50 Mbit/s, or FTTH (fibre to the home) to 175 Mbit/s.[ http://www.bell.ca/Bell_Internet/Inte rnet_access Bell Internet Packages] https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Video-ready access device - Other VRADs Claro Puerto Rico is currently deploying VRADs to offer their IPTV and VDSL Internet service up to 50Mbit/s. There are 2 types of VRAD systems currently used by Claro: Fiber to the x|FTTN (fiber to the node), and FTTP (fiber to the premises). It is unknown the equipment they are using. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html DSL - Basic technology Because of this, phone companies endeavor to remove load coils on copper loops that can operate without them, and by conditioning other lines to avoid them through the use of fiber to the neighborhood or node (FTTN). 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html CommScope 1 CommScope manufactures SYSTIMAX and Uniprise brands of Enterprise infrastructure of copper Unshielded Twisted Pair cabling, connector panels, jacks and fiber optic cabling, connector panels, racking and metals. CommScope also manufactures environmentally secure cabinets for FTTN and DSL applications. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Internet in the United Kingdom - Unbundled local loop Exchanges continue to be upgraded, subject to demand, across the country, although at a somewhat slower pace since BT's commencement of FTTC#FTTN or FTTC|FTTC rollout plans and nearsaturation in key geographical areas 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Internet in Germany - DSL Starting in 2013, all newly deployed Deutsche Telekom VDSL2 FTTN|nodes support G.vector technology. Beginning in August 2014, vectored VDSL2 service with data rates of up to 100 Mbit/s downlink and 40 Mbit/s uplink is available from Deutsche Telekom. Deutsche Telekom is planning to introduce 500 Mbit/s service using G.fast in 2015 at the 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Internet usage - Fiber to the home 1 Fiber to the x |Fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) is one member of the Fiber-to-the-x (FTTx) family that includes Fiber-to-the-building or basement (FTTB), Fiber-to-the-premises (FTTP), Fiber-to-the-desk (FTTD), Fiberto-the-curb (FTTC), and Fiber-to-the-node (FTTN) https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Virgin Media - Virgin Broadband 1 Virgin Broadband in cabled areas is marketed as fibre optic broadband. It is a Fiber to the x#Fiber to the node|FTTN network, where fibre optic trunk lines are used to connect the area's Cable television headend|headend to cabinets on the street. It is not a FTTH|fibre to the home service like Verizon FiOS; instead, the link between the cabinet and the customer uses DOCSIS|DOCSIS 3.0 over coaxial https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Fibre to the premises - Definitions 1 *'FTTdp' (Fibre To The Distribution Point) This is very similar to FTTC / FTTN but is onestep close again moving the end of the fibre to within meters of the boundary of the customers premises in last junction possible junction box know as the 'distribution point' this allows for near-gigabit speedshttp://www.techrepublic.com/blog/euro pean-technology/could-ultrafast-broadbandover-copper-speed-the-rollout-of-gigabitinternet/?tag=nl.e101s_cid=e101ttag=e101fta g=TRE684d531 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Fibre to the premises - Fiber to the curb/cabinet 1 Future deployments will be based on either FTTN or FTTP https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Fibre to the premises - FTTP 1 *'FTTP in the U.S.': Verizon provides FTTP and FTTN service through its FiOS service . https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html ITU G.992.5 - Canada 1 * Vodalink (vodalink.com) now also started to provide ADSL2+ Service in Quebec and Ontario mostly using FTTN that is still just as fast and reliable. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Fiber optic transmission system - Last mile 1 Also in the US, Wilson Utilities located in Wilson, North Carolina, have implemented FTTH and have successfully achieved 1 gigabit fiber to the home. This was implemented in late 2013. Wilson Utilities first rolled out their FTTN (Fiber to the Home) in 2012 with speeds offerings of 20/40/60/100 megabits per second. Their service is referred to as GreenLight. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html G.fast - Deployment scenarios The term FTTdp (fiber to the distribution point) is commonly associated with G.fast, similar to how FTTN is associated with VDSL2 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Chorus Limited - Copper 1 Chorus has implemented a FTTN#Fiber to the node|fibre-to-the-node (also known as Serving area interface|cabinetisation) project to bring the Multi-service access node|equipment closer to the user, so 91% of the lines are able to access an ADSL2+ connection of 10Mbit/s or more. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Frontier Communications - Frontier U-verse 1 [http://www.fiercetelecom.com/story /frontiers-next-gen-fttn-plan-willleverage-atts-u-versetechnology/2012-04-09 Frontier's nextgen FTTN plan will leverage ATT's Uverse technology] FierceTelecom https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html NBNCo - Ownership and funding 1 This has resulted in the implementation of both FTTN (Fibre to the node) technology in metropolitan areas, and LTE Fixed wireless technology in regional areas. https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html TekSavvy - Digital subscriber line (DSL) Internet On March 20, 2013, TekSavvy added a 50 Mbit/s tier, the fastest FTTN tier that Bell started offering a month earlier. TekSavvy offers the same FTTN DSL speeds available from Bell. The only exceptions are that for the slowest plans, 6 Mbit/s regular DSL and 7 Mbit/s FTTN DSL is sold by TekSavvy instead of Bell's 5 Mbit/s plans. All plans offer a choice between 300 GB or unlimited Internet access, while the 6 and 7 Mbit/s plans offer a lower-priced 75 GB option. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Broadband internet - Fiber to the home 1 Fiber to the x|Fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) is one member of the Fiber-to-the-x (FTTx) family that includes Fiber-to-the-building or basement (FTTB), Fiber-to-the-premises (FTTP), Fiber-to-the-desk (FTTD), Fiberto-the-curb (FTTC), and Fiber-to-the-node (FTTN) https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html Hermann Lotze - Works in English 1 **Part 4. Outlines of Psychology (1886). [http://books.google.com/books?id=BCbH OFTtN1kC Google (UMich)] [https://archive.org/details/outlinesofpsych o00lotzuoft IA (UToronto)] https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html For More Information, Visit: • https://store.theartofservice.co m/itil-2011-foundationcomplete-certification-kitfourth-edition-study-guideebook-and-online-course.html The Art of Service https://store.theartofservice.com