Prometheus Handout

Date____________________ Pd________
After reading the story, answer the following questions using COMPLETE SENTENCES:
1. Using the footnote at the bottom of page 17, explain what a Titan is.
2. Who created the human race and how did he do it?
3. How did Zeus treat the humans?
4. What did Prometheus ask Zeus to do and what was Zeus’ reply?
5. What are Prometheus’ arguments for why humans should have fire?
6. What are Zeus’ arguments for why humans should not have fire?
7. How did Prometheus trick Zeus when they were deciding which animal parts should be sacrificed to the gods?
8. How did Prometheus give fire to humans?
9. What was Hephaestus’ great skill? What had he created with it in the past?
10. How did Zeus punish Prometheus for defying the gods? What did Hephaustus have to do with it and how did he
feel about his role?
11. On the back of this paper, draw a COLORED picture relating to the story in some way. It could be a scene, a
character, an object…even a “Wanted” poster with Prometheus as the fugitive. Be creative and neat!
12. On a separate sheet of lined or computer paper, for 10 of the 20 Prometheus vocab words write an original
sentence, copy the sentence using each word from the story, or draw an illustration representing the meaning of
each word. You can mix it up-you don’t have to do the same thing for all 10 words. Staple your paper to this sheet.