For your Works Cited page: If you used materials from the class

For your Works Cited page:
If you used materials from the class packets, the basic citation info is included below. You simply need to
input the ARTICLE TITLE (use the headings from the packet) and the source information (i.e. the web
address, publisher etc) as well as an author (if there is one) into
Idiot’s Guide:
Title: The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Philosophy
Author: Jay Stevenson, PhD
Publisher: Alpha Books 2002
City of Publication: New York, New York
Creation Packet: Information condensed from Publisher:
Innovations Learning. No information on publication date or updating.
There were eight articles included in this packet; each needs to be cited SEPARATELY. Use the
headings (i.e. Christian, Humanist, etc) as the article titles.
For your parenthetical citations: Use the first word of you Works Cited entry. No page number
Afterlife Packet: Information condensed from Publisher: Religion Facts.
There were five articles included in this packet; each needs to be cited SEPARATELY. Use the
headings (i.e. Christian, Muslim, etc) as the article titles. If you cite from two different
religions/traditions, then you need to include Religion Facts on your Works Cited page twice.
Just change the article title and the website update/ publication date. If you cite from three,
include it three times, etc. Relevant dates for each site are included below.
For your parenthetical citations: Use the first word of you Works Cited entry. No page number
Chinese: updated 3/25/05
Christianity: updated 2/25/13
Judaism: updated 10/16/06
Islam: updated 2/4/07
Hindu: updated 7/3/07
Stephen Hawking article:
Author: Ian Sample
Article Title: Stephen Hawking: ‘There is No Heaven; It’s a Fairy Story’
Originally published in The Guardian on Sunday May 15, 2011
Nature/Nurture Packets
All of the articles in the packet have the source information on them. Access the packet on the my
website for details.
Citing The Bible, The Torah, or the Qu’ran
Parenthetical References
•In parethetical references, use titles of the books of the sacred text. A period separates chapter and
Example: (2 Cor. 5.17)
• The first time you refer to a particular version of the sacred text, include the names of the version,
followed by a comma.
Example: (New International Version, Gen. 3.15)
•You do not need to identify the version in subsequent references unless you switch to a different
In your Works Cited, include the title of the sacred text, the version, and the publication information.
Here are some examples for citing print and online editions of the Bible:
Example: Zondervan NIV Study Bible. Fully rev. ed. Kenneth L. Barker, gen. ed.
Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2002. Print
Example: The English Standard Version Bible: Containing the Old and
New Testaments with Apocrypha. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2009. Print.
Example: New International Version. [Colorado Springs]: Biblica, 2011. Web. 3 Mar. 2011.